This is a property of type Text.
Pages using the property "BibBooktitle"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
Avgustis2023a + | Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis in Motion: Emerging Methods and New Technologies + |
Avgustis2023b + | Complexity of Interaction: Studies in Multimodal Conversation Analysis + |
B | |
Baccus1986 + | Ethnomethodological Studies of Work + |
Baccus1986a + | Ethnomethodological Studies of Work + |
Baker-Emmison-Firth2001 + | How to Analyse Talk in Institutional Settings: A Casebook of Methods + |
Baker-Freebody1989 + | Language, Authority and Criticism: Readings on the School Textbook + |
Baker-Keogh1997 + | Analisi della conversazione e prospettive di ricerca in etnometodologia: Atti del Convegno internazionale (Urbino, 11-13 luglio 1994) + |
Baker1991 + | Towards a Critical Sociology of Reading Pedagogy + |
Baker1997 + | Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice + |
Baker1997a + | Culture in Action: Studies in Membership Categorization Analysis + |
Baker1997b + | Oral Discourse and Education: Encylopedia of Language and Education + |
Baker2000 + | Culture and Text: Discourse and Methodology in Social Research and Cultural Studies + |
Baker2002 + | Handbook of Interviewing: Context and Method + |
Baker2004 + | Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice + |
Baker2005 + | Calling for Help: Language and Social Interaction in Telephone Helplines + |
Baldauf-Quilliatre2023 + | Complexity of Interaction: Studies in Multimodal Conversation Analysis + |
Ball-Smith2011 + | The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods + |
Ball1998 + | Image-Based Research: A Sourcebook for Qualitative Researchers + |
Bangerter-GosteliCorvalan2017 + | Interactional Competences in Institutional Settings: From School to the Workplace + |
Baraldi-Gavioli2020 + | Multilingual Healthcare: A Global View on Communicative Challenges + |
Baranova2020 + | Getting others to do things: A pragmatic typology of recruitments + |
Barber2015 + | Morality in Practice: Exploring Childhood, Parenthood and Schooling in Everyday Life + |
Barnes-Possemato2020 + | Atypical Interaction: The Impact of Communicative Impairments within Everyday Talk + |
Barnwell2013 + | Units of Talk – Units of Action + |
Barth-Weingarten2013 + | Units of Talk – Units of Action + |