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1 EMCA-friendly SNF Postdoc Position Language Science at the University of Neuchâtel 2019 +We are advertising 2 SNF PhD positions in Law/Sociology and 1 SNF Postdoc position in Language Sciences at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) for the project ³Interpreters¹ work with intercepted communications in criminal investigations"; see posting below. * Doctorant.e FNS en droit (100%) * Doctorant.e FNS en sociologie (100%) * Postdoctorant.e FNS (50%.100%) pour la chaire de droit pénal et de procédure pénale de la Faculté de droit de l¹Université de Neuchâtel (Suisse) * Entrée en fonction : 1er novembre 2019 ou date à convenir * Durée du contrat: 3 ans (durée du projet) * Lieu de travail : Université de Neuchâtel * Salaire : Conditions usuelles de l¹Université de Neuchâtel pour les doctorant.e.s et postdoctorant.e.s FNS Domaine de recherche Les postes sont ouverts dans le cadre du projet « Intercepter avec des interprètes », financé par le Fonds National Suisse. Le projet porte sur le travail des interprètes lors de l'interception de communications dans le cadre d'enquêtes pénales (cf. http://www.unine.ch/nadja.capus/home/recherche/ interpretes.html). Sous la direction de la Professeure Nadja Capus, spécialiste d'études sociojuridiques à la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Neuchâtel, le projet "Intercepter avec des interprètes" fait de l¹activité des interprètes lors d'enquêtes pénales un objet de recherche interdisciplinaire. Le projet inclut deux partenaires, la Professeure Esther González.Martínez, chercheuse en sociologie à l'Université de Fribourg, et la Professeure Mira Kadric.Scheiber, chercheuse en traductologie à l'Université de Vienne, ainsi qu¹un.e postdoctorant.e, deux doctorant.e.s et trois assistant.e.s étudiant.e.s qui mobiliseront des perspectives sociojuridiques, ethnométhodologiques et sociolinguistiques. Profil du ou de la doctorant.e en droit .Master en droit ou titre jugé équivalent; des études en sciences sociales seraient un atout .Bonnes connaissances de la démarche scientifique et des méthodes empiriques .Intérêt pour le travail interdisciplinaire .De langue maternelle française ou allemande avec une très bonne connaissance de l¹autre langue (bilingue de préférence) .Bonnes connaissances orales et écrites de l¹anglais .Maîtrise des outils informatiques courants .Rigueur intellectuelle, aisance dans la rédaction juridique, autonomie au niveau de l¹organisation du travail, esprit d¹initiative et aptitude à travailler en équipe Description du poste doctorant.e en droit Le ou la doctorant.e est appelé.e à: réaliser une thèse de doctorat en droit à la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Neuchâtel sous la direction de la Professeure Nadja Capus, en français ou en allemand ; travailler au sein d¹une équipe interdisciplinaire ; recueillir des données tirées de dossiers pénaux dans différents cantons ; analyser des dossiers d¹affaires pénales en se concentrant sur le traitement juridique des communications interceptées ; contribuer à la production de communications et d'articles scientifiques en anglais, français et/ou allemand ; contribuer à l'organisation scientifique et pratique de l'équipe de recherche. Profil du ou de la doctorant.e en sociologie .Master en sociologie, sciences sociales ou titre jugé équivalent .Bonnes connaissances de la démarche scientifique et des méthodes empiriques, en particulier de l'ethnographie .Intérêt pour le travail interdisciplinaire .De langue maternelle française ou allemande avec une très bonne connaissance de l¹autre langue (bilingue de préférence) .Bonnes connaissances orales et écrites de l¹anglais .Maîtrise des outils informatiques courants .Rigueur intellectuelle, aisance dans la rédaction scientifique, autonomie au niveau de l¹organisation du travail, esprit d¹initiative et aptitude à travailler en équipe Description du poste doctorant.e en sociologie Le ou la doctorant.e est appelé.e à: réaliser une thèse de doctorat en sociologie à l'Université de Fribourg sous la direction de la Professeure Esther González.Martínez, en français ou en anglais ; travailler au sein d¹une équipe interdisciplinaire ; réaliser du travail ethnographique (observations, entretiens, collecte de documents) sur les activités des interprètes en contact avec leurs partenaires et le traitement ultérieur des communications interceptées lors de l'enquête pénale ; contribuer à la production de communications et d'articles scientifiques en anglais, français et/ou allemand ; contribuer à l'organisation scientifique et pratique de l'équipe de recherche. Profil du ou de la postdoctorant.e .Doctorat en traductologie, sciences du langage ou titre jugé équivalent .Maitrise de la démarche scientifique et des méthodes empiriques .Intérêt marqué pour le travail interdisciplinaire .De langue maternelle française ou allemande avec une très bonne connaissance de l¹autre langue (bilingue de préférence) .Excellente connaissances orales et écrites de l¹anglais .Maîtrise des outils informatiques courants .Rigueur intellectuelle, aisance dans la rédaction scientifique, esprit d¹initiative, aptitude à organiser le travail d'équipe et assister la Direction du projet. Description du poste postdoctorant.e Le ou la postdoctorant.e est appelé.e à: travailler au sein d¹une équipe interdisciplinaire ; réaliser du travail ethnographique (observations, entretiens, collecte de documents) sur les activités des interprètes en contact avec leurs partenaires et le traitement ultérieur des communications interceptées lors de l'enquête pénale ; recueillir des données tirées de dossiers pénaux ; analyser des dossiers d¹affaires pénales en se concentrant sur le traitement linguistique des communications interceptées ; contribuer à la production de communications et d'articles scientifiques en anglais, français et/ou allemand ; assumer des responsabilités dans l'organisation scientifique et pratique de l'équipe de recherche. Dossier de candidature Le dossier de candidature comprend une lettre de motivation, un curriculum vitae, la liste de publications (pour le poste de postdoctorant.e), une copie des diplômes obtenus et des certificats de travail, des relevés de notes et deux travaux écrits (publications, thèse, mémoire de Master ou travail de séminaire). Il doit être envoyé en un seul fichier PDF, par courriel, à la professeure Nadja Capus (nadja.capus@unine.ch) avant le 31.07.2019. La professeure Nadja Capus se tient à disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire. L¹Université de Neuchâtel s'engage activement à la mise en ¦uvre de sa responsabilité et offre des conditions de travail non discriminatoires.  +
1 post doc position at the University of Milan 2018 +All graduates who have an appropriate scientific-professional curriculum to carry out research activities established by this competition notice can participate in this public selection. Requirements: a PhD in SOCIOLOGY, SOCIAL SCIENCES, ANTHROPOLOGY, PEDAGOGY, PSYCHOLOGY, LINGUISTICS or equivalent. More information about the selection process is available here: http://www.unimi.it/ricerca/assegni_ricerca/121548.htm  +
1.3 year Full time Postdoctoral Research Assistantship in Leicester UK, Dec 2024-April 2026 +I am recruiting for a Grade 7 Research Associate (non-clinical) on one a study exploring safety in gastrointestinal endoscopy.

