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--SaulAlbert (talk) 12:26, 7 July 2014 (CEST)
Basic Resources
Author(s) | Year | Title | |
Arminen1999 | Ilkka Arminen | 1999 | Conversation Analysis: A quest for order in social interaction and language use |
Arminen2005 | Ilkka Arminen | 2005 | Institutional Interaction: Studies of Talk at Work |
Atkinson1984 | 1984 | Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis | |
Benson1983 | Doug J. Benson John A. Hughes | 1983 | The Perspective of Ethnomethodology |
Billig1999 | Michael Billig | 1999 | Whose terms? Whose ordinariness? Rhetoric and ideology in conversation analysis |
Billig1999a | Michael Billig | 1999 | Conversation analysis and the claims of naivety |
Bilmes1992b | Jack Bilmes | 1992 | Referring to internal occurrences: a reply to Coulter |
Boden1990 | Deirdre Boden | 1990 | The world as it happens: ethnomethodology and conversation analysis |
Boden1990a | Deirdre Boden | 1990 | People are talking: conversation analysis and symbolic interaction |
Bogen1993 | David Bogen Michael Lynch | 1993 | Do we need a general theory of social problems? |
Button1988 | Graham Button | 1988 | A short review of Research on Language and Social Interaction in the United Kingdom |
Button1990b | Graham Button | 1990 | A clash of ideas: a response to Auer |
Button1991 | 1991 | Ethnomethodology and the Human Sciences | |
Button1993b | Graham Button Wes Sharrock | 1993 | A disagreement over agreement and consensus in constructionist sociology |
Button1994 | Graham Button | 1994 | What's wrong with speech-act theory |
Chevalier2011a | Fabienne H. G. Chevalier | 2011 | Language and social interaction: an introduction to conversation analysis |
Clayman1995c | Steven E. Clayman Douglas W. Maynard | 1995 | Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis |
Clayman2004 | Steven E. Clayman Virginia Teas Gill | 2004 | Conversation analysis |
Clift2006a | Rebecca Clift Paul Drew Ian Hutchby | 2006 | Conversation Analysis |
Clift2009 | Rebecca Clift Paul Drew Ian Hutchby | 2009 | Conversation analysis |
Clift2016a | Rebecca Clift | 2016 | Conversation Analysis |
Cooren2009 | Francois Cooren | 2009 | The haunting question of textual agency: Derrida and Garfinkel on iterability and eventfulness |
Coulon1987 | Alain Coulon | 1987 | L’ethnométhodologie |
Coulon1995 | Alain Coulon | 1995 | Ethnomethodology |
Coulter1999 | Jeff Coulter | 1999 | Discourse and Mind |
Coulter2004 | Jeff Coulter | 2004 | What is “discursive psychology”? |
Coulter2008 | Jeff Coulter | 2008 | Twenty-five theses against Cognitivism |
Cuff1993 | E.C. Cuff | 1993 | Problems of Versions in Everyday Situations |
Czyzewski1989 | Marek Czyżewski | 1989 | Garfinkel, “cognitive revolution”, and conversation analysis |
Davey1996 | Anderson K. Gramkow Bill Davey | 1996 | Some practical and legal aspects concerning the collection of empirical data |
Day2008 | Dennis Day | 2008 | In a bigger, messo, context |
Day2008a | Dennis Day Johannes Wagner | 2008 | Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis |
Drew2003 | Paul Drew | 2003 | Conversation analysis |
Drew2004 | Paul Drew | 2004 | Conversation analysis |
Drew2010 | Paul Drew | 2010 | Commentary |
DrewHeritage1992 | Paul Drew John Heritage | 1992 | Analyzing talk at work: an introduction |
Emirbayer2011 | Mustafa Emirbayer Douglas W. Maynard | 2011 | Pragmatism and ethnomethodology |
Enfield2017 | N.J. Enfield Jack Sidnell | 2017 | On the concept of action in the study of interaction |
Fatigante2004 | Marilena Fatigante | 2004 | L'analisi conversazionale e lo studio dell'interazione verbale in Italia: Una rassegna delle pubblicazioni |
Fele1999 | Giolo Fele | 1999 | L'analisi della conversazione come una sociologia particolare |
Fele2002 | Giolo Fele | 2002 | Etnometodologia: introduzione allo studio della attavita ordinarie |
