2019-8-Postdocs in Forensic Linguistics-Aston University

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Type Job
Categories (tags) Uncategorized
Dates 2019/06/01 - 2019/07/05
Link https://jobs.aston.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=R190208
Address Aston University, Birmingham, Uk
Geolocation 52° 29' 13", -1° 53' 18"
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2019-8-Postdocs in Forensic Linguistics-Aston University:


  • Post-doctoral Researchers in Forensic linguistics (8 posts)
  • Languages & Social Sciences
  • Location: Aston University Main Campus
  • Salary: £33199 to £48,677 per annum (pro rata)
  • Contract Type: Fixed Term (3 years)
  • Basis: Part Time (or full time)
  • Closing Date: 23.59 hours BST on Friday 05 July 2019
  • Interview Date: See advert
  • Reference: R190208

As part of an exciting 6 million pound transformation of the Centre for Forensic Linguistics at Aston University into a research Institute, we are recruiting 13 academics and researchers in linguistics with an interest in applying their language analysis skills across a breadth of forensic texts and contexts. In addition to the posts advertised here, our recruitment drive will include the creation of a new Professorship in Language and Law, and academic and research posts in Forensic Speech Science.

We are looking to appoint linguistic researchers with or without forensic linguistic experience but with excellent language analysis skills, who can make a significant contribution to projects specified in the job description. In addition all researchers will be given 0.4 fte and research mentorship to develop and deliver their own research project in the first two years of the post.

A doctorate in a relevant discipline is essential.

We welcome applications from those interested in working part-time.

Interviews will be held the week beginning 22 July 2019.

If you have any queries about the role please contact Professor Tim Grant (t.d.grant@aston.ac.uk)

Further particulars and application forms are available in alternative formats on request i.e. large print, Braille, tape or CD Rom.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact HR via recruitment@aston.ac.uk

Aston University is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

Further info:

Hello all

The Centre for Forensic Linguistics at Aston University has been successful in winning a really substantial research grant, which is going to fund a big expansion in capacity at CFL and, we hope, contribute to the expansion of forensic linguistics internationally.

We are recruiting for a total of thirteen posts including the creation of a new Professorship in Language and Law, and a Lectureship and researcher posts in Forensic Speech Science, all of which will be advertised over the next couple of months.

Today, however, we’ve gone live with an advert for a Lecturer in Forensic Linguistics and up to 8 Postdoctoral Research Associates in Forensic Linguistics.

These posts are open for application now and the application process closes at midnight Friday 5th July, UK time. To fill all these posts with suitable candidates we are expecting to have a few rounds of application.

The Lecturer in Forensic Linguistics post is a permanent position and we are looking for an individual who is research active and able to teach principally, but not exclusively, across topics in forensic linguistics in the English department at Aston. The grading of this post would suit either a new academic or a more established lecturer. Details are available here https://jobs.aston.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=R190210

The 8 x postdoctoral Research Associate in Forensic Linguistics posts are all three-year appointments contributing to the following projects:

  • A project to collect and analyse commercial extortion demands,
  • A project on how investigative interviews are used as evidence in court,
  • A project investigating idiolectal variation for forensic applications,
  • A project on language and law.

Alongside specified research tasks, the researchers will be given significant time and mentorship to develop their own research projects. They’ll have to provide outline details of their project as part of the application process (see the link below for more detail). In addition, researchers will be expected to collaborate with other members of the new Institute in researching and preparing bids for further sources of research funding.

We’d encourage applications from individuals with skills in linguistics generally – you don’t have to identify as a forensic linguist to apply, but you will need to be interested in applying your language analysis skills to a breadth of forensic texts and contexts.

We are looking to recruit a research team with a balance of skills and approaches including demonstrable skill in and knowledge of one or more of:

  • corpus linguistics,
  • computational linguistics/NLP,
  • linguistic stylistics,
  • conversation analysis,
  • (critical) discourse analysis
  • critical approaches to professional practice.

We welcome applications also from researchers working in languages other than English.

More details of the research positions https://jobs.aston.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=R190208

If you are interested in being part of this exciting project please do contact one of us and please do forward this email to anyone that you feel might want to come and work with us.

As part of this investment in CFL we have more announcements to come – so watch this space!

Tim & Krzysztof