This is a property of type Text.
Pages using the property "BibPublisher"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
Aaltonen2014 + | John Benjamins + |
AbellStokoeandBillig2000 + | Taylor & Francis Ltd + |
Aberg2023 + | Routledge + |
Aguinaldo2019 + | UBC Press + |
Akers-Porrini2000 + | Editions Hermes Science + |
Akiba2004 + | 東洋館出版社 + |
Aksu2014 + | John Benjamins + |
Alac2011 + | The MIT Press + |
Alac2014 + | The MIT Press + |
Albert1982 + | JAI Press + |
Albert2019b + | ACM + |
Albert2023a + | Association for Computing Machinery + |
Albert2024a + | Cambridge University Press + |
Allen-Collinson2007 + | LSA Publications + |
AllistoneandWooffitt2007 + | Cambridge University Press + |
Alvanoudi2015 + | Brill + |
Alvanoudi2018 + | Palgrave Pivot + |
Amar2022 + | Routledge + |
Amiel2010 + | Les presses du Lema + |
Amir2015 + | Palgrave Macmillan + |
Andersen2021 + | Palgrave Macmillan + |
Anderson-etal1989 + | Avebury + |
Anderson1989 + | Irvington + |
Anderson2014 + | Cambridge University Press + |
AndersonSharrock2018 + | Routledge + |