We are particularly interested in recruiting someone with skills in conversational/ discourse analysis, with an interest in patient safety.   It is a full-time, fixed term contract from 1st December 2024 to 30th April 2026.   Deadline for the application is the 27th of September 2024.   Relevant links below * Advert: https://jobs.le.ac.uk/vacancies/10645/research-associate.html * Study: https://le.ac.uk/sapphire/research/scale-endo   Can you circulate within your networks please? I’m happy to be contacted about any queries regarding the post.   Many thanks.

 Dr M Farhad Peerally,  +
10th Anniversary CA Day Conversation Rules +Loughborough University's Discourse and Rhetoric Group hosts its 10th Anniversary Conversation Analysis Day, a one-day meeting comprising a series of 30-minute paper presentations in an informal and friendly atmosphere. 10th Anniversary Distinguished Invited Speakers Lorenza Mondada (Basel University & Helsinki University) Elizabeth Stokoe (Loughborough University) Call for Papers We welcome presentations on all aspects of interaction illuminated by Conversation Analysis. Please use the form (link on the right) together with a Registration form. Deadline for submisions: 20th September 2016. Registration Registration is open to all. It costs £15, which pays for refreshments and the evening reception, but not lunch. Pay on the day, in cash only please. The meeting is popular, so we recommend booking early. Organisers: Charles Antaki and Liz Stokoe  +
10th EMCA Doctoral Network event in the UK 2018 +10th EMCA DOCTORAL NETWORK MEETING 1-2 November 2018 King's College London, UK Keynote speaker: Dr Dirk vom Lehn, King's College London Please join us for the next EMCA Doctoral Network Meeting at King’s College London. This is the tenth in a series of biannual workshops for doctoral students undertaking research in the allied fields of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. The meeting will enable you to: Meet and engage with peers in a supportive environment Discuss and receive feedback on your project in a format most useful to you (presentation, data session, paper discussion, etc.) Explore key debates in the field Develop your EMCA skillset Information and costs: The event will be held in Bush House in central London Free accommodation is available on the Thursday night. (We have a delayed start on the Thursday to enable participants to travel that morning. However, there is a limited amount of accommodation also available on the Wednesday night - this will be allocated based on an assessment of need) Lunch and refreshments throughout the day will be provided at no charge. Given the accommodation costs a small deposit (20 pounds) will be required to confirm your place (to be paid once a place is offered). This deposit can be used as a contribution to the evening meal. Places are limited, so please apply as soon as possible. Just fill out the application form, which can be downloaded at: https://emcadoctoralnetwork.wordpress.com/about/meetings/ and return it to: jon.hindmarsh@kcl.ac.uk Deadline for applications is: 5 September 2018 (we will confirm places very shortly after that deadline) We look forward to welcoming you to London! Find out more about the EMCA Doctoral Network at: http://emcadoctoralnetwork.wordpress.com and join the conversation at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/emcadoctoralnetwork/  +
10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference 3rd Call for Papers Leibnitz Institute 2023 +'''10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference: 3rd Call for Papers''' The Leibniz Institute for the German Language in Mannheim is pleased to announce the 10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-10). The conference will take place in Mannheim, Germany, from 18 to 21 July 2023. The aim of the ICLC conference series, running since 1998, is to encourage fine-grained cross-linguistic research comprising two or more languages from a broad range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. ICLC brings together researchers from different linguistic subfields (and neighboring disciplines) to continue the (interdisciplinary) dialog on comparing languages, to foster the development of an international community, to discuss the state of the art, and to advance possible new areas of cross-linguistic research. Contrastive Linguistics as a linguistic subfield has had a checkered history, but comparative and contrastive work has always been and continues to be an important part of linguistic research. New impulses for comparative and contrastive work include the increasing availability of multilingual corpora or comparative work drawing on naturalistic interaction data. At this anniversary edition of ICLC, we want to provide a stage for the presentation of such new work, and reflect the past, current and future developments of contrastive research in linguistics. We invite contributions addressing (meta)theoretical, methodological or empirical issues, such as (but not limited to) the following: · Comparison of phenomena in two or more languages addressing topics from any area and level of linguistic analysis, including lexicon, phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax and morphosyntax, semantics, pragmatics as well as matters such as register and socio-cultural context · The state of the art and recent advances in contrastive linguistic research · The aims, objectives and scope of contrastive linguistic research · The status of contrastive research within linguistic studies and its relationship with neighbouring or complementary approaches such as historical, typological, micro-variationist, intercultural and contact linguistics · The link between contrastive studies and fields of applied linguistics such as foreign language teaching and learning, translation studies and corpus linguistics · Potentials and limits of theoretical frameworks in relation to contrastive analysis (e.g., functional, cognitive, interactional, generative, constructional approaches) · Theoretical and theoretical-methodological issues (comparability, incommensurability, the socio-cultural context, tertia comparationis, language universals) · Empirical and data-related methodological issues (parallel / translation corpora, comparable corpora, learner corpora, multimodal corpora, naturalistic data of face-to-face interaction, psycho- and neurolinguistic experiments, surveys) · The significance of the contrastive perspective for language-specific description on the one hand and for cross-linguistic generalizations and the development of linguistic theory on the other hand Some of these issues will be addressed by five invited keynote speakers. Confirmed keynote speakers are: · Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Leibniz-Centre for General Linguistics, Germany) · Jenny Audring (Leiden University, The Netherlands) · Elwys De Stefani (University of Heidelberg, Germany, and KU Leuven, Belgium) · Martin Haspelmath (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Germany) · Hilde Hasselgård (University of Oslo, Norway) The conference will include a poster session. The conference language will be English. Following the conference, all participants will be offered the possibility to submit their contribution for publication in a volume of selected conference papers. '''Submission of Abstracts''' We invite submissions for 20-minute oral presentations (plus 10 minutes for discussion) or poster presentations. Abstracts should formulate a clear research question and include a description of the methods, results and conclusions. