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--SaulAlbert (talk) 12:26, 7 July 2014 (CEST)

Basic Resources

Arminen1999Ilkka Arminen1999Conversation Analysis: A quest for order in social interaction and language use
Arminen2005Ilkka Arminen2005Institutional Interaction: Studies of Talk at Work
Atkinson19841984Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis
Benson1983Doug J. Benson
John A. Hughes
1983The Perspective of Ethnomethodology
Billig1999Michael Billig1999Whose terms? Whose ordinariness? Rhetoric and ideology in conversation analysis
Billig1999aMichael Billig1999Conversation analysis and the claims of naivety
Bilmes1992bJack Bilmes1992Referring to internal occurrences: a reply to Coulter
Boden1990Deirdre Boden1990The world as it happens: ethnomethodology and conversation analysis
Boden1990aDeirdre Boden1990People are talking: conversation analysis and symbolic interaction
Bogen1993David Bogen
Michael Lynch
1993Do we need a general theory of social problems?
Button1988Graham Button1988A short review of Research on Language and Social Interaction in the United Kingdom
Button1990bGraham Button1990A clash of ideas: a response to Auer
Button19911991Ethnomethodology and the Human Sciences
Button1993bGraham Button
Wes Sharrock
1993A disagreement over agreement and consensus in constructionist sociology
Button1994Graham Button1994What's wrong with speech-act theory
Chevalier2011aFabienne H. G. Chevalier2011Language and social interaction: an introduction to conversation analysis
Clayman1995cSteven E. Clayman
Douglas W. Maynard
1995Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis
Clayman2004Steven E. Clayman
Virginia Teas Gill
2004Conversation analysis
Clift2006aRebecca Clift
Paul Drew
Ian Hutchby
2006Conversation Analysis
Clift2009Rebecca Clift
Paul Drew
Ian Hutchby
2009Conversation analysis
Clift2016aRebecca Clift2016Conversation Analysis
Cooren2009Francois Cooren2009The haunting question of textual agency: Derrida and Garfinkel on iterability and eventfulness
Coulon1987Alain Coulon1987L’ethnométhodologie
Coulon1995Alain Coulon1995Ethnomethodology
Coulter1999Jeff Coulter1999Discourse and Mind
Coulter2004Jeff Coulter2004What is “discursive psychology”?
Coulter2008Jeff Coulter2008Twenty-five theses against Cognitivism
Cuff1993E.C. Cuff1993Problems of Versions in Everyday Situations
Czyzewski1989Marek Czyżewski1989Garfinkel, “cognitive revolution”, and conversation analysis
Davey1996Anderson K. Gramkow
Bill Davey
1996Some practical and legal aspects concerning the collection of empirical data
Day2008Dennis Day2008In a bigger, messo, context
Day2008aDennis Day
Johannes Wagner
2008Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
Drew2003Paul Drew2003Conversation analysis
Drew2004Paul Drew2004Conversation analysis
Drew2010Paul Drew2010Commentary
DrewHeritage1992Paul Drew
John Heritage
1992Analyzing talk at work: an introduction
Emirbayer2011Mustafa Emirbayer
Douglas W. Maynard
2011Pragmatism and ethnomethodology
Enfield2017N.J. Enfield
Jack Sidnell
2017On the concept of action in the study of interaction
Fatigante2004Marilena Fatigante2004L'analisi conversazionale e lo studio dell'interazione verbale in Italia: Una rassegna delle pubblicazioni
Fele1999Giolo Fele1999L'analisi della conversazione come una sociologia particolare
Fele2002Giolo Fele2002Etnometodologia: introduzione allo studio della attavita ordinarie
Firth1995aAlan Firth1995Introduction and overview
Firth1995eAlan Firth1995Ethnomethodology
Firth2005Alan Firth
Michael Emmison
Carolyn Baker
2005Calling for help: An introduction
Firth2009aAlan Firth2009Ethnomethodology
Fitch20052005Handbook of Language and Social Interaction
Francis2004David J. Francis
Stephen Hester
2004An Invitation to Ethnomethodology: Language, Society and Interaction
Garcia2013Angela Cora Garcia2013An Introduction to Interaction: Understanding Talk in Formal and Informal Settings
Garcia2023Angela Cora Garcia2023An Introduction to Interaction: Understanding Talk in the Workplace and Everyday Life
Gardner2004aRod Gardner2004Conversation Analysis
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EMCA general bibliography

