All pages
- 1.3 year Full time Postdoctoral Research Assistantship in Leicester UK, Dec 2024-April 2026
- 10th Anniversary CA Day Conversation Rules
- 10th EMCA Doctoral Network event in the UK 2018
- 10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference 3rd Call for Papers Leibnitz Institute 2023
- 10th annual meeting of The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI) 2022
- 11 PhDs and a Postdoc in Stockholm
- 12ICOM Groningen 2025
- 12 Month lectureship at Keele University 2019
- 12th Annual Meeting of The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI) 18-19 October 2024
- 12th EMCA Doctoral Meeting (in-person event - Loughborough, UK)
- 13th EMCA Doctoral Networking Meeting 2023
- 14th EMCA Doctoral Network Meeting, 2-3 September 2024, Sheffield UK
- 15th International Pragmatics Conference 2017
- 16th International Pragmatics Conference 2019
- 17th International IPrA Conference 2021
- 17th International Pragmatics Conference 2021
- 18th International Pragmatics Conference 2023
- 18th June 2019 - John Heritage on "Talk Matters" at York University
- 1 EMCA-friendly SNF Postdoc Position Language Science at the University of Neuchâtel 2019
- 1 Post-Doc Teaching Fellow at NUS
- 1 post doc position at the University of Milan 2018
- 2-year CA Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in Brisbane, Australia 2019
- 2016-24-05-An Introduction to Conversation Analysis
- 2016 Job in Sociology dpt. at UCSB in Conversation Analysis
- 2016 Post-doctoral CA researcher at Loughborough University -
- 2017 CA PhD Position in SouthEast Norway
- 2017 Summer Institute for Advanced Conversation Analysis
- 2017 York St John University Lecturer in Psychology
- 2018-2019 Ethnométhodologie à plusieurs : lectures, lectures critiques et terrains
- 2019-8-Postdocs in Forensic Linguistics-Aston University
- 2019-Lecturer in Forensic Linguistics-Aston University
- 2019-Postdoc at ANU
- 2019 4 PhD fellowships in interactional linguistics/conversation analysis offered at the University of Basel (Switzerland) and at KU Leuven (Belgium)
- 2019 Keele University Health Psych Job
- 2020 ESRC DTP Collaborative Studentship: How do people with dementia and their carers use Alexa-type devices in the home? An interactional study
- 20211 CALSC York talk by Professor Chase Raymond
- 2021 City University of London Research Fellow
- 2021 RUCAL call for questions for EMCA scholars
- 2022 Advancing Multimodal Conversation Analysis” Summer School
- 2023 Call for submissions for special issue: The role of companions in institutional interaction
- 2023 NCRM Annual Lecture: Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
- 2023 Start- PhD Opportunity - University of Oxford- Communication about weight in pregnancy
- 20th Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung 2017
- 21st Conference on Conversation and Discourse Analysis: Comparative research on talk-in-interaction 21-23 March 2018 Mannheim
- 22nd Conference on Discourse and Conversation Analysis: “Meaning in Interaction” 2021
- 24 Month Postdoc in CA/IL from October, 1st 2021 in Lyon (France)
- 2 Day Course: Transcribing Multimodal Interaction - Preparing and Transcribing Video Data given by Dr. Jacob Davidsen and Dr. Paul McIlvenny 20 Dec 2021 - 21 December 2021