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. One person may submit only one (oral or poster) paper as the first author. The number of co-authored submissions is not limited. However, presenting more than one paper (oral or poster) at the conference by a single person should be avoided. All submissions must be in English, fully anonymous, and no longer than one page (12 point Times New Roman), with up to one additional page for data, figures and references. Abstracts must be submitted via the EasyChair system through the following submission web page https://bit.ly/3jZc4Ex Submission Procedure: 1. Login at: https://bit.ly/3jZc4Ex 2. Enter your EasyChair username and password and log in. 3. If you do not have an EasyChair account, click on "create an account" and fill out the form. 4. Click "New Submission" at the top left of the page. 5. By following the instructions, fill out the form. 6. Select topics relevant to your submission from the list of Topic Domains and from the list of Languages. The topics will be used for assigning submissions to reviewers, for compiling the conference program and for conference analytics. Ideally, you select at least one topic from each list. 7. Specify your preferred presentation type: Oral or Poster. Both presentation types are considered to be of equal value. 8. Upload your abstract via "Files", and then submit. 9. After submitting your abstract successfully, you will receive an e-mail from EasyChair that you have successfully submitted your abstract. '''Important Dates''' 16.01.2023: Deadline for abstract submission 31.03.2023: Notification of acceptance 14.04.2023: Confirmation of participation 18.07.2023: Arrival, Registration, Get-together 19.-21.07.2023: Conference '''Conference Web Site''' http://bit.ly/3IuSRVj '''Organizing Committee:''' Beata Trawinski (Chair) Marc Kupietz Kristel Proost Jörg Zinken  +
10th annual meeting of The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI) 2022 +'''The 10th annual meeting of The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI)''' Teachers College, Columbia University New York City October 14-15 (Fri & Sat), 2022 '''INVITED LECTURES by''' Douglas Maynard (University of Wisconson-Madison) Marjorie Goodwin (UCLA) '''Call for Proposals''' LANSI brings together scholars and students working on naturally-occurring data within the broad area of language and social interaction. In keeping with the LANSI spirit of diversity and dialog, we welcome abstracts from colleagues working on a variety of topics using discourse analytic approaches that include but are not limited to conversation analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, and critical discourse analysis. Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and should include descriptions of the following aspects of the study: (1) problem(s) being addressed; (2) central claim(s); (3) data source(s) and analytic approach(es); (4) a short piece of data to support the main argument; (5) implication(s) of the findings. Please also include a 50-word summary. Abstracts will be blind-reviewed on the basis of clarity, specificity, originality, and the inclusion of the required components. Papers will be presented within a 15-minute slot with an additional 5 minutes for discussion. '''Please note that proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required for campus access.''' Deadline for electronic submission is June 15, 2022. Notification of acceptance or non-acceptance will be sent via email by July 15, 2022. For additional information and to submit an abstract, please visit: www.tc.edu/lansi Questions can be sent to: lansi@tc.columbia.edu Conference Co-chairs: Hansun Zhang Waring, Carol Lo, Lauren Carpenter, Allie King  +
11 PhDs and a Postdoc in Stockholm +We have two interesting PhD opportunities open. The first is working with Airi Lampinen and myself - we are looking for a PhD student for a position in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), focused on ethnographic research regarding technologies used for economic and social exchange. The position is suitable for students from both social scientific and technical backgrounds. Deadline for applications on April 15. https://www.su.se/english/about/working-at-su/phd?rmpage=job&rmjob=8414&rmlang=UK&fbclid=IwAR1Oy7EwGoSqqObk2Pt1AZ-31FpNeJvmB5o4xxcp5hynaMUkKEAnOjlNCho The second is an open call in our department for *ten* open PhD programs. While the call is open for any position in the computing sciences, the department overall has a strong focus on HCI and the social sciences. We are happy to advise students who would like to apply to these open positions: https://www.su.se/english/about/working-at-su/phd?rmpage=job&rmjob=8466&rmlang=UK Sweden is one of the best places in the world to do a PhD - an open, friendly, environment, with a good salary and conditions for the five years of the PhD. Our research group currently has eight researchers working on a range of topics across the computing & social sciences. We publish at a high level with a supportive international environment. Applicants for both positions need to have a masters in a relevant field (or be about to complete one). Send an email to either myself <barry@dsv.su.se> or airi <airi@dsv.su.se> if you have any specific questions. Please apply! Best, Barry P.s. We also have a two year post-doc on ethnographic studies of hackers that will be open next month. If you know anyone who could be a good candidate let me know.  +
12 Month lectureship at Keele University 2019 +Fixed term for 12 months to cover Maternity Leave Grade 7a, Starting Salary £34,520 Keele University is renowned for its exciting approach to higher education, innovative research, beautiful campus, strong community spirit, and excellent student experience. With a turnover in excess of £134 million, over 10,000 students, and a total staff of approximately 2000, the University provides high quality teaching across a wide range of academic and vocational subjects and promotes world-class research. Further information can be found at http://www.keele.ac.uk. This post represents an exciting opportunity to join a team of staff in Keele University’s Faculty of Natural Sciences. For this post we welcome applications from psychologists with expertise in qualitative research methods. Candidates will be expected to have completed or almost completed their PhD. The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to teaching at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels (in particular, qualitative methods), to enhancing the research profile of the school, and to undertaking administrative responsibilities. The post is located within the School of Psychology on the main campus of the University, in which there are excellent teaching and research facilities. The successful candidate will join a dynamic and thriving School of Psychology which has an excellent research and teaching infrastructure, and a strong commitment and track record in providing high quality educational programmes. For an informal discussion about the post please e-mail Dr Jim Grange, Interim Head of School (j.a.grange@keele.ac.uk) in the first instance. Keele University values equality and diversity across our workforce and to ensuring our staff community is reflective of the diversity of our student population. In support of these commitments the University welcomes applications from individuals of Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds for all roles. For full post details please visit: www.keele.ac.uk/vacancies  +
12ICOM Groningen 2025 +12ICOM will take place at the University of Groningen on 29-31 October, 2025. The conference aims to bring together scholars and researchers from diverse disciplines, including EM, Multimodal CA, Gesture Studies, and other areas that explore the complexities of multimodal communication. CFP and more information: https://sites.google.com/rug.nl/12icom/cfp  +
