Hockey2025 | |
Key | Hockey2025 |
Author(s) | John Hockey |
Title | Doing Ethnomethodology and Sport |
Editor(s) | Andrew P. Carlin, Alex Dennis, K. Neil Jenkings, Oskar Lindwall, Michael Mair |
Tag(s) | EMCA, Sport |
Publisher | Routledge |
Year | 2025 |
Language | English |
City | Abingdon, UK |
Month | |
Journal | |
Volume | |
Number | |
Pages | 354–362 |
URL | Link |
DOI | 10.4324/9780429323904-35 |
ISBN | |
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School | |
Type | |
Edition | |
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Howpublished | |
Book title | The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnomethodology |
Chapter | 30 |
In this overview chapter it is suggested that sport is an often-overlooked domain of ethnomethodological and conversation analytic investigation. While definitional problems co-exist (dichotomies such as sport/game, work/leisure) it is possible, “for all practical purposes”, to disambiguate studies of sport as involving more arduous physical activities. A provisional thematic organisation of studies is presented. First, the phenomenal field of sport, in which participants and spectators find actions mutually intelligible. Second, sports pedagogy, involving but not limited to the transmission of instructions from coaches to players. Third, individual and collaborative sporting practices taken as issues of membership, action and interaction. Fourth, other studies that are of relevance yet fall outside the provisional thematic organisation. Suggestions for future studies are provided, and this chapter notes the absence of studies on physical materials and artefacts constitutive of sporting practices; an imbalance between studies of indoor and outdoor sports; and mutable external conditions (rain, wind) known by participants and spectators to have immediate impacts upon how participants engage in their sport.