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Key Hedman2016
Author(s) Karl Hedman
Title Managing Medical Emergency Calls
Tag(s) EMCA, Conversation Analysis, emergency call operator, emotion management, instruction giving, medical emergency calls, nurse, physician, questioning, risk management, Swedish
Publisher Lund University Publications
Year 2016
City Lund
URL Link
ISBN 978-91-7623-690-1
Institution Lund University
School Department of Sociology
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This dissertation is a conversation analytic examination of recurrent practices of interaction in medical emergency calls. The study expands the analytical focus in past research on emergency calls between emergency call operators and callers to pre-hospital emergency care interaction on the phone between nurses, physicians and callers. The investigation is based on ethnographic fieldwork in a Swedish emergency control centre. The data used for the study consists primarily of audio recordings of medical emergency calls.Fundamental procedures in medical emergency calls examined in the dissertation are: (1) questioning; (2) emotion management; (3) risk management and (4) instruction giving. Emergency call-takers ask questions to elicit descriptions by callers of what is happening and to manage symptoms of patients to help keep them safe until ambulance crews arrive. In the questioning practice about acutely ill or injured patients call-takers use mainly yes-no questions and clarify problems by questioning callers making a distinction between defined and undefined problems. The analysis reveals four core types of emotion management practices: (1) call-takers keep themselves calm when managing callersÎé÷cial displays of emotions; (2) promising ambulance assistance; (3) providing problem solving presentations including emergency response measures to concerns of callers, and (4) emphasising the positive to create hope for callers. Call-takers use seven key procedures to manage risk in medical emergency calls: (1) risk listening through active listening after actual and possible risks; (2) risk questioning; (3) risk identification; (4) risk monitoring; (5) risk assessment; (6) making decisions about elicited risk and (7) risk reduction. Instruction giving using directives and recommendations is accomplished by call-takers in four main ways: (1) acute flow maintaining instruction giving when callers are procedurally out of line; (2) measure oriented instructions for patient care and emergency response management; (3) organisational response instructions and (4) summarising instruction giving. Callers routinely acknowledge risk identifications and follow instructions delivered by call-takers to examine statuses and life signs of patients such as breathing, movement and pulse, and perform basic first aid and emergency response measures.The findings generated from this study will be useful in emergency call-taker training in carrying out interactive procedures in medical emergency calls and add to the larger research programmes on on-telephone interaction between professionals and citizen callers. This is an essential book for pre-hospital emergency care providers and institutional interaction researchers and students.