12th Annual Meeting of The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI) 18-19 October 2024 +Dear Colleagues: We are excited to invite you to the 12th Annual Meeting of The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI), which is scheduled to take place on Oct 18-19 (Friday and Saturday) at Teachers College, Columbia University. The full conference program is now available. This year, we are delighted to have (a) Mary Bucholtz and her collaborator Erika Prado and (b) Phillip Glenn as our invited speakers, and we can’t wait to hear these talks and many others: # The interactional contingency of desire: Intersubjective uncertainty and haptic sociality in autistic communication without speech (Bucholtz & Prado, UCSB) # Moving past online hostility: Formulating practices in conversation with people who hate me (Phillip Glenn, Emerson) Pre-registration is now open. Space is limited. Go to https://www.tc.columbia.edu/lansi/conference/registration/ to take advantage of our pre-registration rate. Looking forward to seeing you (again) in New York City in the beautiful season of Fall! Warm regards, 2024 LANSI Organizers Hansun Zhang Waring Kelly Frantz Allie King Lauren Carpenter  +
12th EMCA Doctoral Meeting (in-person event - Loughborough, UK) +12th EMCA DOCTORAL NETWORK MEETING (in-person event) 8-9th November 2021 Loughborough University, UK. Keynote speaker: Charles Antaki, Loughborough University The next EMCA Doctoral Network Meeting will take place in-person at Loughborough University. This is the 12th workshop for doctoral students undertaking research in the allied fields of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. The meeting will enable you to: Meet and engage with peers in a supportive environment. Discuss and receive feedback on your project in a format most useful to you (presentation, data session, paper discussion, etc). Explore key debates in the field. Develop your EMCA skillset. Information and costs: Free accommodation is available overnight on Monday 8th November (we will have a delayed start to allow participants to travel that morning). Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout both days and an evening meal on the first day. The event is in-person and will follow Loughborough University Covid guidelines at that time. To apply - fill out the application form which can be downloaded at: https://emcadoctoralnetwork.wordpress.com/about/meetings/ (or obtained from rachael.drewery@nottingham.ac.uk) Deadline for applications: 24th September 2021 (we will confirm places very shortly after the deadline) Please return applications to rachael.drewery@nottingham.ac.uk For queries contact: M.Pino@lboro.ac.uk or alison.pilnick@nottingham.ac.uk  +
13th EMCA Doctoral Networking Meeting 2023 +The 13th EMCA Doctoral Network Meeting will take place in the University of Liverpool over the 5th and 6th June 2023 with keynotes from Morana Alač and Phillip Brooker. This is an in-person event for doctoral students who are pursuing research in the allied fields of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. In special circumstances, however, we will open spaces to a small number of applicants to participate online, for example, doctoral students on fieldwork/based in universities outside the UK or those with accessibility issues. Registration closes on the 31st March. Further information and the registration forms can be found here: https://emcadoctoralnetwork.wordpress.com/about/meetings/.  +
14th EMCA Doctoral Network Meeting, 2-3 September 2024, Sheffield UK +14th EMCA Doctoral Network meeting University of Sheffield, 2nd–3rd September 2024 Keynote speakers: Hannah Ditchfield (University of Sheffield) and Rose Rickford (University of Surrey) We are pleased to announce the 14th EMCA Doctoral Network meeting will be held in Sheffield in early September. The event will be hosted in the Wave, 2 Whitham Road, Sheffield, S10 2SJ. The meetings aim to establish, build and support a doctoral research community working in the fields of ethnomethodology and conversation(al) analysis across the UK and Europe. Each meeting offers a mix of workshops, data sessions, reading groups, practical sessions and presentations. The idea is to provide an informal environment for students to come and share ideas, ask questions, showcase research, and so on. We want to encourage and facilitate opportunities to socialise and network with your EMCA peers. The event is open to doctoral students only. Lunch and refreshments will be provided on both days, along with accommodation for Monday night (for those who need it) and breakfast on Tuesday. As places are limited, prior registration is essential. To register, please describe your research and indicate how you want to contribute to the event (e.g., data session, presentation, reading group suggestion, etc.) using this Google form. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis, and are strictly limited to ensure that accommodation costs can be met. To confirm attendance, please complete the form by Sunday 11th August (earlier if at all possible). We will be sending out the programme early the week after. The scientific committee co-ordinating this meeting is: * Lauren Bridgstock (Manchester Metropolitan University) * Malebogo Moji (University of York) * Rosario Neyra (University of York) Please direct any organisational or administrative queries to the venue co-ordinator, Alex Dennis.  +
15th International Pragmatics Conference 2017 +15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA2017) – deadlines and student prizes CFP: http://ipra.ua.ac.be/main.aspx?c=.CONFERENCE15&n=1516 Please note that the first deadline for the 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA2017, Belfast, 16-21 July 2017) is: * 1 June 2016: deadline for panel proposals * 15 October 2016: all other deadlines (please read the Call for papers carefully) Also note that, thanks to the newly established John J. Gumperz Fund (which you can contribute to in the process of membership renewal, if you have not yet done so), a number of student prizes will be awarded: * three or four student bursaries (travel and accommodation, free registration for participation at IPrA 2017) * a best student paper award (a small cash prize, certificate, and publication in Pragmatics) * a best student poster award (a small cash prize, certificate, and posting on the IPrA website) Rules for candidacy for these awards will be published after the summer.  +
16th International Pragmatics Conference 2019 +The 16th International Pragmatics Conference will be held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 9-14 June 2019. Conference chair: Winnie CHENG (Professor, Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Other Local Site Committee members: Kathleen AHRENS (Professor, Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Aditi BHATIA (Associate Professor, Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), CHEN Xinren (Assistant Dean, School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing University, China; President of China Pragmatics Association), Louise CUMMINGS (Professor, Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), HO Chung Kwong Victor (Assistant Professor, Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Janet HO (Senior Lecturer, Department of English, Lingnan University), Brian KING (Assistant Professor, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong), Hans J. LADEGAARD (Professor & Head, Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), LAM Phoenix W. Y. (Assistant Professor, Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Carmen LEE (Associate Professor, Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Cynthia F K LEE (Associate Professor, Centre for Applied English Studies, University of Hong Kong), Olga A. ZAYTS (Associate Professor, School of English, The University of Hong Kong), Catherine LAW (Marketing Manager, Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Other members of the International Conference Committee: Nana Aba Appiah AMFO (Accra, Ghana), Charles ANTAKI (Loughborough, UK), Frank BRISARD (Antwerp, Belgium), Anita FETZER (Augsburg, Germany), Pilar GARCES-CONEJOS BLITVICH (Charlotte, USA), Hartmut HABERLAND (Roskilde, Denmark), Michael HAUGH (Brisbane, Australia), Janet HOLMES (Wellington, New Zealand), Sachiko IDE (Tokyo, Japan), Cornelia ILIE (Malmö, Sweden), Dennis KURZON (Haifa, Israel), Sophia