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Pages using the property "AnnWebLink"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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1 EMCA-friendly SNF Postdoc Position Language Science at the University of Neuchâtel 2019 +https://www.docdroid.net/86wyuqy/2-postesprojetfns-interpreters-fr-de.pdf  +
1 Post-Doc Teaching Fellow at NUS +https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/16184  +
1 post doc position at the University of Milan 2018 +http://www.unimi.it/ricerca/assegni ricerca/121548.htm  +
1.3 year Full time Postdoctoral Research Assistantship in Leicester UK, Dec 2024-April 2026 +https://jobs.le.ac.uk/vacancies/10645/research-associate.html  +
10th Anniversary CA Day Conversation Rules +http://homepages.lboro.ac.uk/~ssca1/CADay2016//CADay2016.html  +
10th EMCA Doctoral Network event in the UK 2018 +https://emcadoctoralnetwork.wordpress.com/about/meetings/  +
10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference 3rd Call for Papers Leibnitz Institute 2023 +http://bit.ly/3jZc4Ex  +
10th annual meeting of The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI) 2022 +https://www.tc.columbia.edu/lansi/conference/  +
11 PhDs and a Postdoc in Stockholm +https://www.su.se/english/about/working-at-su/phd?rmpage=job&rmjob=8414&rmlang=UK&fbclid=IwAR1Oy7EwGoSqqObk2Pt1AZ-31FpNeJvmB5o4xxcp5hynaMUkKEAnOjlNCho  +
12 Month lectureship at Keele University 2019 +https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BMG402/lecturer-in-psychology  +
12ICOM Groningen 2025 +https://sites.google.com/rug.nl/12icom/cfp  +
12th Annual Meeting of The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI) 18-19 October 2024 +https://www.tc.columbia.edu/lansi/conference/registration/  +
12th EMCA Doctoral Meeting (in-person event - Loughborough, UK) +https://emcadoctoralnetwork.wordpress.com/about/meetings/  +
13th EMCA Doctoral Networking Meeting 2023 +https://emcadoctoralnetwork.wordpress.com/about/meetings/  +
14th EMCA Doctoral Network Meeting, 2-3 September 2024, Sheffield UK +https://emcadoctoralnetwork.wordpress.com/about/meetings/  +
15th International Pragmatics Conference 2017 +http://ipra.ua.ac.be/main.aspx?c=.CONFERENCE15&n=1510  +
16th International Pragmatics Conference 2019 +https://pragmatics.international/page/HongKong  +
17th International IPrA Conference 2021 +https://pragmatics.international/  +
17th International Pragmatics Conference 2021 +https://pragmatics.international/page/Winterthur2021  +
18th International Pragmatics Conference 2023 +https://pragmatics.international/view.aspx?messageId=a84c8f71a08448cf9c36a1c7ee1bc095  +
18th June 2019 - John Heritage on "Talk Matters" at York University +https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/talk-matters-tickets-62306124295  +
2 Day Course: Transcribing Multimodal Interaction - Preparing and Transcribing Video Data given by Dr. Jacob Davidsen and Dr. Paul McIlvenny 20 Dec 2021 - 21 December 2021 +https://phdcourses.dk/Course/86292  +
2 EMCA-friendly SNF PhD Positions in Law/Sociology at the University of Neuchâtel 2019 +https://www.docdroid.net/86wyuqy/2-postesprojetfns-interpreters-fr-de.pdf  +
2 PhD positions at Radboud University Nijmegen +https://www.ru.nl/werken-bij/vacature/details-vacature/?recid=1091507&doel=embed&taal=nl  +
2 PhD positions in the intersensoriality project at University of Basel +https://jobs.unibas.ch/offene-stellen/two-doctoral-research-assistants-within-a-snf-project-on-social-interaction-univ-basel/4c4b1ad4-9fc0-41a1-af86-866ce118655a  +