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ABurns2008 + | Parent–child interaction in Nigerian families: conversation analysis, context and culture + |
ATravers1994 + | Destigmatizing the Stigma of Self in Garfinkel's and Goffman's Accounts of Normal Appearances + |
Aaltonen2010 + | Halting aphasic interaction: creation of intersubjectivity and spousal relationship in situ + |
Aaltonen2011 + | Storyworld evoked by hand-drawn maps + |
Aaltonen2014 + | Photo sharing as a joint activity between an aphasic speaker and others + |
Aarsand-Nelander2016 + | Appropriation through guided participation: Media literacy in children's everyday lives + |
Aarsand2009 + | Response cries and other gaming moves: building intersubjectivity in gaming + |
Aarsand2019a + | Framing and switches at the outset of qualitative research interviews + |
Aarsand2021 + | Visual transcriptions as socio-technical assamblages + |
Abbas2020 + | Pragmatics of overlapping talk in therapy sessions + |
Abdallah2008 + | Online chatting in Beirut: sites of occasioned identity-construction + |
Abe2020 + | Interactional practices for online collaborative writing + |
Abell1999 + | “I Take Full Responsibility, I Take Some Responsibility, I'll Take Half of it But No More Than That”: Princess Diana and the Negotiation of Blame in the “Panorama” Interview + |
AbellStokoeandBillig2000 + | Narrative and the discursive (re)construction of events + |
AbellandStokoe2001 + | Broadcasting the royal role: Constructing culturally situated identities in the Princess Diana Panorama interview + |
Aberg2023 + | Monitoring, coordinating, and correcting professional conduct: soliciting absent requests during surgery + |
Abhakorn2017 + | Pedagogical Functions of Sequences Organization of Talk in the EFL Classroom + |
Ablitt2019 + | Working out Douglas’s aphorism: Discarded objects, categorisation practices, and moral inquiries + |
Abraham2015 + | Characterizing the structure and content of nurse handoffs: A Sequential Conversational Analysis approach + |
Abrahamson-etal2018 + | Enactivism and ethnomethodological conversation analysis as tools for expanding Universal Design for Learning: the case of visually impaired mathematics students + |
Abrams2014 + | Flawed by Dasein? Phenomenology, ethnomethodology, and the personal experience of physiotherapy + |
AbuAyah2018 + | The Sequential Organisation of Offers and Acceptances in Saudi Arabic + |
AbuElrob2019 + | Doctor-Patient Interaction at a Jordanian University Hospital: A Conversation Analysis Study + |
Acklin2007 + | De la sociologie à l'analyse de discours, et retour en hommage à Jean Widmer + |
Adami2024 + | Signs of understanding and turns-as-actions: a multimodal analysis of deaf–hearing interaction + |