Garfinkel1949Harold Garfinkel1949Research Note on Inter- and Intraracial Homicides
Stoller1960Robert J. Stoller
Harold Garfinkel
Alexander C. Rosen
1960Passing and the maintenance of sexual identification in an intersexed patient
Stoller1962Robert J. Stoller
Harold Garfinkel
Alexander C. Rosen
1962Psychiatric Management of Intersexed Patients
Sacks1963Harvey Sacks1963Sociological description
Schegloff1963Emanuel A. Schegloff1963Toward a reading of psychiatric theory
Garfinkel1963Harold Garfinkel1963A conception of, and experiments with, “trust” as a condition of stable concerted actions
Garfinkel1964Harold Garfinkel1964Studies in the routine grounds of everyday activities
Cicourel1964Aaron V. Cicourel1964Method and Measurement in Sociology
Sudnow1965David Sudnow1965Normal crimes: sociological features of a penal code in a public defender’s office
Churchill1965Lindsey Churchill1965Some Sociological Aspects of Message Load: “Information Input Overload and Features of Growth in Communications Oriented Institutions”
Bittner1965Egon Bittner1965The concept of organization
Sacks1967Harvey Sacks1967The search for help: no one to turn to
Speier1967Matthew Speier1967Phenomenology and Social Theory: Discovering Actors and Social Acts
Bittner1967aEgon Bittner1967Police discretion in emergency apprehension of mentally ill persons
Garfinkel1967bHarold Garfinkel1967Practical sociological reasoning: some features in the work of the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center
Psathas-Henslin1967George Psathas
James M. Henslin
1967Dispatched orders and the cab driver: a study of locating activities
Sudnow1967David Sudnow1967Passing On: The Social Organization of Dying
Garfinkel1967Harold Garfinkel1967Studies in Ethnomethodology
Bittner1967Egon Bittner1967The police on skid row: A study of peacekeeping
Psathas1968George Psathas1968Ethnomethods and phenomenology
Cicourel1968Aaron V. Cicourel1968The Social Organization of Juvenile Justice
Hill-Crittenden19681968Proceedings of the Purdue Symposium on Ethnomethodology
Schegloff1968Emanuel A. Schegloff1968Sequencing in Conversational Openings
Moerman1968Michael Moerman1968Being Lue: uses and abuses of ethnic identification
Denzin1969Norman K. Denzin1969Symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology: A proposed synthesis
MacAndrew1969Craig MacAndrew
Rovert B. Edgerton
1969Drunken Comportment: A Social Explanation
Moerman1969Michael Moerman1969A little knowledge
Zimmerman1969Don H. Zimmerman1969Record-keeping and the intake process in a public welfare agency
Zimmerman1970Don H. Zimmerman1970The practicalities of rule use
Douglas19701970Understanding Everyday Life: Towards a Reconstruction of Sociological Knowledge
Garfinkel-Sacks1970Harold Garfinkel
Harvey Sacks
1970On formal structures of practical action
Wilson1970aThomas P. Wilson1970Conceptions of interaction and forms of sociological explanation
Zimmerman-Pollner1970Melvin Pollner
Don H. Zimmerman
1970The everyday world as a phenomenon
Speier1970Matthew Speier1970The everyday world of the child
Zimmerman-Wieder1970Don H. Zimmerman
D. Lawrence Wieder
1970Ethnomethodology and the problem of order: comment on Denzin
Denzin1970Norman K. Denzin1970Symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology
Turner1970Roy Turner1970Words, utterances, activities
Olesen1970Virginia Olesen1970Ethnomethodology and ethnography
Wieder1970D. Lawrence Wieder1970On meaning by rule
Wilson1970bThomas P. Wilson1970Normative and interpretive paradigms in sociology
Heap1971James L. Heap1971The student as resource: uses of the minimum-structure simulation game in teaching
Churchill1971Lindsey Churchill1971Ethnomethodology and measurement
Mayrl1971William W. Mayrl1971Subjectivism and Social Analysis: An Inquiry into the Methodological Foundations of Ethnomethodology
Sacks1972aHarvey Sacks1972An initial investigation of the usability of conversational data for doing sociology
Sudnow1972bDavid Sudnow1972Temporal parameters of interpersonal observation
Sacks1972bHarvey Sacks1972Notes on police assessment of moral character
Turner1972Roy Turner1972Some formal properties of therapy talk
Sacks1972cHarvey Sacks1972On the analyzability of stories by children
Twer1972Sheldon Twer1972Tactics for determining persons’ resources for depicting, contriving, and describing behavioral episodes
Schenkein1972Jim N. Schenkein1972Towards the analysis of natural conversation and the sense of “heheh”
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Membership Categorization Analysis

