EMCA Organizations
NB: At the moment this page is not maintained. If you would be willing to maintain this list and add to it from time to time, please get in touch with admins@emcawiki.net.
If your organization - or an organization you know of is missing from this list, please add it yourself (if you have a login), or get in touch with the EMCA wiki admins (admins@emcawiki.net). We can either create you an account or add the information on your behalf.
[hide]International Organizations
- International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
- The International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA)
- International Society for Conversation Analysis (ISCA)
- International Sociological Association Language and Society Committee
- International Society for Gesture Studies
- International Communication Association
- Remote Data Sessions
National / regional organizations
Hong Kong / Macao
United Kingdom
- The EMCA Doctoral Network: a UK-based network for doctoral training
- Scottish Ethnomethodology, Discourse, Interaction & Talk (Group)
- ASA section on Ethnomethodology and Conversational Analysis
- Language and Social Interaction Devision of the (US) National Communication Association
- The Society for Linguistic Anthropology (American Anthropological Association)
EMCA groups
To add your EMCA team or research group to the list email admins@emcawiki.net
- Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissages, Représentations ENS de Lyon Université Lyon 2
- Das Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany
United Kingdom
- Conversation Analysis Reading and Data Sessions, Ulster University
- The Discourse and Rhetoric Group, Loughborough University
- Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Communication, University of York
- The Language and Interaction Research Assembly, University of Leicester
- Micro-Analysis Research Group (MARG), Newcastle University
- Work, Interaction & Technology Research Group, The Management Centre, King's College London
- UCL (UK) Centre for Applied Action Research (CAIR)
- CA Data Sessions South
- UCLA Centre for Language Interaction and Culture
- RUCAL: Rutgers University Conversation Analysis Lab
- Language Interaction and Social Organization at UC Santa Barbara
- Language and Social Interaction Working Group at Teacher's College Columbia University, NY
- UW Interaction Interest Group (UWIIG), University of Wisconsin
- American Association of Applied Linguistics Discourse Section
- Culture Language and Social Practice, UC Boulder
Open Research Networks
An open research network is an informal gathering of EMCA researchers, usually pursuing a specific topical or regional focus. See How to form an EMCA research network.
Closed / archived
Projects or groups that are no longer active
- Finnish Centre of Excellence for Intersubjectivity (2012-2017)
- Telekooperation, University of Giessen, Germany (last update 1997)
- Nordic Network for Researchers in Conversation Studies (Page not updated since 2009)