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Results 51 – 100    (Previous 50 | Next 50)   (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)   (JSON | CSV | RSS | RDF)
Cartwright-Clegg2017Elizabeth Cartwright
Adam LaVar Clegg
2017Peaches for Lunch: Creating and Using Visual Variables
Lefstein2015Adam Lefstein
Julia Snell
Mirit Israeli
2015From moves to sequences: expanding the unit of analysis in the study of classroom discourse
Horvath2018Adam O. Horvath
Peter Muntigl
2018The alliance as a discursive achievement: a conversation analytical perspective
Muntigl-Horvath2014Peter Muntigl
Adam O. Horvath
2014“I Can See Some Sadness in Your Eyes”: When experiential therapists notice a client’s affectual display
Muntigl-Horvath2016Peter Muntigl
Adam O. Horvath
2016A conversation analytic study of building and repairing the alliance in family therapy
Muntigl-Horvath2014aPeter Muntig
Adam O. Horvath
2014The therapeutic relationship in action: How therapists and clients co-manage relational disaffiliation
Muntigl-etal2013Peter Muntigl
Naomi Knight
Ashley Watkins
Adam O. Horvath
Lynne Angus
2013Active retreating: Person-centered practices to repair disaffiliation in therapy
Fawole2021Adebola Abosede Fawole
Johannes Ratsitana Rammala
2021Rapport management in the opening sequence of African and Asian doctors in South Africa
Alac2020bMorana Alač
Yelena Gluzman
Tiffany Aflatoun
Adil Bari
Buhang Jing
German Mozqueda
2020Talking to a Toaster: How Everyday Interactions with Digital Voice Assistants Resist a Return to the Individual
Moshavi2021Adina Moshavi2021Answering Yes/No Questions in Biblical Hebrew Dialogue
Gonzalez-Martinez2017aEsther Gonzalez-Martinez
Adrian Bangerter
Kim Le Van
2017Building Situation Awareness on the Move: Staff Monitoring Behavior in Clinic Corridors
Gonzalez-Martinez2015Esther González-Martínez
Adrian Bangerter
Kim Le Van
Cecile Navarro
2015Hospital staff corridor conversations: work in passing
Bangerter-GosteliCorvalan2017Adrian Bangerter
Paloma Gosteli-Corvalan
2017Taking the Initiative in Job Interviews: Extended Responses to Questions and Storytelling
Gonzalez-Martinez-etal2017Esther González-Martínez
Adrian Bangerter
Kim Lê Van
2017Passing-by “Ça va?” checks in clinic corridors
Joyce2023Jack B. Joyce
Tom Douglass
Bethan Benwell
Catrin S. Rhys
Ruth Parry
Richard Simmons
Adrian Kerrison
2023Should we share qualitative data? Epistemological and practical insights from conversation analysis
Yip-Schoeb2020Adrian Yip
Veronika Schoeb
2020Facilitating patient participation in physiotherapy: Symptom-talk during exercise therapy from an Asian context
Schoeb-Yip2020Veronika Schoeb
Adrian Yip
2020Instructions as Actions for Initiating Exercise Therapy in Physiotherapy in Hong Kong
Chaves-Braga2019Mônica Chaves
Adriana Braga
2019The agenda of disinformation: “fake news” and membership categorization analysis in the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections
Cornaggia-etal2016Cesare Maria Cornaggia
Gabriella Di Rosa
Maria Polita
Adriana Magaudda
Cecilia Perin
Massimiliano Beghi
2016Conversation analysis in the differentiation of psychogenic nonepileptic and epileptic seizures in pediatric and adolescent settings
Mlynar2024Jakub Mlynář
Adrien Depeursinge
John O. Prior
Roger Schaer
Alexandre Martroye de Joly
Florian Evéquoz
2024Making sense of radiomics: insights on human–AI collaboration in medical interaction from an observational user study
Mondada2022cLorenza Mondada
Adrien Meguerditchian
2022Ouvertures et salutations entre babouins : organisation de la séquence et orientation incarnée vers l’autre
Lynett2019Adrienne Lynett2019“Yes, you can”: Conversational assessment in the classroom and its role in the management of institutional and social goals
