York-Advanced Methods-ShortCourse-May2020
YorkShort-20-Advancd | |
Type | Training |
Categories (tags) | Uncategorized |
Dates | 2020/05/13 - 2020/05/15 |
Link | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tY5nScRc6DUuHnK7EmHu5r 3GZgT6nz5/view |
Address | University of York, UK |
Geolocation | 53° 56' 46", -1° 3' 6" |
Abstract due | |
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Final version due | |
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Tweet | Short #EMCA Course @UoYSociology Advanced Methods in Conversation Analysis, 13-15 May 2020, Paul Drew, Clare Jackson, Kobin Kendrick, Richard Ogden, and Merran Toerien, Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Communication, University of York, UK |
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York-Advanced Methods-ShortCourse-May2020:
Advanced Methods in Conversation Analysis 13-15 May 2020 Paul Drew, Clare Jackson, Kobin Kendrick, Richard Ogden, and Merran Toerien Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Communication University of York, UK
This short course will focus on advanced analytic methods used in contemporary Conversation Analysis (CA), including (i) working with complex collections, (ii) reconceptualizing social action, (iii) multimodality and multimodal transcription, and (iv) phonetic and prosodic design. The course will equip participants with new analytic skills, techniques, and strategies that can be applied in a broad range of research projects on both ordinary and institutional interaction.
The course is intended for those who have some prior experience with Conversation Analysis (e.g., having taken a previous course in our series or elsewhere) and who are interested in expanding their methodological toolkit. The course is suitable for graduate and post-doctoral re- searchers in any relevant discipline as well as established researchers who wish to acquire new skills in the areas to be covered.
The course will be limited to no more than 20 participants so that we can work intensively to develop the advanced skills in data analysis. The course will be organised through talks and practical activities and exercises, with an emphasis on hands-on work with data.
The short training course is intended to equip researchers to:
- work with complex collections of interactional practices;
- understand contemporary CA research on action formation and ascription;
- analyse social actions and situate them within complex social organisations of action;
- work with video data and transcribe embodied actions;
- analyse aspects of the phonetic and prosodic design of social actions; and
- apply the methodological techniques covered in their own research projects.
The cost of the course is £380 for salaried researchers and faculty or £280 for postgraduate students. This includes course materials, a CertiWicate of Attendance, lunches, tea and coffee for
the three days, and one dinner together on the evening before the final day. It does not include accommodation, which can be found on campus or in local hotels.
The University of York offers bed and breakfast accommodation on campus at reasonable rates. This can be booked online at https://yorkconferences.com/. Information about accommoda- tions in York city centre, which is 15 minutes from campus, can be found at https://www.visi- tyork.org/sleep.
The course will commence at 10:00 on Wednesday 13 May and finish at approximately 16:00 on Friday 15 May. Details of the programme will be circulated at a later date.
The deadline for registration is the 29 April 2020, but bearing in mind the limited availability, early registration is advised. Places will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. To reg- ister for the course, go to https://www.york.ac.uk/language/research/centres/caslc/. For inquiries and further information, please contact Paul Drew at (paul.drew@york.ac.uk).
Course tutors
Paul Drew, a Professor in the Department of Language and Linguistic Science, has considerable experience of teaching CA at introductory and advanced levels, both in conventional courses and through workshops, worldwide. His current research includes projects on recruitment of assist- ance (with Kobin Kendrick), self-correction and normativity, and on medical interactions in neonatology, and telephone delivery of therapy for anxiety and depression (with Annie Irvine).
Clare Jackson is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology. Her research covers both ba- sic CA – particularly practices for referring to persons – and applied CA – particularly feminist is- sues and healthcare. She is currently working on an NIHR funded project examining decisional practices between women, birth partners and practitioners in midwifery-led intrapartum care.
Kobin Kendrick is a Lecturer in the Department of Language and Linguistic Science. His research uses conversation analysis to investigate basic organizations of social interaction such as turn- taking, action-sequencing, and repair. A recent line of research (with Paul Drew) has examined the practices that participants in interaction use to ‘recruit’ others to assist them.
Richard Ogden, a Professor in the Department of Language and Linguistic Science, is a phonetician and conversation analyst whose work explores the import of phonetic detail in talk-in-inter- action. His current work focuses on click ('tut-tut' or 'tsk') sounds in English.
Merran Toerien is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology. She has expertise in the ap- plication of conversation analysis to communication in institutional settings, with a particular interest in patient choice. She has extensive experience of teaching CA at undergraduate and graduate levels, and has run workshops in South Africa, China, the Netherlands and the UK.