Ames2012Kate Ames2012Host/host conversations: analysing moral and social order in talk on commercial radio
Baker1984Carolyn Baker1984The “search for adultness”: Membership work in adolescent-adult talk
Baker1997Carolyn Baker1997Membership categorization and interview accounts
Baker1997aCarolyn Baker1997Ticketing rules: categorization and moral ordering in a school staff meeting
Baker2000Carolyn Baker2000Locating culture in action: membership categorisation in texts and talk
Bateman2012Amanda Bateman2012Forging friendships: The use of collective pro-terms by pre-school children
Brandt2008Adam Brandt2008On ‘Interculturality’: A Review of Research Applying Ethnomethodology to the Study of Intercultural Interactions
BrandtMortensen2016Adam Brandt
Kristian Mortensen
2016Conversation Analysis
Caniglia2009Enrico Caniglia2009La notizia: Come si racconta il mondo in cui viviamo
Carlin2010Andrew P. Carlin2010Discussion note: Reading ‘A tutorial on membership categorization’ by Emanuel Schegloff
Cromdal-Osvaldsson2012Karin Osvaldsson
Jakob Cromdal
2012Working towards trouble: Some categorial resources for accomplishing disputes in a correctional youth facility
Cromdal2011Jakob Cromdal2011Gender as a practical concern in children's management of play participation
Cuff1978Edward C. Cuff1978Some features of production accounting in the analysis of “conversational materials”
Day2013Dennis Day2013Conversation analysis and membership categories
Demosthenous2012Catherine M. Demosthenous2012Inclusion/exclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: understanding how ‘we’ matters
Deppermann2013eArnulf Deppermann2013(What) does “Positioning” offer more than “Membership Categorization”? Evidence from a mock story
Dollinger-Froeschle2017Bernd Dollinger
Tobias Froeschle
2017Me and my custodial sentence: A case study on categorization work of young defendants
Eglin-Hester2010Peter Eglin
Stephen Hester
Eglin1980Peter Eglin1980Talk and Taxonomy: A Methodological Comparison of Ethnosemantics and Ethnomethodology with Reference to Terms for Canadian Doctors
Ergul2015Hatice Ergül2015Evlenilecek Kadın ve Evlenilecek Erkek Kimdir Sorusuna Etkileşimsel Bir Yanıt: Üyelik Kümeleme Çözümlemesi
Fitzgerald-etal2017Richard Fitzgerald
William Housley
Sean Rintel
2017Membership Categorisation Analysis. Technologies of social action
Fitzgerald2012Richard Fitzgerald2012Membership categorization analysis: Wild and promiscuous or simply the joy of Sacks?
Fitzgerald2013Richard Fitzgerald
Sean Rintel
2013From lifeguard to bitch: How a story character becomes a promiscuous category in a couple's video call
FitzgeraldHousley20152015Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis
Foster2023Emily Foster
Laura Kilby
2023“Speaking as a mother”: A membership categorisation analysis of child-centric talk in a UK daytime television talk show
Gardner2012aRod Gardner2012Enriching CA through MCA? Stokoe’s MCA keys
Gordon2017Cynthia Gordon
Didem İkizoğlu
2017‘Asking for another' online: Membership categorization and identity construction on a food and nutrition discussion board
Gotsbachner2009Emo Gotsbachner2009Asserting Interpretive Frames of Political Events: Panel Discussions on Television News
Greco2018Luca Greco2018Dans les coulisses du genre: la fabrique de soi chez les Drag Kings
Hayashi2016Reiko Hayashi2016Сategorization in talk: a case study of taxonomies and social meaning
Heinrichsmeier2018Rachel Heinrichsmeier2018Tired, but not (only) because of age: An interactional sociolinguistic study of participants' variable stances towards older-age categorial explanations in everyday hair-salon talk
Henderson2022aElle Felicity Henderson2022‘So, it’s not necessarily about exclusion’: Category use in naturally occurring transphobic talk
Hester2016aStephen Hester2016Descriptions of Deviance: A Study in Membership Categorization Analysis
HesterEglin2017Stephen Hester
Peter Eglin
2017A Sociology of Crime
Housley2024William Housley
Patrik Dahl
2024Membership categorisation, sociological description and role prompt engineering with ChatGPT
Hugol-Gential2012Clémentine Hugol-Gential2012Le service au restaurant : analyse linguistique et multimodale des interactions entre personnel de service et clients
Hunter2019Sarah C Hunter
Rebecca Feo
Damien W. Riggs
2019Australian news media constructions and categorisations of primary caregiving fathers
Izumi2017Hiroaki Izumi2017Help-Search Practices in Rehabilitation Team Meetings: A Sacksian Analysis
Jacknick2017Christine M. Jacknick
Sharon Avni
2017Shalom, bitches: Epistemic stance and identity work in an anonymous online forum
Jayyusi1984Lena Jayyusi1984Categorization and the Moral Order
Jayyusi2010Lena Jayyusi2010Catégorisation et ordre moral
Joyce2021Jack B. Joyce
Bogdana Humă
Hanna Leena-Ristimäki
Fabio Ferraz de Almeida
Ann Doehring
2021Speaking out against everyday sexism: Gender and epistemics in accusations of “mansplaining”
Kawamura2023Ken Kawamura
Ryo Okazawa
2023Reading What is Not There: Ethnomethodological Analysis of the Membership Category, Action, and Reason in Novels and Short Stories
King2012Andrew King2012Recognising adulthood?: young adults’ accomplishment of their age identities
King2017Andrew King2017Troubling identities? Examining older lesbian, gay and/or bisexual people's membership categorisation work and its significance
Kyratzis2017Amy Kyratzis
Marjorie Harness Goodwin
2017Language Socialization in Children's Peer and Sibling-Kin Group Interactions
Lefebvre2013Augustin Lefebvre2013Espace théorique et espace interactionnel: l'observation des pratiques scientifiques et profanes
Lepper2000Georgia Lepper2000Categories in Text and Talk: A Practical Introduction to Categorization Analysis
Lindegaard2014Laura Bang Lindegaard2014Doing focus group research: Studying rational ordering in focus group interaction
Liu2023Zhiyi Liu2023An adult daughter's identity construction: Membership categorization analysis of daily Chinese-Australian family talk
... further results