MARMARIDOU (Athens, Greece), Rosina MARQUEZ-REITER (Guildford, UK), Michael MEEUWIS (Ghent, Belgium), Jacob MEY (Odense, Denmark), Melissa MOYER (Barcelona, Spain), Neal NORRICK (Saarbrücken, Germany), Tsuyoshi ONO (Edmonton, Canada), Salvador PONS BORDERÍA (Valencia, Spain), Catrin RHYS (Belfast, Northern Ireland), Tuija VIRTANEN (Åbo, Finland), John WILSON (Belfast, Northern Ireland) As on earlier occasions, the conference is open to all topics relevant to the field of linguistic pragmatics, broadly conceived as the interdisciplinary (cognitive, social, cultural) science of language use. SPECIAL THEME: Pragmatics of the Margins (read more on the theme in the file below, or click the link). Please read all instructions carefully. Note that IPrA membership is required for submitting an abstract (with all deadlines in 2018) as well as for presenting during the conference (in 2019), and that membership always runs from 1 January to 31 December, no matter at what time in the year it is applied for. Membership can be arranged instantly by clicking ‘REGISTER’ on top of this page. DEADLINES * The deadline for panel proposals (see definition below): 1 June 2018 (extended to 4 June) -- NOW CLOSED * Contributions to accepted panels (see below), and individual submissions for posters and lectures must be sent in by 15 October 2018  +
17th International IPrA Conference 2021 +17th International Pragmatics Conference 2021 in Winterthur Switzerland from 27 June - 2 July 2021. The call for papers is open now! 21 June 2020: Panel Proposals Due 25 October 2020: Panel Contributions, Lectures, & Posters Due Please read all instructions carefully before submitting your abstract  +
17th International Pragmatics Conference 2021 +IPrA News – 14 April 2020 https://pragmatics.international The Call for Papers is NOW OPEN 17th International Pragmatics Conference Winterthur, Switzerland 27 June – 2 July 2021 The Call for Papers for the 17th International Pragmatics Conference is now open. Note the following deadlines: * 7 June 2020: for panel proposals * 18 October 2020: for panel contributions, lectures, and posters Please read all instructions carefully before submitting your abstract. Plenary speakers will include (one more to be added later): * David Beaver, University of Texas, Austin, USA * Amy Kyratzis, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA – Susan Ervin-Tripp Lecture * Carmen Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong * Miriam Locher, University of Basel, Switzerland * Maria Sifianou, University of Athens, Greece **NOTE from organizers, 30th April 2020 on Preparing for contingencies** We do not know the future, but we can prepare. With Covid-19 affecting many planned meetings, it is important to be ready for contingencies, even though our conference is still more than a year from now. It is too early to make exact predictions of the circumstances, but rest assured that IPrA is planning for the 17th International Pragmatics Conference to proceed, while simultaneously making contingency plans for remote participation options. Therefore, you are encouraged to continue panel organization and abstract submission. We will keep you informed about all further developments pertinent to the conference.  +
18th International Pragmatics Conference 2023 +Plenary Speakers: Anna Papafragou (University of Pennsylvania) Christian Rathmann (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) Julia Snell (University of Leeds) Mark Dingemanse (Radboud University Nijmegen) Sue Fletcher-Watson (University of Edinburgh) Conference Theme: The shape of interaction: the pragmatics of (a)typicality We only know the typical from the atypical, and vice versa. Pragmaticians have made a fundamental contribution to the language sciences by showing that interactants presume mutual knowledge of the typical to do atypical things, flout maxims, make other people laugh. They have demonstrated that we expect others to produce typical behaviour, that we orient to atypical interaction and set out to restore routine conduct. They have illustrated in addition that communication can misfire when people fail to share typical, often implicit, signs for signalling mutual comprehension and that, because (a)typical language use is interactive with social standards for communication, this is not without repercussions. At the same time there have been ample concerns about what pragmatic research has considered typical, normal language use, and what particular types of behaviour and linguistic choices it has been upholding as universal. Other questions have surfaced over who gets to be seen and investigated as commonsensically (a)typical, the extent to which individuals, rather than socially shared discourses, can be said to own pragmatic difficulties, not to mention over what can be considered acceptable pragmatic improvement for whom. By focusing on the shape of interaction – that is, the resources and modalities used, the strategies deployed, its narrative unfolding or break-up, and its outcome for the involved participants – we seek to reinforce the pragmatics of (a)typicality by encouraging delegates to increase pragmatic insight into, among other things: -how populations diagnosed with autism, schizophrenia and TDAH, DLD or dyslexia process language and engage in meaningful interaction, with members of similarly diagnosed groups as well as undiagnosed others; -how communication is negotiated and achieved between and among deaf, deaf-blind, and hearing people; how these groups combine signs with visual and tactile gestures and other semiotic resources; ----how ideologies of sign language identify (a)typical resources and approach video and hearing technologies as ordinary or exceptional; -what can be identified as pragmatic difficulties and disfluencies, how these difficulties manifest themselves and are oriented to, and to what extent these difficulties are owned individually or rather emerge and/or disappear in situated, interpersonal communication; -how atypical events (health crises, natural disaster, terrorist attacks) turn everyday interaction into sites of surveillance, invite ‘atypical language’ detection technologies, or invite discourses which identify people as atypical, threatening members of society; -how human interaction conjures up and legitimises exceptional, disruptive events by, among others, allusive language or conspiracy theories; how conventional, official, discourses are contested by exceptional, multimodal protest discourses; and how human interaction forges atypical solidarity across ethnic, social, linguistic and/or political divides. -which arguments are formulated by laypeople and experts to account for monolingual and multilingual practices, sites or communities as (a)typical, in what contexts; how these accounts impact on observable language use; how opponents in debate over language define the limits of acceptable, (a)typical arguments; and how pragmaticians as a community of practice define the boundaries of (a)typical academic writing. Deadlines: - Deadline for panel proposals: 15 June 2022 - Contributions to accepted panels and submissions for posters and lectures must be sent in by 1 November 2022 Submission Details: -Panel proposals (deadline 15 June 2022) have to consist of a brief outline (min. 250 and max. 500 words) of the theme and purpose of the panel, with a first indication of the people the organizer(s) intend(s) to encourage to participate. Panel organizers are asked to avoid restricting their panels to an in-group; therefore, the outline should at the same time serve as a call for papers, inviting others to submit proposals for contributions. Within three weeks after the deadline the conference committee will, on the basis of the outline (weighed against other proposals in relation to the total number of available time slots), decide whether the proposal is accepted. The organizer(s) of an accepted panel is/are free to decide on suitable contributions to their