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Alac2020Morana Alač2020Beyond intersubjectivity in olfactory psychophysics I: Troubles with the Subject
Alac2020aMorana Alač2020Beyond intersubjectivity in olfactory psychophysics II: Troubles with the Object
Alac2020bMorana Alač
Yelena Gluzman
Tiffany Aflatoun
Adil Bari
Buhang Jing
German Mozqueda
2020Talking to a Toaster: How Everyday Interactions with Digital Voice Assistants Resist a Return to the Individual
Alasuutari2023Pertti Alasuutari2023Conversation analysis, institutions, and rituals
Alavi-etal2016Seyed Mohammad Alavi
Baqer Yaqubi
Mostafa Pourhaji
2016Teacher wait-time and learner initiation: a single case analysis
Albert-Raymond2019Saul Albert
Chase Wesley Raymond
2019Conversation analysis at the ‘middle region’ of public life: Greetings and the interactional construction of Donald Trump's political persona
Albert-deRuiter2018Saul Albert
Jan P. de Ruiter
2018Repair: the interface between interaction and cognition
Albert1982Edward Albert1982Ethnomethodology: the audience that “knows” the speech, “discovers” it
Albert2015Saul Albert2015Rhythmical coordination of performers and audience in partner dance: delineating improvised and choreographed interaction
Albert2018Saul Albert
Charlotte Albury
Marc Alexander
Matthew Tobias Harris
Emily Hofstetter
Edward J. B. Holmes
Elizabeth Stokoe
2018The conversational rollercoaster: Conversation analysis and the public science of talk
Albert2018bSaul Albert
Jan P. de Ruiter
2018Improving human interaction research through ecological grounding
Albert2019Saul Albert
Claude Heath
Sophie Skach
Matthew Tobias Harris
Madeline Miller
Patrick G. T. Healey
2019Drawing as transcription: how do graphical techniques inform interaction analysis?
Albert2019bSaul Albert
William Housley
Elizabeth Stokoe
2019In Case of Emergency, Order Pizza: An Urgent Case of Action Formation and Recognition
Albert2023Saul Albert
Dirk vom Lehn
2023Non-lexical vocalizations help novices learn joint embodied actions
Albury-etal2018Charlotte Albury
Elizabeth Stokoe
Sue Ziebland
Helena Webb
Paul Aveyard
2018GP-delivered brief weight loss interventions: a cohort study of patient responses and subsequent actions, using conversation analysis in UK primary care
Albury-etal2019Charlotte Albury
Amanda Hall
Ayeshah Syed
Sue Ziebland
Elizabeth Stokoe
Nia Roberts
Helena Webb
Paul Aveyard
2019Communication practices for delivering health behaviour change conversations in primary care: a systematic review and thematic synthesis
Albury2023Charlotte Albury
Helena Webb
Elisabeth Stokoe
Sue Ziebland
Constantinos Koshiaris
Joseph J. Lee
Paul Aveyard
2023Relationship Between Clinician Language and the Success of Behavioral Weight Loss Interventions: A Mixed-Methods Cohort Study
Alby2006Francesca Alby
Cristina Zucchermaglio
2006“Afterwards we can understand what went wrong, but now let’s fix it”: How situated work practices shape group decision making
Alby2007Francesca Alby
Cristina Zucchermaglio
2007Embodiment at the interface: materialization practices in web design
Alby2008Francesca Alby
Cristina Zucchermaglio
2008Collaboration in web design: Sharing knowledge, pursuing usability
Alby2009Francesca Alby
Cristina Zucchermaglio
2009Time, narratives and participation frameworks in software troubleshooting
Alby2014Francesca Alby
Marilena Fatigante
2014Preserving the respondent’s standpoint in a research interview: Different strategies of ‘doing’ the interviewer
Albyetal2016Francesca Alby
Cristina Zucchermaglio
Marilena Fatigante
2016Communicating uncertain news in cancer consultations
Alder2016Marie-Luise Alder2016Dream-telling differences in psychotherapy: the dream as an allusion
Aleksius-Ali2018Madar Aleksius
Saukah Ali Ali
2018Other-initiated repair strategies in solving understanding problems in EFL learners conversations
Alexander-Stokoe2019Marc Alexander
Elizabeth Stokoe
2019Problems in the neighbourhood: Formulating noise complaints across dispute resolution services
Alexander-etal2019Marc Alexander
Daniel Blackburn
Markus Reuber
2019Patients’ accounts of memory lapses in interactions between neurologists and patients with functional memory disorders
Alexander2020Marc Alexander
Elizabeth Stokoe
2020Characterological Formulations of Persons in Neighbourhood Complaint Sequences
Alfahad2015Abdulrahman Alfahad2015Saudi broadcast interviews: Moving towards aggressiveness
Alfahad2016Abdulrahman Alfahad2016Professionalism vs. popularity: the shift in ethics of interviewing in Arab media
Alieva2006Dilbar Alieva2006Paralelné svety sociologických teórií
Alieva2009Dilbar Alieva2009Hľadala som Goffmana, našla som Garfinkela
Alijani-Barjesteh2018Afsaneh Alijani
Hamed Barjesteh
2018The role of EFL teacher’s talk and identity in Iranian classroom context
Alijevova1976Dilbar Alieva1976Etnometodologická koncepcia v súčasnej americkej sociológii
Alijevova1982Dilbar Alieva1982Fenomenológia v sociológii
Alijevova1989Dilbar Alieva1989Štruktúry každodennosti v sociologickej reflexii
Alkhazraji2018Asmaa Mhwafaq Alkhazraji2018Exploring the Impact of Teacher Talk in English Grammar Explanation: Using a Conversation Analysis Perspective
Allen-Collinson2009Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson
John Hockey
2009The essence of sporting embodiment: phenomenological analyses of the sporting body
Allen-Collinson2021Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson
Gareth McNarry
Adam B. Evans
2021Sensoriality, Social Interaction, and “Doing Sensing” in Physical-Cultural Ethnographies
Allwood-etal2017Rebecca Allwood
Alison Pilnick
Rebecca O'Brien
Sarah Goldberg
Rowan H. Harwood
Suzanne Beeke
2017Should I stay or should I go? How healthcare professionals close encounters with people with dementia in the acute hospital setting
Alvanoudi2015Angeliki Alvanoudi2015Grammatical Gender in Interaction: Cultural and Cognitive Aspects
Alvanoudi2018Angeliki Alvanoudi2018Modern Greek in Diaspora: An Australian Perspective
Alvanoudi2019Angeliki Alvanoudi2019“May I tell you something?”: When questions do not anticipate responses
Alvanoudi2020Angeliki Alvanoudi2020Are gendered terms inference-loaded? Evidence from Greek talk-in-interaction
Amar2022Cheikhna Amar
Zachary Nanbu
Tim Greer
2022Proffering absurd candidate formulations in the pursuit of progressivity
Amar2022aCheikhna Amar2022Ear cupping in EFL classroom interaction: an embodied means of pursuing students’ response
Amerine1988Ronald Amerine
Jack Bilmes
1988Following instructions
Ames2012Kate Ames2012Host/host conversations: analysing moral and social order in talk on commercial radio
Ames2015Kate Ames2015Being a ‘Host’ or a ‘Journalist’: Orientation to role on the ABC׳s Q&A
Ames2018Kate Ames2018‘Ironic detachment’: Locals laughing ‘at’ the local on commercial breakfast radio