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Pages using the property "BibBooktitle"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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BolanosCarpio2020 +Mobilizing Others: Grammar and lexis within larger activities  +
Bolden-etal2020 +Joint Decision Making in Mental Health: John Benjamins  +
Bolden2009a +Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives  +
Bolden2017 +Enabling Human Conduct: Studies of Talk-in-Interaction in Honor of Emanuel A. Schegloff  +
Bolden2017a +Imperative Turns at Talk: The Design of Directives in Action  +
Bolden2018a +Between Turn and Sequence: Turn-Initial Particles Across Languages  +
Bonifazi2022 +Bridging the Gap Between Conversation Analysis and Poetics: Studies in Talk-In-Interaction and Literature Twenty-Five Years after Jefferson  +
Bonu-et-al2013 +Dire l'événement: langage, mémoire, société  +
Bonu1994 +L'enquête sur les catégories: de Durkheim à Sacks  +
Bonu1997 +Analisi della conversazione e prospettive di ricerca in etnometodologia. Atti del Convegno internazionale (Urbino, 11-13 luglio 1994)  +
Bonu1998 +Les figures du sujet en sciences humaines: motifs de rupture  +
Bonu2011 +Communiquer à lère numérique: regards croisés sur la sociologie des usages  +
Bonu2014 +Identités en interaction  +
Bose2014 +Prosodie und Phonetik in der Interaktion / Prosody and Phonetics in Interaction  +
Bouchard2016 +Talking at Work: Corpus-based Explorations of Workplace Discourse  +
Boudeau2007 +Technology and Security: Governing Threats in the New Millennium  +
Boudouraki2020 +Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  +
Bovet-Sormani-Terzi2014 +Studies of Video Practices: Video at Work  +
Bovet2009 +Media, Policy and Interaction  +
Bovet2014a +Langage, activités et ordre social: Faire de la sociologie avec Harvey Sacks  +
Bovet2019 +Repair Work Ethnographies: Revisiting Breakdown, Relocating Materiality  +
Bowles2022 +Bridging the Gap Between Conversation Analysis and Poetics: Studies in Talk-In-Interaction and Literature Twenty-Five Years after Jefferson  +
Boyd2006 +Communication in Medical Care: Interaction Between Primary Care Physicians and Patients  +
BrandtMortensen2016 +Research Methods in Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide  +
Bridges2009 +Media, Policy and Interaction  +