- 2 EMCA-friendly SNF PhD Positions in Law/Sociology at the University of Neuchâtel 2019
- 2 PhD positions at Radboud University Nijmegen
- 2 PhD positions in (German) Linguistics/Research on Social Interaction at the University of Lausanne
- 2 PhD positions in the intersensoriality project at University of Basel
- 2nd Conversation as a tool for professional practice-symposium 2017
- 2yr Postdoctoral Associate at SUNY Buffalo
- 3 PhD and 1 post-doc position in a comparative CA project at IDS Mannheim
- 3 PhDs in Multimodal CA
- 3rd Resistance Day 2018
- 4 PhD fellowships in interactional linguistics/conversation analysis offered at the University of Basel (Switzerland) and at KU Leuven (Belgium)
- 4 th International, Interdisciplinary Symposium: Microanalysis Of Online Data (MOOD-S)
- 4 year Ph.D scholarship in Information, Interaction and Interpretation in Museums and Galleries, Kings College London 2019
- 4th. Copenhagen Multimodality Day 2018
- 4th Conference of The Schutz Circle 2018
- 4th Resistance day 2019
- 5-year EMCA postdoc at Loughborough, UK 2022-2027
- 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2018
- 5th Resistance Day 2019
- 5th annual CASLC celebratory talk
- 6 PhD Positions at Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2022
- 8th EMCA Doctoral Network workshop Newcastle September 2017
- 9th Joint Action Meeting (JAM 9) Budapest, Hungary, July 10-12, 2023
- AAA 2020
- ABurns2008
- ACI2021
- AIEMCA2016
- AIEMCA conference 2018 Macao
- AI at Work: A Hybrid Study of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research
- AI in the wild 2020 workshop
- AMCA 21 June 2022 Jeffrey Robinson Keynote via Zoom
- AMCA 21 June 2022 John Heritage Keynote via Zoom
- AMCA 23. June 2022 Anita Pomerantz Keynote via Zoom
- AMCA 23. June 2022 Aug Nishizaka Keynote via Zoom
- APA distinguished paper award 2022
- ASA 2021
- ASA EMCA 2019
- ASA EMCA talk Steven Clayman: Question Design as a Window into Social Institutions
- ATravers1994
- AWIA symposium 2016
- A Video Turn in Linguistics?
- A new Swedish EMCA textbook: Multimodal Interaktionsanalys 2020
- Aaltonen2010
- Aaltonen2011
- Aaltonen2014
- Aarsand-Nelander2016
- Aarsand2009
- Aarsand2019a
- Aarsand2021
- Abbas2020
- Abdallah2008
- Abe2020
- Abell1999
- AbellStokoeandBillig2000
- AbellandStokoe2001
- Aberg2023
- Abhakorn2017
- Ablitt2019
- Abraham2015
- Abrahamson-etal2018
- Abrams2014
- Abrupt-join
- AbuAyah2018
- AbuElrob2019
- Accounts
- Acklin2007
- Action Sequencing Workshop at York 2016
- Activity
- Adami2024
- Adato1979
- Adato1980
- Adding announcement entries
- Adding bibliography entries
- Adkins2009
- Advanced Critical Praxeological Analysis: Designing a Project and Writing a Paper (online)
- Advanced Topics in Conversation Analysis 2016
- Advanced level CA/DP Workshops at Loughborough, February - March 2015.
- Advice
- Affect
- Affective stance
- Affiliation
- Afzali2020
- Agreement
- Aguinaldo2019
- Ahlund2015
- Aiarzaguena-et-al2013
- Ajslev-etal2020
- Akers-Porrini1997
- Akers-Porrini1997a
- Akers-Porrini2000
- Akiba1995b
- Akiba2004
- Akiya2024
- Aksu2014
- Al-Gahtani-Roever2018
- Al-Gahtani2017
- Al-Harahsheh2015
- AlGahtani2014
- AlWossabi2016
- Alac2004
- Alac2004a
- Alac2005