Alijani-Barjesteh2018Afsaneh Alijani
Hamed Barjesteh
2018The role of EFL teacher’s talk and identity in Iranian classroom context
Ezenwa-ohaeto-etal2017Ngozi Ezenwa-ohaeto
Agatha Uchenna Ikemelu
Charles Chukwuma Motanya
2017Emerging trends in Nigerian Pidgin: Focus on radio talk-exchanges
Hofstetter2021bEmily Hofstetter
Leelo Keevallik
Agnes Löfgren
2021Suspending Syntax: Bodily Strain and Progressivity in Talk
Lofgren2023Agnes Löfgren
Emily Hofstetter
2023Introversive semiosis in action: depictions in opera rehearsals
Keevallik2024Leelo Keevallik
Emily Hofstetter
Agnes Löfgren
Sally Wiggins
2024Repetition for real-time coordination of action: Lexical and non-lexical vocalizations in collaborative time management
Loefgren2023Agnes Löfgren2023Relocating to Depict: Managing the Interactional Agenda at Opera Rehearsals
He1994Agnes Weiyun He1994Withholding Academic Advice: Institutional Context and Discourse Practice
He2004Agnes Weiyun He2004CA for SLA: Arguments from the Chinese Language Classroom
Vayreda-Antaki2009Agnès Vayreda
Charles Antaki
2009Social support and unsolicited advice in a bipolar disorder online forum
Antaki2005Charles Antaki
Elisenda Ardévol
Francesc Núñez
Agnès Vayreda
2005”For she who knows who she is:” managing accountability in online forum messages
Vayreda-Antaki2011Agnès Vayreda
Charles Antaki
2011To vaccinate or not?: the disqualification of commercial sources of health advice in an online forum
Sadati-Lankarani2017Ahmad Kalateh Sadati
Kamran Bagheri Lankarani
2017The pattern of educator voice in clinical counseling in an educational hospital in Shiraz, Iran: a conversation analysis
Al-Harahsheh2015Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad Al-Harahsheh2015A Conversation Analysis of self-initiated repair structures in Jordanian Spoken Arabic
Logren2019Aija Logren
Johanna Ruusuvuori
Jaana Laitinen
2019Peer responses to self-disclosures in group counseling
Logren2017Aija Logren
Johanna Ruusuvuori
Jaana Laitinen
2017Self-reflective talk in group counselling
Logren2017bAija Logren
Johanna Ruusuvuori
Jaana Laitinen
2017Group members’ questions shape participation in health counselling and health education
Wiggins2001Sally K. Wiggins
Jonathan Potter
Aimee Wildsmith
2001Eating your words: discursive psychology and the reconstruction of eating practices
Koivisto2013Aino Koivisto2013On the preference for remembering: acknowledging an answer with finnish ai nii(n) (“oh that's right”)
Halonen2023Mia Halonen
Aino Koivisto
2023Moving Money: Money as an Interactional Resource in Kiosk Encounters in Finland
Koivisto2015Aino Koivisto2015Displaying now-understanding: the Finnish change-of-state token 'aa'
Heinemann-Koivisto2016Trine Heinemann
Aino Koivisto
2016Indicating a change-of-state in interaction: Cross-linguistic explorations
Koivisto2015aAino Koivisto2015Taking an interactional perspective on final particles: the case of Finnish mutta (‘but’)
Koivisto2021Aino Koivisto
Marja-Leena Sorjonen
2021OKAY as a response to informings in Finnish
Koivisto-Nykanen2016Aino Koivisto
Elise Nykänen
2016Fictional dialogue and the construction of interaction in Rosa Liksom’s short stories
Koivisto2017Aino Koivisto2017Studying everyday conversation: News announcements and news receipts in telephone conversations
Koivisto2019Aino Koivisto2019Repair receipts: On their motivation and interactional import
Koivisto2023bAino Koivisto2023Proposing joint activities in WhatsApp group messaging: notes on action formation, action ascription and response relevance
Koivisto2023aAino Koivisto
Mikko T. Virtanen
Heidi Vepsäläinen
2023Applying conversation analysis to digital interaction