WIT Advanced Summer Institute 2025

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WIT Summer School 25
Type Training
Categories (tags) Uncategorized, Video analysis, Ethnomethodology, Conversation analysis
Dates 2025/06/12 - 2025/06/13
Link https://www.kcl.ac.uk/events/wit-advanced-summer-institute-2025
Address London
Abstract due
Submission deadline 2025/03/31
Final version due
Notification date
Tweet The WIT Advanced Summer Institute 2025 is designed for advanced doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and early-career faculty conducting video-based qualitative research on interactions and practices in workplaces and other settings.
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WIT Advanced Summer Institute 2025:


WIT Advanced Summer Institute 2025

12 June 2025 10:00 to 13 June 2025 16:30 Strand Campus, London

The WIT Advanced Summer Institute 2025 is designed for advanced doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and early-career faculty conducting video-based qualitative research on interactions and practices in workplaces and other settings. It provides intensive training in methodology, from study design to data collection, with a particular emphasis on data analysis. The taught methods and approach are based on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. Plenary sessions will be dedicated to the following topics: introduction to the field, data collection methods and ethics, data analysis, applications, and preparing presentations.

After completing the course, you will:

- Understand essential literature on using video in qualitative research

- Be able to design projects and collect video data to study issues of work, interaction, and social organisation

- Have hands-on experience of working with data, working with collections, analysing instances and developing preliminary observations

- Effectively present findings from video-based research




Experienced faculty members and established researchers in video-based qualitative research will share foundational and recent methodological advances in the field. They will also provide insights into their own projects, helping you better understand the ethnomethodological and conversation analytic underpinnings of the approach and methods.

You will present your work-in-progress and take part in in-depth data analysis sessions with faculty and peers. Sessions are organised to provide ample opportunities for feedback and discussion.


You are expected to read a set of compulsory papers and chapters, which will serve as the foundation for this course.

Certificate of Attendance

You will receive a certificate of attendance for the course, but no ECTS credits will be awarded.

Application Process

Closing date for applications: 31 March 2025

Apply by completing the WIT Advanced Summer Institute application form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=FM9wg_MWFky4PHJAcWVDVg02P29y-khCq7-0220B9aNUM0tPOVo3WkxDUk1VSk9aT0Q1N1E0UTY3Vy4u&route=shorturlt

To ensure meaningful discussions, we will accept a maximum of 24 participants. Selection will be based on your project and its fit with the studied approach and methods.