Firth1995a | Alan Firth | 1995 | Introduction and overview |
Firth1995e | Alan Firth | 1995 | Ethnomethodology |
Firth2005 | Alan Firth Michael Emmison Carolyn Baker | 2005 | Calling for help: An introduction |
Firth2009a | Alan Firth | 2009 | Ethnomethodology |
Fitch2005 | 2005 | Handbook of Language and Social Interaction | |
Francis2004 | David J. Francis Stephen Hester | 2004 | An Invitation to Ethnomethodology: Language, Society and Interaction |
Garcia2013 | Angela Cora Garcia | 2013 | An Introduction to Interaction: Understanding Talk in Formal and Informal Settings |
Garcia2023 | Angela Cora Garcia | 2023 | An Introduction to Interaction: Understanding Talk in the Workplace and Everyday Life |
Gardner2004a | Rod Gardner | 2004 | Conversation Analysis |
... further results |
Everything in a bibtex file
EMCA general bibliography
Author(s) | Year | Title | |
Garfinkel1949 | Harold Garfinkel | 1949 | Research Note on Inter- and Intraracial Homicides |
Stoller1960 | Robert J. Stoller Harold Garfinkel Alexander C. Rosen | 1960 | Passing and the maintenance of sexual identification in an intersexed patient |
Stoller1962 | Robert J. Stoller Harold Garfinkel Alexander C. Rosen | 1962 | Psychiatric Management of Intersexed Patients |
Sacks1963 | Harvey Sacks | 1963 | Sociological description |
Schegloff1963 | Emanuel A. Schegloff | 1963 | Toward a reading of psychiatric theory |
Garfinkel1963 | Harold Garfinkel | 1963 | A conception of, and experiments with, “trust” as a condition of stable concerted actions |
Garfinkel1964 | Harold Garfinkel | 1964 | Studies in the routine grounds of everyday activities |
Cicourel1964 | Aaron V. Cicourel | 1964 | Method and Measurement in Sociology |
Sudnow1965 | David Sudnow | 1965 | Normal crimes: sociological features of a penal code in a public defender’s office |
Churchill1965 | Lindsey Churchill | 1965 | Some Sociological Aspects of Message Load: “Information Input Overload and Features of Growth in Communications Oriented Institutions” |
Bittner1965 | Egon Bittner | 1965 | The concept of organization |
Sacks1967 | Harvey Sacks | 1967 | The search for help: no one to turn to |
Speier1967 | Matthew Speier | 1967 | Phenomenology and Social Theory: Discovering Actors and Social Acts |
Bittner1967a | Egon Bittner | 1967 | Police discretion in emergency apprehension of mentally ill persons |
Garfinkel1967b | Harold Garfinkel | 1967 | Practical sociological reasoning: some features in the work of the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center |
Psathas-Henslin1967 | George Psathas James M. Henslin | 1967 | Dispatched orders and the cab driver: a study of locating activities |
Sudnow1967 | David Sudnow | 1967 | Passing On: The Social Organization of Dying |
Garfinkel1967 | Harold Garfinkel | 1967 | Studies in Ethnomethodology |
Bittner1967 | Egon Bittner | 1967 | The police on skid row: A study of peacekeeping |
Psathas1968 | George Psathas | 1968 | Ethnomethods and phenomenology |
Cicourel1968 | Aaron V. Cicourel | 1968 | The Social Organization of Juvenile Justice |
Hill-Crittenden1968 | 1968 | Proceedings of the Purdue Symposium on Ethnomethodology | |
Schegloff1968 | Emanuel A. Schegloff | 1968 | Sequencing in Conversational Openings |
Moerman1968 | Michael Moerman | 1968 | Being Lue: uses and abuses of ethnic identification |
Denzin1969 | Norman K. Denzin | 1969 | Symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology: A proposed synthesis |
MacAndrew1969 | Craig MacAndrew Rovert B. Edgerton | 1969 | Drunken Comportment: A Social Explanation |
Moerman1969 | Michael Moerman | 1969 | A little knowledge |
Zimmerman1969 | Don H. Zimmerman | 1969 | Record-keeping and the intake process in a public welfare agency |