panel, inviting colleagues to submit proposals and selecting from spontaneously submitted ones. Not all panels need to take the same form; some may work with sessions that emphasize discussion; others may want to fit in more (brief) oral presentations; the minimum number of presentations planned for one 90-minute session, however, should be three; the maximum number of 90-minute sessions for a panel is five. -Abstracts for lectures and posters (min. 250 and max. 500 words) should be submitted before 1 November 2022. It is the individual submitter’s choice to submit for oral presentation (lecture) or a poster. Oral presentations are for (nearly) completed research, for which 30-minute slots will be available (including discussion time and time for moving between sessions). Posters are suitable for work in progress and/or work that requires personal feedback, and these will be up for the whole week; during one of the conference days, there is a poster period during which all other conference activities are blocked so that attention goes exclusively to looking at and discussing posters. IPrA actively encourages the submission of posters; experience tells us that this format can generate serious interaction and result in lasting and fruitful contacts.  +
18th June 2019 - John Heritage on "Talk Matters" at York University +Talk Matters An Open Lecture by John Heritage, PhD FAcSS Distinguished Research Professor of Sociology, UCLA Hosted by the Language & Social Interaction Research Cluster Department of Sociology, University of York One of the more surprising developments in sociology during recent decades has been the success of the ultra-microsociological field of conversation analysis (CA). As its name implies, this field focuses on how people talk in conversation and other forms of interaction, and it does so in fine detail. The field was invented in my Department at UCLA, and has since become a widespread approach to research on social interaction and commmunication, practiced worldwide and prominently here at the University of York. The success of this field has two sources: its contribution to solving basic problems in the social sciences, and its use as a resource in solving applied problems in many walks of life. This talk describes some of the basic problems, as well as some applications of CA in the everyday worlds of law, medicine and politics. Date: 18 June 2019 Time: Drinks and snacks from 5pm. Talk to start at 6pm. Place: Bowland Auditorium, Berrick Saul Building, University of York (Campus West). See: https://www.york.ac.uk/about/maps/ for maps and directions. To book: Tickets (free of charge) can be booked here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/second-annual-lecture-tickets-62306124295 Enquiries to: Merran Toerien (merran.toerien@york.ac.uk)  +
2 Day Course: Transcribing Multimodal Interaction - Preparing and Transcribing Video Data given by Dr. Jacob Davidsen and Dr. Paul McIlvenny 20 Dec 2021 - 21 December 2021 +TRANSCRIBING MULTIMODAL INTERACTION – PREPARING AND TRANSCRIBING VIDEO DATA Doctoral School of the Humanities at Aalborg University Registration to hannepc@hum.aau.dk - Deadline December 1 This course gives an introduction to multimodal transcription of human social actions captured with video. Before transcribing video data researchers are tasked with the job of preparing the data, e.g. stitching together videos into a composite video or generating the best possible audio track based on the microphones used. After that the process of getting the data ready the process of transcription begins. The course will give a basic introduction to transcription, but also we will introduce DOTE (a digital transcription environment) for supporting transcription. Learning objectives: Develop basic skills on how to prepare video data for transcription Develop a basic understanding on the theory on transcription Give a solid understanding of digital transcription tools – more precisely DOTE. Teaching methods: Online virtual lectures. Online virtual demonstrations and exercises. Hands-on practice with our new transcription software. Course schedule: Day 1 10:00-12:00 - Preparing audiovisual data Audio 2D, 180 and 360 video Transcoding 13:00-15:00 - Basics of transcription Jeffersonian Mondadian Other script and score-based systems Comic transcripts Day 2 10:00-12:00 - Using transcription software Legacy software (CLAN, Transana, Elan) Pros and cons DOTE 13:00-15:00 - Theoretical and methodological issues Status of transcripts Reproducibility Theoretical biases Script vs score Text vs image Key literature: McIlvenny, Paul & Davidsen, Jacob (2017). A Big Video Manifesto: Re-sensing Video and Audio. Nordicom Information 39(2): 15-21. https://www.nordicom.gu.se/sites/default/files/kapitel-pdf/mcilvenny_davidsen.pdf.- McIlvenny, Paul (2020). New Technology and Tools to Enhance Collaborative Video Analysis in Live 'Data Sessions'. QuiViRR: Qualitative Video Research Reports 1: a0001. DOI: 10.5278/ojs.quivirr.v1.2020.a0001. Jefferson, Gail (2004). Glossary of Transcript Symbols with an Introduction. In: Lerner, Gene (ed.), Conversation Analysis. Studies from the First Generation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 13-31. Bucholtz, Mary (2000). The Politics of Transcription. Journal of Pragmatics 32(10): 1439-1465. Bucholtz, Mary (2007). Variation in Transcription. Discourse Studies 9(6): 784-808. DOI: 10.1177/1461445607082580. Mondada, Lorenza (2007). Commentary: Transcript Variations and the Indexicality of Transcribing Practices. Discourse Studies 9(6): 809-821. DOI: 10.1177/1461445607082581. Bucholtz, Mary (2007). Reply: Variability in Transcribers. Discourse Studies 9(6): 837-842. DOI: 10.1177/1461445607082585. Kitzinger, Celia (1998). Inaccuracies in Quoting from Data Transcripts: Or Inaccuracy in Quotings from Data Transcripts. Discourse & Society 9(1): 136-143. Ayaß, Ruth (2015). Doing Data: The Status of Transcripts in Conversation Analysis. Discourse Studies 7(5): 505-528. DOI: 10.1177/1461445615590717. Hepburn, Alexa & Bolden, Galina B. (2017). Transcribing for Social Research. London: Sage. Mondada, Lorenza (2019). Transcribing Silent Actions: A Multimodal Approach of Sequence Organization Social Interaction: Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality 2(1). DOI: 10.7146/si.v2i1.113150. https://tidsskrift.dk/socialinteraction/article/view/113150. Laurier, Eric (2014). The Graphic Transcript: Poaching Comic Book Grammar for Inscribing the Visual, Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Action. Geography Compass 9(4): 235-248. Murphy, Keith M. (2021). Transcription Aesthetics. Semiotic Review 9. https://www.semioticreview.com/ojs/index.php/sr/article/view/68. O'Connell, Daniel C. & Kowal, Sabine (2000). Are Transcripts Reproducible? Pragmatics 10(2): 247-269. Skedsmo, Kristian (2021). How to Use Comic-Strip Graphics to Represent Signed Conversation. Research on Language and Social Interaction. 10.1080/08351813.2021.1936801. Aarsand, Pål & Sparrman, Anna (2019). Visual Transcriptions as Socio-Technical Assemblages. Visual Communication 20(2): 289-309. DOI: 10.1177/1470357219852134. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1470357219852134. Albert, Saul, Heath, Claude, Skach, Sophie, Harris, Matthew Tobias, Miller, Madeline & Healey, Patrick G. T. (2019). Drawing as Transcription: How Do Graphical Techniques Inform Interaction Analysis? Social Interaction: Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality 2(1). DOI: 10.7146/si.v2i1.113145 https://tidsskrift.dk/socialinteraction/article/view/113145.  +
