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September 19, 2023  +
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CA for Beginners  +
Loughborough University's [
Loughborough University's [ Discourse and Rhetoric Group] holds a number of workshops on Conversation Analysis throughout the year. Our next one-day CA for Beginners workshop will be held remotely on Tuesday 19th September 2023. The day will start at 10.00 am and end at 5.00 pm, UK time. Led by Loughborough faculty Charles Antaki, Emma Richardson, Magnus Hamman, Jessica Robles and Saul Albert, the workshop is meant for anyone who has a growing interest in CA – perhaps they have heard of it, come across it in their studies, or are working in a group which uses it as an approach for research. It would also be useful for anyone starting out on research which may take them down the line of analysing talk in great detail. The kinds of questions we will cover include:
  • What is the relationship between CA and discourse analysis?
  • Why does CA insist on the close analysis of talk, with very detailed transcription?
  • What does CA us about what people are doing in everyday life?
  • Can we use CA to understand institutional encounters, for example medical consultations or police interviews?
  • How can I use CA in my research?

The day will include hands-on group work on: ::- How to transcribe, how to identify the components of turns ::- How to identify actions ::- How to build a collection ::- How to develop an argument in conversation analysis

Cost: £40 for waged or funded academics (staff members, post-docs, funded postgraduates..)

If you are unwaged or unfunded, please contact us to see about a waiver.

If you work for a commercial organisation and would like to attend, please get in touch with us to discuss a fee.

Attendance and registration:

Please note: numbers are kept low.

First contact Charles Antaki (email below) to express your interest. Once your application has been accepted, registration will be via the Loughborough University Online Store.

For more information: email Charles Antaki at this address: [].

Loughborough University Online Store. <p>For more information: email Charles Antaki at this address: [].  +
CA for Beginners September 2023  +
September 19, 2023  +
Training  + , Workshop  +
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