Zimmerman1970 | Don H. Zimmerman | 1970 | The practicalities of rule use |
Douglas1970 | 1970 | Understanding Everyday Life: Towards a Reconstruction of Sociological Knowledge | |
Garfinkel-Sacks1970 | Harold Garfinkel Harvey Sacks | 1970 | On formal structures of practical action |
Wilson1970a | Thomas P. Wilson | 1970 | Conceptions of interaction and forms of sociological explanation |
Zimmerman-Pollner1970 | Melvin Pollner Don H. Zimmerman | 1970 | The everyday world as a phenomenon |
Speier1970 | Matthew Speier | 1970 | The everyday world of the child |
Zimmerman-Wieder1970 | Don H. Zimmerman D. Lawrence Wieder | 1970 | Ethnomethodology and the problem of order: comment on Denzin |
Denzin1970 | Norman K. Denzin | 1970 | Symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology |
Turner1970 | Roy Turner | 1970 | Words, utterances, activities |
Olesen1970 | Virginia Olesen | 1970 | Ethnomethodology and ethnography |
Wieder1970 | D. Lawrence Wieder | 1970 | On meaning by rule |
Wilson1970b | Thomas P. Wilson | 1970 | Normative and interpretive paradigms in sociology |
Heap1971 | James L. Heap | 1971 | The student as resource: uses of the minimum-structure simulation game in teaching |
Churchill1971 | Lindsey Churchill | 1971 | Ethnomethodology and measurement |
Mayrl1971 | William W. Mayrl | 1971 | Subjectivism and Social Analysis: An Inquiry into the Methodological Foundations of Ethnomethodology |
Sacks1972a | Harvey Sacks | 1972 | An initial investigation of the usability of conversational data for doing sociology |
Sudnow1972b | David Sudnow | 1972 | Temporal parameters of interpersonal observation |
Sacks1972b | Harvey Sacks | 1972 | Notes on police assessment of moral character |
Turner1972 | Roy Turner | 1972 | Some formal properties of therapy talk |
Sacks1972c | Harvey Sacks | 1972 | On the analyzability of stories by children |
Twer1972 | Sheldon Twer | 1972 | Tactics for determining persons’ resources for depicting, contriving, and describing behavioral episodes |
Schenkein1972 | Jim N. Schenkein | 1972 | Towards the analysis of natural conversation and the sense of “heheh” |
... further results |
Membership Categorization Analysis
Author(s) | Year | Title | |
Ames2012 | Kate Ames | 2012 | Host/host conversations: analysing moral and social order in talk on commercial radio |
Baker1984 | Carolyn Baker | 1984 | The “search for adultness”: Membership work in adolescent-adult talk |
Baker1997 | Carolyn Baker | 1997 | Membership categorization and interview accounts |
Baker1997a | Carolyn Baker | 1997 | Ticketing rules: categorization and moral ordering in a school staff meeting |
Baker2000 | Carolyn Baker | 2000 | Locating culture in action: membership categorisation in texts and talk |
Bateman2012 | Amanda Bateman | 2012 | Forging friendships: The use of collective pro-terms by pre-school children |
Brandt2008 | Adam Brandt | 2008 | On ‘Interculturality’: A Review of Research Applying Ethnomethodology to the Study of Intercultural Interactions |
BrandtMortensen2016 | Adam Brandt Kristian Mortensen | 2016 | Conversation Analysis |
Caniglia2009 | Enrico Caniglia | 2009 | La notizia: Come si racconta il mondo in cui viviamo |
Carlin2010 | Andrew P. Carlin | 2010 | Discussion note: Reading ‘A tutorial on membership categorization’ by Emanuel Schegloff |
Cromdal-Osvaldsson2012 | Karin Osvaldsson Jakob Cromdal | 2012 | Working towards trouble: Some categorial resources for accomplishing disputes in a correctional youth facility |
Cromdal2011 | Jakob Cromdal | 2011 | Gender as a practical concern in children's management of play participation |
Cuff1978 | Edward C. Cuff | 1978 | Some features of production accounting in the analysis of “conversational materials” |
Day2013 | Dennis Day | 2013 | Conversation analysis and membership categories |