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Interactional linguistics

Aoki2011Hiromi Aoki2011Some functions of speaker head nods
Auer2014Peter Auer2014There's no harm in glossing (but a need for a better understanding of the status of transcripts)
Auer2015Peter Auer2015The temporality of language in interaction projection and latency
Barth-Weingarten-Szczepek-Reed20142014Prosodie und Phonetik in der Interaktion / Prosody and phonetics in interaction
Barth-Weingarten2014Dagmar Barth-Weingarten
Beatrice Szczepek Reed
2014Prosodie und Phonetik in der Interaktion / Prosody and phonetics in interaction: Hinführung, Termini, Methoden
Barth-Weingarten2021aDagmar Barth-Weingarten
Uwe-A. Küttner
Chase Wesley Raymond
2021Pivots revisited: Cesuring in action
BarthWeingarten-etal2020Dagmar Barth-Weingarten
Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
Arnulf Deppermann
2020Konstruktionsgrammatik und Prosodie: OH in englischer Alltagsinteraktion
Beekhuizen2022Barend Beekhuizen
Sandra A. Thompson
2022‘Something that’s very American’: The interactional role of Light-Head Relative Clauses
Benjamin-Walker2013Trevor Benjamin
Traci Walker
2013Managing problems of acceptability with high rise fall repetitions
Bergmann2018Pia Bergmann2018Prosody in Interaction
Betz2013Emma M. Betz2013Quote–unquote in one variety of German: Two interactional functions of pivot constructions used as frames for quotation in Siebenbürger Sächsisch
Blondal2015Thorunn Blondal2015Where Grammar Meets Interaction: Collaborative Production of Syntactic Constructions in Icelandic Conversation
Blythe2013Joe Blythe2013Preference organization driving structuration: Evidence from Australian Aboriginal interaction for pragmatically motivated grammaticalization
Bolden2009Galina B. Bolden2009Implementing incipient actions: The discourse marker 'so' in English conversation
Bolden2009aGalina B. Bolden2009Implementing delayed actions
Bruxelles2009Sylvie Bruxelles
Luca Greco
Lorenza Mondada
Véronique Traverso
2009La co-conception du point de vue de l'analyse interactioniste
CWRaymond2014Chase Wesley Raymond2014Negotiating entitlement to language: Calling 911 without English
Calabria2022Virginia Calabria
Maria Eleonora Sciubba
2022“Adesso m’incazzo!”: Swearwords as resources for managing negative emotions in interaction
Calabria2022aVirginia Calabria2022Collaborative Grammar: The Temporality and Emergence of Clause Combination in Italian Talk-in-Interaction
Calabria2023Virginia Calabria2023Co-constructing and other-extending collaborative reported speech in Italian
Carranza2017Ariel Vázquez Carranza2017Some uses of ‘no’ in Spanish talk-in-interactions
Chen2015Helen Kai-yun Chen2015A comparative study of the sound profiles of sites of initiation in French and Mandarin recycling repair
Christodoulidou20142014Analyzing Greek Talk-in-Interaction
Christodoulidou2014aMaria Christodoulidou2014Siga in interaction
Corminboeuf2016Gilles Corminboeuf
Anne-Sylvie Horlacher
2016La projection en macro-syntaxe et en linguistique interactionnelle: dimensions théoriques et empiriques
Couper-Kuhlen-Selting2001Elisabeth Couper-Kuhlen
Margret Selting
2001Introducing interactional linguistics
Couper-Kuhlen-Selting2017Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
Margret Selting
2017Interactional Linguistics: Studying Language in Social Interaction
Couper-Kuhlen-Thompson2000Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
Sandra A. Thompson
2000Concessive patterns in conversation
Couper-Kuhlen2012Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen2012Turn continuation and clause combinations
Couper-Kuhlen2012bElizabeth Couper-Kuhlen2012Some truths and untruths about final intonation in conversational questions
CouperKuhlen2014bElizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
Barbara A. Fox
Sandra A. Thompson
2014Forms of responsivity: Grammatical formats for responding to two types of request in conversation
CouperKuhlen2015Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen
Marja Etelämäki
2015Nominated actions and their targeted agents in Finnish conversational directives
DeFornel1997Michel de Fornel
Jacqueline Léon
1997Des questions-échos aux réponses-échos. Une approche séquentielle et prosodique des répétitions dans la conversation
DeFornel1997aMichel de Fornel
Jean-Marie Marandin
1997Une analyse grammaticale des auto-réparations
DeFornel2000Michel de Fornel
Jacqueline Léon
2000L’analyse de conversation, de l’ethnomédologie à la linguistique interactionnel
Deppermann-ed20132013Journal of Pragmatics. Special Issue: Conversation analytic studies of multimodal interaction
Deppermann2014Arnulf Deppermann2014“Don’t get me wrong”: Recipient design by using negation to constrain an action’s interpretation
Deppermann2014bArnulf Deppermann2014Handlungsverstehen und Intentionszuschreibung in der Interaktion I: Intentionsbekundungen mit wollen
Deppermann2015aArnulf Deppermann
Susanne Günthner
2015Temporality in interaction
Deppermann2015bArnulf Deppermann2015Retrospection and understanding in interaction
Deppermann2015c2015Temporality in Interaction
Deppermann2021iArnulf Deppermann
Alexandra Gubina
2021Positionally-sensitive action-ascription. Uses of Kannst du X? ‘can you X?’ in their sequential and multimodal context
Dingemanse-Floyd2014Mark Dingemanse
Simeon Floyd
2014Conversation across cultures
Dingemanse2016Mark Dingemanse
Kobin Kendrick
Nick J. Enfield
2016A coding scheme for other-initiated repair across languages
Dingemanse2020Mark Dingemanse2020Between Sound and Speech: Liminal Signs in Interaction
Dingemanseetal2014Mark Dingemanse
Joe Blythe
Tyko Dirksmeyer
2014Formats for other-initiation of repair across languages: An exercise in pragmatic typology
Drake-Drake2015Derek Drake
Veronika Drake
2015“Tags are easy, ne?”: how to teach the use of tags in the German language classroom an ASC
Drake2015Veronika Drake2015Indexing uncertainty: the case of turn-final or
Fiedler2022Sophia Fiedler2022Une reconsidération du discours rapporté en langue parlée avec être là, faire (à quelqu’un) et se dire
Fiedler2023Sophia Fiedler20236 Thinking out loud? Je me suis dit ‘I said to myself’ and j’étais là ‘I was there’ in French talk-in-interaction
... further results