2 EMCA-friendly SNF PhD Positions in Law/Sociology at the University of Neuchâtel 2019 +We are advertising 2 SNF PhD positions in Law/Sociology and 1 SNF Postdoc position in Language Sciences at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) for the project ³Interpreters¹ work with intercepted communications in criminal investigations"; see posting below. * Doctorant.e FNS en droit (100%) * Doctorant.e FNS en sociologie (100%) * Postdoctorant.e FNS (50%.100%) pour la chaire de droit pénal et de procédure pénale de la Faculté de droit de l¹Université de Neuchâtel (Suisse) * Entrée en fonction : 1er novembre 2019 ou date à convenir * Durée du contrat: 3 ans (durée du projet) * Lieu de travail : Université de Neuchâtel * Salaire : Conditions usuelles de l¹Université de Neuchâtel pour les doctorant.e.s et postdoctorant.e.s FNS Domaine de recherche Les postes sont ouverts dans le cadre du projet « Intercepter avec des interprètes », financé par le Fonds National Suisse. Le projet porte sur le travail des interprètes lors de l'interception de communications dans le cadre d'enquêtes pénales (cf. http://www.unine.ch/nadja.capus/home/recherche/ interpretes.html). Sous la direction de la Professeure Nadja Capus, spécialiste d'études sociojuridiques à la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Neuchâtel, le projet "Intercepter avec des interprètes" fait de l¹activité des interprètes lors d'enquêtes pénales un objet de recherche interdisciplinaire. Le projet inclut deux partenaires, la Professeure Esther González.Martínez, chercheuse en sociologie à l'Université de Fribourg, et la Professeure Mira Kadric.Scheiber, chercheuse en traductologie à l'Université de Vienne, ainsi qu¹un.e postdoctorant.e, deux doctorant.e.s et trois assistant.e.s étudiant.e.s qui mobiliseront des perspectives sociojuridiques, ethnométhodologiques et sociolinguistiques. Profil du ou de la doctorant.e en droit .Master en droit ou titre jugé équivalent; des études en sciences sociales seraient un atout .Bonnes connaissances de la démarche scientifique et des méthodes empiriques .Intérêt pour le travail interdisciplinaire .De langue maternelle française ou allemande avec une très bonne connaissance de l¹autre langue (bilingue de préférence) .Bonnes connaissances orales et écrites de l¹anglais .Maîtrise des outils informatiques courants .Rigueur intellectuelle, aisance dans la rédaction juridique, autonomie au niveau de l¹organisation du travail, esprit d¹initiative et aptitude à travailler en équipe Description du poste doctorant.e en droit Le ou la doctorant.e est appelé.e à: réaliser une thèse de doctorat en droit à la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Neuchâtel sous la direction de la Professeure Nadja Capus, en français ou en allemand ; travailler au sein d¹une équipe interdisciplinaire ; recueillir des données tirées de dossiers pénaux dans différents cantons ; analyser des dossiers d¹affaires pénales en se concentrant sur le traitement juridique des communications interceptées ; contribuer à la production de communications et d'articles scientifiques en anglais, français et/ou allemand ; contribuer à l'organisation scientifique et pratique de l'équipe de recherche. Profil du ou de la doctorant.e en sociologie .Master en sociologie, sciences sociales ou titre jugé équivalent .Bonnes connaissances de la démarche scientifique et des méthodes empiriques, en particulier de l'ethnographie .Intérêt pour le travail interdisciplinaire .De langue maternelle française ou allemande avec une très bonne connaissance de l¹autre langue (bilingue de préférence) .Bonnes connaissances orales et écrites de l¹anglais .Maîtrise des outils informatiques courants .Rigueur intellectuelle, aisance dans la rédaction scientifique, autonomie au niveau de l¹organisation du travail, esprit d¹initiative et aptitude à travailler en équipe Description du poste doctorant.e en sociologie Le ou la doctorant.e est appelé.e à: réaliser une thèse de doctorat en sociologie à l'Université de Fribourg sous la direction de la Professeure Esther González.Martínez, en français ou en anglais ; travailler au sein d¹une équipe interdisciplinaire ; réaliser du travail ethnographique (observations, entretiens, collecte de documents) sur les activités des interprètes en contact avec leurs partenaires et le traitement ultérieur des communications interceptées lors de l'enquête pénale ; contribuer à la production de communications et d'articles scientifiques en anglais, français et/ou allemand ; contribuer à l'organisation scientifique et pratique de l'équipe de recherche. Profil du ou de la postdoctorant.e .Doctorat en traductologie, sciences du langage ou titre jugé équivalent .Maitrise de la démarche scientifique et des méthodes empiriques .Intérêt marqué pour le travail interdisciplinaire .De langue maternelle française ou allemande avec une très bonne connaissance de l¹autre langue (bilingue de préférence) .Excellente connaissances orales et écrites de l¹anglais .Maîtrise des outils informatiques courants .Rigueur intellectuelle, aisance dans la rédaction scientifique, esprit d¹initiative, aptitude à organiser le travail d'équipe et assister la Direction du projet. Description du poste postdoctorant.e Le ou la postdoctorant.e est appelé.e à: travailler au sein d¹une équipe interdisciplinaire ; réaliser du travail ethnographique (observations, entretiens, collecte de documents) sur les activités des interprètes en contact avec leurs partenaires et le traitement ultérieur des communications interceptées lors de l'enquête pénale ; recueillir des données tirées de dossiers pénaux ; analyser des dossiers d¹affaires pénales en se concentrant sur le traitement linguistique des communications interceptées ; contribuer à la production de communications et d'articles scientifiques en anglais, français et/ou allemand ; assumer des responsabilités dans l'organisation scientifique et pratique de l'équipe de recherche. Dossier de candidature Le dossier de candidature comprend une lettre de motivation, un curriculum vitae, la liste de publications (pour le poste de postdoctorant.e), une copie des diplômes obtenus et des certificats de travail, des relevés de notes et deux travaux écrits (publications, thèse, mémoire de Master ou travail de séminaire). Il doit être envoyé en un seul fichier PDF, par courriel, à la professeure Nadja Capus (nadja.capus@unine.ch) avant le 31.07.2019. La professeure Nadja Capus se tient à disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire. L¹Université de Neuchâtel s'engage activement à la mise en ¦uvre de sa responsabilité et offre des conditions de travail non discriminatoires.  +
2 PhD positions at Radboud University Nijmegen + :Details= ====We are looking for==== You will write a PhD dissertation, participate in the Graduate School for the Humanities, and provide six-month service to the Faculty of Arts at Radboud University. Your dissertation should be in accordance with one of the focus areas of the Centre for Language Studies, in which this position will be embedded. Descriptions of these areas can be found on www.ru.nl/cls/. ====We ask==== *You hold a Master's degree (or expect to complete your degree before September 2020) in one of the disciplines related to CLS. *A declaration of approval by an intended supervisor at the rank of professor from the Centre for Language Studies. *You are result-oriented and fluent in English, and have excellent writing skills. *Demonstrable research experience in the field of your proposal will be considered an advantage. ====We are==== The Faculty of Arts employs over 500 academic and support staff in the fields of history and art, languages and cultures, linguistics and communication. Research is embedded in two faculty research institutes: the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) and the Radboud Institute for Culture & History (RICH). The faculty currently enrols some 2,400 students, in three departments: the department of History, Art History and Classics, the department of Modern Languages and Cultures, and the department of Language and Communication. We want to be a diverse and inclusive organisation, which is why we endeavour to create a culturally diverse staff. =====Radboud University===== We want to get the best out of science, others and ourselves. Why? Because this is what the world around us desperately needs. Leading research and