Demosthenous2012 | Catherine M. Demosthenous | 2012 | Inclusion/exclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: understanding how ‘we’ matters |
Deppermann2013e | Arnulf Deppermann | 2013 | (What) does “Positioning” offer more than “Membership Categorization”? Evidence from a mock story |
Dollinger-Froeschle2017 | Bernd Dollinger Tobias Froeschle | 2017 | Me and my custodial sentence: A case study on categorization work of young defendants |
Eglin-Hester2010 | Peter Eglin Stephen Hester | 2010 | Présentation |
Eglin1980 | Peter Eglin | 1980 | Talk and Taxonomy: A Methodological Comparison of Ethnosemantics and Ethnomethodology with Reference to Terms for Canadian Doctors |
Ergul2015 | Hatice Ergül | 2015 | Evlenilecek Kadın ve Evlenilecek Erkek Kimdir Sorusuna Etkileşimsel Bir Yanıt: Üyelik Kümeleme Çözümlemesi |
Fitzgerald-etal2017 | Richard Fitzgerald William Housley Sean Rintel | 2017 | Membership Categorisation Analysis. Technologies of social action |
Fitzgerald2012 | Richard Fitzgerald | 2012 | Membership categorization analysis: Wild and promiscuous or simply the joy of Sacks? |
Fitzgerald2013 | Richard Fitzgerald Sean Rintel | 2013 | From lifeguard to bitch: How a story character becomes a promiscuous category in a couple's video call |
FitzgeraldHousley2015 | 2015 | Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis | |
Foster2023 | Emily Foster Laura Kilby | 2023 | “Speaking as a mother”: A membership categorisation analysis of child-centric talk in a UK daytime television talk show |
Gardner2012a | Rod Gardner | 2012 | Enriching CA through MCA? Stokoe’s MCA keys |
Gordon2017 | Cynthia Gordon Didem İkizoğlu | 2017 | ‘Asking for another' online: Membership categorization and identity construction on a food and nutrition discussion board |
Gotsbachner2009 | Emo Gotsbachner | 2009 | Asserting Interpretive Frames of Political Events: Panel Discussions on Television News |
Greco2018 | Luca Greco | 2018 | Dans les coulisses du genre: la fabrique de soi chez les Drag Kings |
Hayashi2016 | Reiko Hayashi | 2016 | Сategorization in talk: a case study of taxonomies and social meaning |
Heinrichsmeier2018 | Rachel Heinrichsmeier | 2018 | Tired, but not (only) because of age: An interactional sociolinguistic study of participants' variable stances towards older-age categorial explanations in everyday hair-salon talk |
Henderson2022a | Elle Felicity Henderson | 2022 | ‘So, it’s not necessarily about exclusion’: Category use in naturally occurring transphobic talk |
Hester2016a | Stephen Hester | 2016 | Descriptions of Deviance: A Study in Membership Categorization Analysis |
HesterEglin2017 | Stephen Hester Peter Eglin | 2017 | A Sociology of Crime |
Housley2024 | William Housley Patrik Dahl | 2024 | Membership categorisation, sociological description and role prompt engineering with ChatGPT |
Hugol-Gential2012 | Clémentine Hugol-Gential | 2012 | Le service au restaurant : analyse linguistique et multimodale des interactions entre personnel de service et clients |
Hunter2019 | Sarah C Hunter Rebecca Feo Damien W. Riggs | 2019 | Australian news media constructions and categorisations of primary caregiving fathers |
Izumi2017 | Hiroaki Izumi | 2017 | Help-Search Practices in Rehabilitation Team Meetings: A Sacksian Analysis |
Jacknick2017 | Christine M. Jacknick Sharon Avni | 2017 | Shalom, bitches: Epistemic stance and identity work in an anonymous online forum |
Jayyusi1984 | Lena Jayyusi | 1984 | Categorization and the Moral Order |
Jayyusi2010 | Lena Jayyusi | 2010 | Catégorisation et ordre moral |
Joyce2021 | Jack B. Joyce Bogdana Humă Hanna Leena-Ristimäki Fabio Ferraz de Almeida Ann Doehring | 2021 | Speaking out against everyday sexism: Gender and epistemics in accusations of “mansplaining” |