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Discursive Psychology

Abell1999Jackie Abell
Elizabeth H. Stokoe
1999“I Take Full Responsibility, I Take Some Responsibility, I'll Take Half of it But No More Than That”: Princess Diana and the Negotiation of Blame in the “Panorama” Interview
AbellStokoeandBillig2000Jackie Abell
Elizabeth H. Stokoe
Michael Billig
2000Narrative and the discursive (re)construction of events
AbellandStokoe2001Jackie Abell
Elizabeth H. Stokoe
2001Broadcasting the royal role: Constructing culturally situated identities in the Princess Diana Panorama interview
AllistoneandWooffitt2007Simon Allistone
Robin Wooffitt
2007Negotiating consciousness: parapsychology and the social organisation of reports of mental states
Antaki1994Charles Antaki1994Explaining and Arguing
Antaki1996Charles Antaki
Mark Rapley
1996‘Quality of Life’ Talk: The Liberal Paradox of Psychological Testing
Antaki2003Charles Antaki
Michael Billig
Derek Edwards
Jonathan Potter
2003Discourse analysis means doing analysis: a critique of six analytic shortcomings
Antaki2004Charles Antaki2004Reading minds or dealing with interactional implications?
Antaki2008cCharles Antaki
Michela Biazzi
Anatte Nissen
Johannes Wagner
2008Accounting for moral judgments in academic talk: The case of a conversation analysis data session
AntakiandBarnes2005Charles Antaki
Rebecca Barnes
Ivan Leudar
2005Self-disclosure as a situated interactional practice
Attenborough-Stokoe2012Frederick Attenborough
Elizabeth Stokoe
2012Student life, student identity, student experience: ethnomethodological methods for pedagogical matters
Auburn2005Timothy Auburn2005Narrative reflexivity as a repair device for discounting 'cognitive distortions' in sex offender treatment
AuburnandLea2003Timothy Auburn
Susan Lea
2003Doing cognitive distortions: A discursive psychology analysis of sex offender treatment talk
Augoustinos2001Martha Augoustinos2001History as a rhetorical resource: using historical narratives to argue and explain
AugoustinosLecouteurFogarty2007Martha Augoustinos
Amanda Lecouteur
Kathryn Fogarty
2007Apologising-in-action: on saying ‘sorry’ to Indigenous Australians
AugoustinosTileaga2012Martha Augoustinos
Cristian Tileaga
2012Twenty five years of discursive psychology
AugoustinosTuffinRapley1999Martha Augoustinos
Keith Tuffin
Mark Rapley
1999Genocide or a failure to gel?: racism, history and nationalism in Australian talk
AugoustinosWalkerDonaghue2006Martha Augoustinos
Iain Walker
Ngaire Donaghue
2006Social Cognition: An Integrated Introduction
Badarneh2020Muhammad A Badarneh2020Discourses of defense: Self and other positioning in public responses to accusations of corruption in Jordan
Barnes2007aRebecca Barnes
Duncan Moss
2007Communicating a feeling: The social organization of “private thoughts”
Batel-Castro2018Susana Batel
Paula Castro
2018Reopening the dialogue between the theory of social representations and discursive psychology for examining the construction and transformation of meaning in discourse and communication
BenwellStokoe2006Bethan Benwell
Elizabeth H. Stokoe
2006Discourse and Identity
BenwellStokoe2008Bethan Benwell
Elizabeth H. Stokoe
2008University students resisting academic identity