- Alac2008
- Alac2009
- Alac2011
- Alac2011a
- Alac2014
- Alac2016
- Alac2016a
- Alac2020
- Alac2020a
- Alac2020b
- Alasuutari2023
- Alavi-etal2016
- Albert-Raymond2019
- Albert-deRuiter2018
- Albert1982
- Albert2015
- Albert2018
- Albert2018b
- Albert2019
- Albert2019b
- Albert2023
- Albert2023a
- Albert2024
- Albury-etal2018
- Albury-etal2019
- Albury2020
- Albury2021
- Albury2023
- Albury2023a
- Alby2006
- Alby2007
- Alby2008
- Alby2009
- Alby2014
- Alby2015
- Albyetal2016
- Alder2016
- Aleksius-Ali2018
- Alexander-Stokoe2019
- Alexander-etal2019
- Alexander2020
- Alexander2024
- Alfahad2015
- Alfahad2016
- Alieva2006
- Alieva2009
- Alijani-Barjesteh2018
- Alijevova1976
- Alijevova1982
- Alijevova1989
- Alkhazraji2018
- Allen-Collinson2006
- Allen-Collinson2007
- Allen-Collinson2009
- Allen-Collinson2011
- Allen-Collinson2021
- Allen2004
- AllistoneandWooffitt2007
- Allusion
- Allwood-etal2017
- Alt.HRI Call for Papers 2021
- Alvanoudi2015
- Alvanoudi2018
- Alvanoudi2019
- Alvanoudi2020
- Amar2022
- Amar2022a
- Amar2024
- American Sociological Association EMCA Regular and Section sessions 2017
- Amerine1988
- Ames2012
- Ames2015
- Ames2018
- Amiel2010
- Amir2013
- Amir2014
- Amir2015
- Amundrud2011
- An introduction to Membership Categorisation Analysis 25-26 May 2023
- An introduction to Membership Categorisation Analysis 29-30 Nov 2023
- Analyzing Race/ism in Interaction: A workshop for Emerging Scholars Virtual Workshop – 6-8 July 2022
- Analyzing medical interaction: a pre-NCA workshop 2016
- Andersen-etal2019a
- Andersen2017
- Andersen2019
- Andersen2021
- Andersen2024
- Anderson-etal1987
- Anderson-etal1989
- Anderson1978
- Anderson1979
- Anderson1981
- Anderson1982
- Anderson1984
- Anderson1985
- Anderson1989
- Anderson1989a
- Anderson1990
- Anderson1993
- Anderson2010
- Anderson2014
- Anderson2019
- Anderson2020
- Anderson2022
- AndersonSharrock2018
- Andréasson2023
- Angell2015
- Announcing
- Antaki-Houtkoop-Rapley2000
- Antaki-Wilkinson2012
- Antaki-etal1996
- Antaki-etal2015
- Antaki-etal2020
- Antaki1994
- Antaki1996
- Antaki1996a
- Antaki1998
- Antaki1998a
- Antaki1998b
- Antaki1999
- Antaki1999a
- Antaki2000
- Antaki2000a
- Antaki2001
- Antaki2002
- Antaki2002a
- Antaki2002b
- Antaki2003
- Antaki2004
- Antaki2004a
- Antaki2004b
- Antaki2004c
- Antaki2004d
- Antaki2005
- Antaki2005a
- Antaki2005b
- Antaki2005c
- Antaki2006
- Antaki2006a
- Antaki2007
- Antaki2007a
- Antaki2007b
- Antaki2007c
- Antaki2007e
- Antaki2008
- Antaki2008a
- Antaki2008b
- Antaki2008c
- Antaki2008d
- Antaki2009
- Antaki2009a
- Antaki2010
- Antaki2011
- Antaki2011a
- Antaki2012
- Antaki2012a
- Antaki2012b
- Antaki2012c
- Antaki2012d
- Antaki2012e
- Antaki2013
- Antaki2013a
- Antaki2013b
- Antaki2013c
- Antaki2014
- Antaki2014a
- Antaki2014b
- Antaki2015
- Antaki2015a
- Antaki2015c
- Antaki2016
- Antaki2016a
- Antaki2017
- Antaki2018
- AntakiCrompton2015
- AntakiRichardson2015
- AntakiandBarnes2005
- Anthony J. Wootton
- Anticipatory completion
- Anward2003
- Anward2014
- Aoki2011
- Apology
- Applied Conversation Analysis
- Aranguren2014
- Arano2018
- Arano2019
- Arano2020
- Arano2023
- Arathoon2023
- Arber2008
- Archakis2010
- Archer2021
- ArcherParry2019
- Ardoino-Lecerf1985
- Arend-etal2017
- Arend2014