Kawamura2023 | Ken Kawamura Ryo Okazawa | 2023 | Reading What is Not There: Ethnomethodological Analysis of the Membership Category, Action, and Reason in Novels and Short Stories |
King2012 | Andrew King | 2012 | Recognising adulthood?: young adults’ accomplishment of their age identities |
King2017 | Andrew King | 2017 | Troubling identities? Examining older lesbian, gay and/or bisexual people's membership categorisation work and its significance |
Kyratzis2017 | Amy Kyratzis Marjorie Harness Goodwin | 2017 | Language Socialization in Children's Peer and Sibling-Kin Group Interactions |
Lefebvre2013 | Augustin Lefebvre | 2013 | Espace théorique et espace interactionnel: l'observation des pratiques scientifiques et profanes |
Lepper2000 | Georgia Lepper | 2000 | Categories in Text and Talk: A Practical Introduction to Categorization Analysis |
Lindegaard2014 | Laura Bang Lindegaard | 2014 | Doing focus group research: Studying rational ordering in focus group interaction |
Liu2023 | Zhiyi Liu | 2023 | An adult daughter's identity construction: Membership categorization analysis of daily Chinese-Australian family talk |
... further results |
Interactional linguistics
Author(s) | Year | Title | |
Aoki2011 | Hiromi Aoki | 2011 | Some functions of speaker head nods |
Auer2014 | Peter Auer | 2014 | There's no harm in glossing (but a need for a better understanding of the status of transcripts) |
Auer2015 | Peter Auer | 2015 | The temporality of language in interaction projection and latency |
Barth-Weingarten-Szczepek-Reed2014 | 2014 | Prosodie und Phonetik in der Interaktion / Prosody and phonetics in interaction | |
Barth-Weingarten2014 | Dagmar Barth-Weingarten Beatrice Szczepek Reed | 2014 | Prosodie und Phonetik in der Interaktion / Prosody and phonetics in interaction: Hinführung, Termini, Methoden |
Barth-Weingarten2021a | Dagmar Barth-Weingarten Uwe-A. Küttner Chase Wesley Raymond | 2021 | Pivots revisited: Cesuring in action |
BarthWeingarten-etal2020 | Dagmar Barth-Weingarten Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen Arnulf Deppermann | 2020 | Konstruktionsgrammatik und Prosodie: OH in englischer Alltagsinteraktion |
Beekhuizen2022 | Barend Beekhuizen Sandra A. Thompson | 2022 | ‘Something that’s very American’: The interactional role of Light-Head Relative Clauses |
Benjamin-Walker2013 | Trevor Benjamin Traci Walker | 2013 | Managing problems of acceptability with high rise fall repetitions |
Bergmann2018 | Pia Bergmann | 2018 | Prosody in Interaction |
Betz2013 | Emma M. Betz | 2013 | Quote–unquote in one variety of German: Two interactional functions of pivot constructions used as frames for quotation in Siebenbürger Sächsisch |
Blondal2015 | Thorunn Blondal | 2015 | Where Grammar Meets Interaction: Collaborative Production of Syntactic Constructions in Icelandic Conversation |
Blythe2013 | Joe Blythe | 2013 | Preference organization driving structuration: Evidence from Australian Aboriginal interaction for pragmatically motivated grammaticalization |
Bolden2009 | Galina B. Bolden | 2009 | Implementing incipient actions: The discourse marker 'so' in English conversation |
Bolden2009a | Galina B. Bolden | 2009 | Implementing delayed actions |
Bruxelles2009 | Sylvie Bruxelles Luca Greco Lorenza Mondada Véronique Traverso | 2009 | La co-conception du point de vue de l'analyse interactioniste |
CWRaymond2014 | Chase Wesley Raymond | 2014 | Negotiating entitlement to language: Calling 911 without English |
Calabria2022 | Virginia Calabria Maria Eleonora Sciubba | 2022 | “Adesso m’incazzo!”: Swearwords as resources for managing negative emotions in interaction |
Calabria2022a | Virginia Calabria | 2022 | Collaborative Grammar: The Temporality and Emergence of Clause Combination in Italian Talk-in-Interaction |
Calabria2023 | Virginia Calabria | 2023 | Co-constructing and other-extending collaborative reported speech in Italian |
