Rollet2012 | |
Key | Rollet2012 |
Author(s) | Nicolas Rollet |
Title | Analyse conversationnelle des pratiques dans les appels au SAMU-Centre 115: Vers une approche praxéologique d'une forme située «d'accord» |
Editor(s) | |
Tag(s) | EMCA, emergency, marker, multimodality, questionning |
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Year | 2012 |
Language | French |
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Pages | |
URL | Link |
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School | Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III |
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In the context of a Conversational Analysis approach ethnographically oriented, my work deals withcoordination in the telephonic interaction of calls made to the French medical emergency call («15»). Two aspects of this coordination are explored : (1) organization of the questioning in the following ternary sequential format « Question-Answer-Acknowledgement » ; (2) coordination between the production of these ternary sequential formats and their interaction with the computerized system.This research is based on audio-visual data gathered at the Center of Reception and Regulation of Calls (in French : CRRA) of the SAMU of Versailles (France).The first aspect of the coordination (1) proposes an analysis of the various actions accomplished through an « OK » ( « d'accord », or its equivalent) which is itself the result of a question put to a caller (fireman, ambulance staff or a private individual) by the CRRA call takers ( »permanencière » in French). This response after an answer presents a wealth of prospective and retrospective features, in terms of the work performed by the participants to obtain and gather informations about a medical problem, to ensure coordination in order to advance step-by-step, to investigate further, to infer, and to establish transitions in the interaction.The second aspect of the coordination (2) illustrates the complexity of the activities of the CCRA staff who must, in a synchronized manner, be engaged in an exchange of a conversational nature, and at the same time organize the gathering of information on the medical problem, while using objects such as a computer mouse, a keyboard, notebooks.