education make an indispensable contribution to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. This is what unites the more than 22,000 students and 5,000 employees at Radboud University. And this requires even more talent and collaboration. You have a part to play! ====We offer==== *Employment: 32 - 40 hours per week. *The gross starting salary amounts to €2,325 per month, and will increase to €2,972 in the fourth year (salary scale P). *In addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus. *Duration of the contract: The total duration of the contract is 4 years. You will be appointed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years. *You will be able to make use of our [https://www.ru.nl/english/working-at/working-at-radboud-university/our-way-working-personal-approach/dual-career-service/ Dual Career Service]: our Dual Career Officer will assist with family-related support, such as child care, and help your partner prepare for the local labour market and with finding an occupation. *Are you interested in [https://www.ru.nl/english/working-at/working-at-radboud-university/employment-conditions/ our excellent employment conditions]? ====Apply directly==== Please address your application to dr. Peter van der Heiden and submit it, using the application button, no later than 15 April 2020, 23:59 Amsterdam Time Zone. Your application should include the following attachments: *Letter of motivation. *CV. *List of all grades obtained in BA and MA degrees. *Summary of your project proposal. *Names of the intended supervisors. *Declaration of approval from your intended primary PhD supervisor at CLS. Your application must be supported by a declaration of approval written by your intended primary supervisor at CLS, whom you should contact well in advance of the deadline. Your daily supervisor may be a professor, an associate professor or an assistant professor, but you will always need the support of an intended primary supervisor with the rank of professor. (Information on possible supervisors and their fields of expertise is available on our website). Please make sure that all information is provided in one PDF document, which you should upload using the 'Apply' button. Selected applicants will be invited to write a full proposal, to be submitted before 27 May 2020, according to the guidelines that you can download on https://www.ru.nl/cls/our-research/participate/phd-positions/. The first round of interviews will take place on 4 June 2020.   +
2 PhD positions in (German) Linguistics/Research on Social Interaction at the University of Lausanne +'''2 PhD positions in (German) Linguistics/Research on Social Interaction at the University of Lausanne.''' As part of the project "Deixis and Joint Attention: Vision in Interaction" (DeJA-VI) financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for four years (48 months), we seek applicants for '''2 PhD positions (100%)''' which are fully funded according to the SNSF guidelines. '''Project description''' The project investigates the use of speech (deixis), gaze and gesture to accomplish joint attention in human interaction. Methodologically situated within the framework of multimodal conversation and interaction analysis, the project takes eye tracking technology out of the lab to record naturally occurring social interaction. The project is led by Prof. Dr. Anja Stukenbrock (University of Lausanne, Department of German Linguistics) and comprises four subprojects. Successful applicants will work on one of the projects in close collaboration with the team and accomplish a PhD dissertation. The project offers excellent technological working conditions, international contacts and a stimulating interdisciplinary environment. '''Qualifications''' Applicants are required to have a Master's degree in Linguistics (preferably German Linguistics) or related areas, a high proficiency in German and a particular interest in multimodality. Preferably, they have some experience with the recording and analysis of linguistic and/or video data and are highly motivated to acquire the skills to work with mobile eye tracking devices. Please send your complete application (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, copies of transcripts, contact details for 2 referees, an electronic copy of your master's thesis) in German or in English in a single pdf-file to Prof. Dr. Anja Stukenbrock (anja.stukenbrock@unil.ch). Further enquiries may also be addressed to anja.stukenbrock@unil.ch. '''Application deadline''': May 31, 2018 '''Start date''': October 1, 2018 (negotiable)  +
2 PhD positions in the intersensoriality project at University of Basel +The chair of Lorenza Mondada, at the Linguistics and Literature Department of the University of Basel opens two positions for PhD candidates to be integrated as scientific assistants (100%) in a research project sponsored by the SNF. The positions start on 1.4.2024 and are for 4 years. Rooted in multimodal Conversation Analysis, the project ''Intersensoriality: Achieving the intelligibility of multimodal resources in and for social interaction'' deals with multisensoriality and multimodality in the organization of social interaction. It is interested in investigating the sequential impact of diverse forms of mutual, (a)symmetric sensorial access between the participants to social interaction, on how actions are formatted, produced, and interpreted in these situated conditions. In short, it aims at showing how sensoriality contributes to the shaping of accountability and intersubjectivity of multimodal resources and practices in social interaction. The project involves the PI, two post-docs and two PhD candidates. The doctoral research assistants receive a salary conform to the SNF conditions for full PhD positions (100%, 4 years). '''Your tasks ''' * Writing a dissertation in multimodal conversation analysis within the project ''Intersensoriality: Achieving the intelligibility of multimodal resources in and for social interaction.'' * Participating to the collective scientific tasks of the project, together with the other members of the team: fieldwork in a diversity of social settings, realization of video data recordings, multimodal transcription, detailed analyses of video data, writing of collective articles. * Contribution to the organizational and logistic tasks of the project (organization of workshops, internal coordination) '''Your profile ''' * Completion of a MA in the field of linguistics. * Willingness to register as a PhD candidate in linguistics at the HPSL doctoral school of the University of Basel at the start of the contract. * Excellent results within the previous BA and MA studies. If possible, already some training in interactional linguistics and multimodal conversation analysis. High motivation to fully engage in research in multimodal conversation analysis. * Capacity to work and write in English. Linguistic and analytic competences on German and French if possible. Other languages are welcome. * Capacity and pleasure to work in a team. '''Your advantages ''' * Integration in a vibrant research group. * Excellent training in innovative research in multimodal conversation analysis. * Active participation to international conference and networks of scholars in conversation analysis, ethnomethodology and interactional linguistics. * Possibility of research stay abroad during the PhD The conditions of employment are established by the Personal- und Gehaltsordnung der Universität Basel. '''How to apply? ''' Deadline: 15.2.2024 Send your application (as pdf) including a letter of motivation, you curriculum vitae, a copy of your diploma (if you have it already), a copy of the MA thesis, and a letter of recommendation to Lorenza Mondada: lorenza.mondada@unibas.ch. Don’t hesitate to contact Lorenza Mondada for any information about the position and the expected profile. See also: https://franzoesistik.philhist.unibas.ch/fr/persons/lorenza-mondada/ https://www.lorenzamondada.net/  +