Carranza2017 | Ariel Vázquez Carranza | 2017 | Some uses of ‘no’ in Spanish talk-in-interactions |
Chen2015 | Helen Kai-yun Chen | 2015 | A comparative study of the sound profiles of sites of initiation in French and Mandarin recycling repair |
Christodoulidou2014 | 2014 | Analyzing Greek Talk-in-Interaction | |
Christodoulidou2014a | Maria Christodoulidou | 2014 | Siga in interaction |
Corminboeuf2016 | Gilles Corminboeuf Anne-Sylvie Horlacher | 2016 | La projection en macro-syntaxe et en linguistique interactionnelle: dimensions théoriques et empiriques |
Couper-Kuhlen-Selting2001 | Elisabeth Couper-Kuhlen Margret Selting | 2001 | Introducing interactional linguistics |
Couper-Kuhlen-Selting2017 | Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen Margret Selting | 2017 | Interactional Linguistics: Studying Language in Social Interaction |
Couper-Kuhlen-Thompson2000 | Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen Sandra A. Thompson | 2000 | Concessive patterns in conversation |
Couper-Kuhlen2012 | Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen | 2012 | Turn continuation and clause combinations |
Couper-Kuhlen2012b | Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen | 2012 | Some truths and untruths about final intonation in conversational questions |
CouperKuhlen2014b | Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen Barbara A. Fox Sandra A. Thompson | 2014 | Forms of responsivity: Grammatical formats for responding to two types of request in conversation |
CouperKuhlen2015 | Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen Marja Etelämäki | 2015 | Nominated actions and their targeted agents in Finnish conversational directives |
DeFornel1997 | Michel de Fornel Jacqueline Léon | 1997 | Des questions-échos aux réponses-échos. Une approche séquentielle et prosodique des répétitions dans la conversation |
DeFornel1997a | Michel de Fornel Jean-Marie Marandin | 1997 | Une analyse grammaticale des auto-réparations |
DeFornel2000 | Michel de Fornel Jacqueline Léon | 2000 | L’analyse de conversation, de l’ethnomédologie à la linguistique interactionnel |
Deppermann-ed2013 | 2013 | Journal of Pragmatics. Special Issue: Conversation analytic studies of multimodal interaction | |
Deppermann2014 | Arnulf Deppermann | 2014 | “Don’t get me wrong”: Recipient design by using negation to constrain an action’s interpretation |
Deppermann2014b | Arnulf Deppermann | 2014 | Handlungsverstehen und Intentionszuschreibung in der Interaktion I: Intentionsbekundungen mit wollen |
Deppermann2015a | Arnulf Deppermann Susanne Günthner | 2015 | Temporality in interaction |
Deppermann2015b | Arnulf Deppermann | 2015 | Retrospection and understanding in interaction |
Deppermann2015c | 2015 | Temporality in Interaction | |
Deppermann2021i | Arnulf Deppermann Alexandra Gubina | 2021 | Positionally-sensitive action-ascription. Uses of Kannst du X? ‘can you X?’ in their sequential and multimodal context |
Dingemanse-Floyd2014 | Mark Dingemanse Simeon Floyd | 2014 | Conversation across cultures |
Dingemanse2016 | Mark Dingemanse Kobin Kendrick Nick J. Enfield | 2016 | A coding scheme for other-initiated repair across languages |
Dingemanse2020 | Mark Dingemanse | 2020 | Between Sound and Speech: Liminal Signs in Interaction |
Dingemanseetal2014 | Mark Dingemanse Joe Blythe Tyko Dirksmeyer | 2014 | Formats for other-initiation of repair across languages: An exercise in pragmatic typology |
Drake-Drake2015 | Derek Drake Veronika Drake | 2015 | “Tags are easy, ne?”: how to teach the use of tags in the German language classroom an ASC |
Drake2015 | Veronika Drake | 2015 | Indexing uncertainty: the case of turn-final or |
Fiedler2022 | Sophia Fiedler | 2022 | Une reconsidération du discours rapporté en langue parlée avec être là, faire (à quelqu’un) et se dire |
