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The most recent additions to the EMCA bibliography database (refreshed daily):

  • Keevallik2024: Leelo Keevallik, Emily Hofstetter, Agnes Löfgren, Sally Wiggins (2024) Repetition for real-time coordination of action: Lexical and non-lexical vocalizations in collaborative time management
  • Mondada2024: Lorenza Mondada (2024) The semantics of taste in interaction: Body, materiality and sensory lexicon in tasting sessions
  • Monteiro2024: David Monteiro, Oriana Rainho Brás, Michel Binet (2024) Time-oriented decisions in Palliative Care team meetings
  • Gibson2024: David R. Gibson (2024) Hyping the Hypothetical: Talk and Temporality in US Supreme Court Oral Arguments