Billig2012Michael Billig2012Undisciplined beginnings, academic success, and discursive psychology
Billig2014Michael Billig
Cristina Marinho
2014Manipulating information and manipulating people
Billig2021Michael Billig2021Rhetorical uses of precise numbers and semi-magical round numbers in political discourse about COVID-19: Examples from the government of the United Kingdom
BlumenthalGudjonssonBurns1999Stephen Blumenthal
Gisli Gudjonsson
Jan Burns
1999Cognitive distortions and blame attribution in sex offenders against adults and children
Blundell1980John E. Blundell1980Hunger, appetite and satiety: constructs in search of identities
Bozatzis20142014The Discursive Turn in Social Psychology
Bradley2015Louise Bradley2015An Interactional Analysis of Support and 'Self-Work' during Interventions for Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
BurfordRice-Augoustinos2018Rose Burford-Rice
Martha Augoustinos
2018‘I didn't mean that: It was just a slip of the tongue’: Racial slips and gaffes in the public arena
Burningham1998Kate Burningham1998A noisy road or noisy resident? A demonstration of the utility of social constructionism for analyzing environmental problems
Buttny2020Richard Buttny
Etsuko Kinefuchi
2020Vegans' problem stories: Negotiating vegan identity in dealing with omnivores
ButtnyKelloggRath2007Richard Buttny
Sandra Kellogg Rath
2007Discursive practices in talking problems during a school-family meeting
Cannon2020Caitlyn Cannon
Joanne Meredith
Susan Speer
Warren Mansell
2020A conversation analysis of asking about disruptions in Method of Levels psychotherapy
Childs2012Carrie Childs2012Directing and requesting: two interactive uses of the mental state terms want and need
ClarkeKitzingerPotter2004Victoria Clarke
Celia Kitzinger
Jonathan Potter
2004“Kids are just cruel anyway”: lesbian and gay parents' talk about homophobic bullying
Coulter2004Jeff Coulter2004What is “discursive psychology”?
Craven2010Alexandra Craven
Jonathan Potter
2010Directives: Entitlement and contingency in action
Cromdal2007Jakob Cromdal
Michael Tholander
Karin Aronsson
2007“Doing reluctance”: managing delivery of assessments in peer evaluation
Cromdal2015Jakob Cromdal
Michael Tholander
Demuth2021Carolin Demuth2021Managing accountability of children's bodily conduct: Embodied discursive practices in preschool
Ditchfield2021Hannah Ditchfield2021Ethical Challenges in Collecting and Analysing Online Interactions
Donaghue2018Ngaire Donaghue2018Discursive psychological approaches to the (un)making of sex/gender
Drew2005Paul Drew2005Is confusion a state of mind?
Durrheim-Greener-Whitehead2015Kevin Durrheim
Ross Greener
Kevin A. Whitehead
2015Race trouble: Attending to race and racism in online interaction
Durrheim2012Kevin Durrheim2012Discourse, action, rhetoric: From a perception to an action paradigm in social psychology
Edwards1991Derek Edwards1991Categories are for talking: on the cognitive and discursive bases of categorization
Edwards1994Derek Edwards1994Script formulations: an analysis of event descriptions in conversation
Edwards1995Derek Edwards1995Two to Tango: Script Formulations, Dispositions, and Rhetorical Symmetry in Relationship Troubles Talk
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Related Interaction Studies