Fiedler2023 | Sophia Fiedler | 2023 | 6 Thinking out loud? Je me suis dit ‘I said to myself’ and j’étais là ‘I was there’ in French talk-in-interaction |
... further results |
Discursive Psychology
Author(s) | Year | Title | |
Abell1999 | Jackie Abell Elizabeth H. Stokoe | 1999 | “I Take Full Responsibility, I Take Some Responsibility, I'll Take Half of it But No More Than That”: Princess Diana and the Negotiation of Blame in the “Panorama” Interview |
AbellStokoeandBillig2000 | Jackie Abell Elizabeth H. Stokoe Michael Billig | 2000 | Narrative and the discursive (re)construction of events |
AbellandStokoe2001 | Jackie Abell Elizabeth H. Stokoe | 2001 | Broadcasting the royal role: Constructing culturally situated identities in the Princess Diana Panorama interview |
AllistoneandWooffitt2007 | Simon Allistone Robin Wooffitt | 2007 | Negotiating consciousness: parapsychology and the social organisation of reports of mental states |
Antaki1994 | Charles Antaki | 1994 | Explaining and Arguing |
Antaki1996 | Charles Antaki Mark Rapley | 1996 | ‘Quality of Life’ Talk: The Liberal Paradox of Psychological Testing |
Antaki2003 | Charles Antaki Michael Billig Derek Edwards Jonathan Potter | 2003 | Discourse analysis means doing analysis: a critique of six analytic shortcomings |
Antaki2004 | Charles Antaki | 2004 | Reading minds or dealing with interactional implications? |
Antaki2008c | Charles Antaki Michela Biazzi Anatte Nissen Johannes Wagner | 2008 | Accounting for moral judgments in academic talk: The case of a conversation analysis data session |
AntakiandBarnes2005 | Charles Antaki Rebecca Barnes Ivan Leudar | 2005 | Self-disclosure as a situated interactional practice |
Attenborough-Stokoe2012 | Frederick Attenborough Elizabeth Stokoe | 2012 | Student life, student identity, student experience: ethnomethodological methods for pedagogical matters |
Auburn2005 | Timothy Auburn | 2005 | Narrative reflexivity as a repair device for discounting 'cognitive distortions' in sex offender treatment |
AuburnandLea2003 | Timothy Auburn Susan Lea | 2003 | Doing cognitive distortions: A discursive psychology analysis of sex offender treatment talk |
Augoustinos2001 | Martha Augoustinos | 2001 | History as a rhetorical resource: using historical narratives to argue and explain |
AugoustinosLecouteurFogarty2007 | Martha Augoustinos Amanda Lecouteur Kathryn Fogarty | 2007 | Apologising-in-action: on saying ‘sorry’ to Indigenous Australians |
AugoustinosTileaga2012 | Martha Augoustinos Cristian Tileaga | 2012 | Twenty five years of discursive psychology |
AugoustinosTuffinRapley1999 | Martha Augoustinos Keith Tuffin Mark Rapley | 1999 | Genocide or a failure to gel?: racism, history and nationalism in Australian talk |
AugoustinosWalkerDonaghue2006 | Martha Augoustinos Iain Walker Ngaire Donaghue | 2006 | Social Cognition: An Integrated Introduction |
Badarneh2020 | Muhammad A Badarneh | 2020 | Discourses of defense: Self and other positioning in public responses to accusations of corruption in Jordan |
Barnes2007a | Rebecca Barnes Duncan Moss | 2007 | Communicating a feeling: The social organization of “private thoughts” |
Batel-Castro2018 | Susana Batel Paula Castro | 2018 | Reopening the dialogue between the theory of social representations and discursive psychology for examining the construction and transformation of meaning in discourse and communication |
BenwellStokoe2006 | Bethan Benwell Elizabeth H. Stokoe | 2006 | Discourse and Identity |
BenwellStokoe2008 | Bethan Benwell Elizabeth H. Stokoe | 2008 | University students resisting academic identity |
Billig2012 | Michael Billig | 2012 | Undisciplined beginnings, academic success, and discursive psychology |
