Waring2025 | |
Key | Waring2025 |
Author(s) | Hansun Zhang Waring |
Title | Education |
Editor(s) | Andrew P. Carlin, Alex Dennis, K. Neil Jenkings, Oskar Lindwall, Michael Mair |
Tag(s) | EMCA, Education |
Publisher | Routledge |
Year | 2025 |
Language | English |
City | Abingdon, UK |
Month | |
Journal | |
Volume | |
Number | |
Pages | 345–353 |
URL | Link |
DOI | 10.4324/9780429323904-34 |
ISBN | |
Organization | |
Institution | |
School | |
Type | |
Edition | |
Series | |
Howpublished | |
Book title | The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology |
Chapter | 29 |
This chapter provides an overview of classic and contemporary EMCA work in education over the past five decades, and indicates possible areas for future studies. Given the somewhat contentious relationship between ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (CA), the development of education-related research in EMCA manifests a rough trend towards less ethnomethodological and more CA. It also features increasing diversification in the range of contexts examined. The almost exclusive focus on traditional school settings has been broadened to absorb a multiplicity of scenes – tutoring sessions, music lessons, dance classes, language classrooms, higher education, online education, parent-teacher conferences, training and supervision in various professions. Finally, this robust body of literature may be characterised as more or less “applied” based on the extent to which it can be utilised to inform and improve actual practice. The chapter ends with a discussion on future directions of EMCA research that may be more generative of greater impact on actual practices in various venues of education: investigative endeavours towards specifying professional expertise; documenting the practices of managing multiple demands inherent in such expertise; grounding such documentations in large collections, not amassed with quickly codable instances but built from rigorous analyses of single cases.