(incl.: Goffman, anthropology, micro-ethnography, etc.)

Baharinvillerrintel2015Hanif Baharin
Stephen Viller
Sean Rintel
2015SonicAIR: supporting independent living with reciprocal ambient audio awareness
DrewandWootton19881988Erving Goffman: Exploring the Interaction Order
Flood2014Virginia J. Flood
Francois G. Amar
Ricardo Nemirovsky
Benedikt W. Harrer
Mitchell R. M. Bruce
Michael C. Wittmann
2014Paying attention to gesture when students talk chemistry: interactional resources for responsive teaching
Goffman1978Erving Goffman1978Response cries
Goffman1983Erving Goffman1983Felicity's condition
Goffman1989Erving Goffman1989On Fieldwork
Klein2014Gabriella B. Klein
Koffi M. Dossou
Sergio Pasquandrea
2014Embodying epistemicity: Negotiating (un)certainty through semiotic objects
Mondada2023d2023New Perspectives on Goffman in Language and Interaction: Body, Participation and the Self
Streeck2009Jürgen Streeck
J. Scott Jordan
2009Projection and anticipation: The forward-looking nature of embodied communication
Streeck2011Jurgen Streeck
Charles Goodwin
Curtis LeBaron
2011Embodied Interaction language and body in the material world
Streeck2014Jürgen Streeck2014Mutual gaze and recognition: Revisiting Kendon's 'Gaze direction in two-person conversation
Stukenbrock2014aAnja Stukenbrock2014Pointing to an ‘empty’ space: Deixis am Phantasma in face-to-face interaction

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Medical EMCA

Aberg2023Mikaela Åberg
Jonas Ivarsson
2023Monitoring, coordinating, and correcting professional conduct: soliciting absent requests during surgery
Albert2018bSaul Albert
Jan P. de Ruiter
2018Improving human interaction research through ecological grounding
Alby2015Francesca Alby
Cristina Zucchermaglio
Mattia Baruzzo
2015Diagnostic decision making in oncology: creating shared knowledge and managing complexity
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... further results

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