20th Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung 2017

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Type Conference
Categories (tags) Uncategorized
Dates 2017/03/29 - 2017/03/31
Link http://tagung.gespraechsforschung.de
Address Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany
Geolocation 49° 29' 15", 8° 27' 58"
Abstract due 2016/11/18
Submission deadline 2016/11/18
Final version due
Notification date
Tweet CFP: DL 18/11/16: 20th Conference on Conversation & Discourse Analysis: Interaction & Media, 29–31/3/17, Mannheim
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20th Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung 2017:


20th Conference on Conversation and Discourse Analysis: Interaction and Media (March 29 – March 31, 2017)

The 20th Arbeitstagung zur Gesprächsforschung (Annual Conference on Conversation and Discourse Analysis in German speaking countries) will take place from March 29 to March 31, 2017 at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (Institute for the German Language, Mannheim/Germany). The special theme of the conference in 2017 will be Interaktion und Medien (interaction and media).

Further information can be obtained from the organizers at tagung@gespraechsforschung.de and at http://tagung.gespraechsforschung.de

We will be glad to welcome you in Mannheim! Arnulf Deppermann, Konstanze Marx, Axel Schmidt & Thomas Spranz-Fogasy

Call for Papers:

Papers should discuss technical affordances and social usages of media communication devices, forms and genres (e.g. smartphone, e-mail, television, chat, WhatsApp, YouTube etc.) based on empirical research on interaction in and through different kinds of media.

Studies from different disciplines (e.g. conversation analysis, interactional linguistics, media linguistics, discourse analysis, sociology and psychology of media, media pedagogy etc.) are welcome.

Contribution formats include individual papers, data sessions, short project presentations and workshops on tools for analysis of data from mediated interaction.

Papers can be given in German and English. However, German will be the main conference language.

Abstracts should be up to 2500 characters long and comprise research question(s) and results, data and methods used as well as research progress.

They should be submitted to tagung@gespraechsforschung.de by November 18, 2016.