Billig2014 | Michael Billig Cristina Marinho | 2014 | Manipulating information and manipulating people |
Billig2021 | Michael Billig | 2021 | Rhetorical uses of precise numbers and semi-magical round numbers in political discourse about COVID-19: Examples from the government of the United Kingdom |
BlumenthalGudjonssonBurns1999 | Stephen Blumenthal Gisli Gudjonsson Jan Burns | 1999 | Cognitive distortions and blame attribution in sex offenders against adults and children |
Blundell1980 | John E. Blundell | 1980 | Hunger, appetite and satiety: constructs in search of identities |
Bozatzis2014 | 2014 | The Discursive Turn in Social Psychology | |
Bradley2015 | Louise Bradley | 2015 | An Interactional Analysis of Support and 'Self-Work' during Interventions for Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties |
BurfordRice-Augoustinos2018 | Rose Burford-Rice Martha Augoustinos | 2018 | ‘I didn't mean that: It was just a slip of the tongue’: Racial slips and gaffes in the public arena |
Burningham1998 | Kate Burningham | 1998 | A noisy road or noisy resident? A demonstration of the utility of social constructionism for analyzing environmental problems |
Buttny2020 | Richard Buttny Etsuko Kinefuchi | 2020 | Vegans' problem stories: Negotiating vegan identity in dealing with omnivores |
ButtnyKelloggRath2007 | Richard Buttny Sandra Kellogg Rath | 2007 | Discursive practices in talking problems during a school-family meeting |
Cannon2020 | Caitlyn Cannon Joanne Meredith Susan Speer Warren Mansell | 2020 | A conversation analysis of asking about disruptions in Method of Levels psychotherapy |
Childs2012 | Carrie Childs | 2012 | Directing and requesting: two interactive uses of the mental state terms want and need |
ClarkeKitzingerPotter2004 | Victoria Clarke Celia Kitzinger Jonathan Potter | 2004 | “Kids are just cruel anyway”: lesbian and gay parents' talk about homophobic bullying |
Coulter2004 | Jeff Coulter | 2004 | What is “discursive psychology”? |
Craven2010 | Alexandra Craven Jonathan Potter | 2010 | Directives: Entitlement and contingency in action |
Cromdal2007 | Jakob Cromdal Michael Tholander Karin Aronsson | 2007 | “Doing reluctance”: managing delivery of assessments in peer evaluation |
Cromdal2015 | Jakob Cromdal Michael Tholander | 2015 | Introduction |
Demuth2021 | Carolin Demuth | 2021 | Managing accountability of children's bodily conduct: Embodied discursive practices in preschool |
Ditchfield2021 | Hannah Ditchfield | 2021 | Ethical Challenges in Collecting and Analysing Online Interactions |
Donaghue2018 | Ngaire Donaghue | 2018 | Discursive psychological approaches to the (un)making of sex/gender |
Drew2005 | Paul Drew | 2005 | Is confusion a state of mind? |
Durrheim-Greener-Whitehead2015 | Kevin Durrheim Ross Greener Kevin A. Whitehead | 2015 | Race trouble: Attending to race and racism in online interaction |
Durrheim2012 | Kevin Durrheim | 2012 | Discourse, action, rhetoric: From a perception to an action paradigm in social psychology |
Edwards1991 | Derek Edwards | 1991 | Categories are for talking: on the cognitive and discursive bases of categorization |
Edwards1994 | Derek Edwards | 1994 | Script formulations: an analysis of event descriptions in conversation |
Edwards1995 | Derek Edwards | 1995 | Two to Tango: Script Formulations, Dispositions, and Rhetorical Symmetry in Relationship Troubles Talk |
... further results |
Related Interaction Studies
(incl.: Goffman, anthropology, micro-ethnography, etc.)
Author(s) | Year | Title | |
Baharinvillerrintel2015 | Hanif Baharin Stephen Viller Sean Rintel | 2015 | SonicAIR: supporting independent living with reciprocal ambient audio awareness |
DrewandWootton1988 | 1988 | Erving Goffman: Exploring the Interaction Order | |
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... further results |