Copenhagen Multimodality Day 2016

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CPH MultimodalityDay
Type Conference
Categories (tags) Multimodality, CA
Dates 2016/11/18 - 2016/11/18
Geolocation 55° 40' 34", 12° 34' 6"
Abstract due 2016/06/20
Submission deadline 2016/06/20
Final version due
Notification date 2016/08/20
Tweet Copenhagen Multimodality Day: Centre of Interaction Research and Communication Design University of Copenhagen, 18 November: DL: 20 June
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Copenhagen Multimodality Day 2016:


Copenhagen Multimodality Day New adventures

Centre of Interaction Research and Communication Design University of Copenhagen, 18 November, 2016 Proposal Deadline: 20 June, 2016

Multimodality Day is an annual research seminar held at the University of Copenhagen. The aim of the seminar is to bring together researchers who study interaction from a multimodal perspective. This year’s seminar invites proposals for paper presentations related to the general theme of New adventures within video ethnography, EM/CA, multimodality and interaction analysis. We intend for this theme to generate a broad range of presentations and discussions related to the further development of the multimodal paradigm as a comprehensive theory and method.

Research seminar programme

09:30-10:00 Coffee and welcome

10:00-12:00 Paper presentations

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Keynote speech by Lorenza Mondada

14:00-15:00 Paper presentations

15:00-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-17:00 Paper presentations

17:00-17:30 Discussions

18:30- Dinner in downtown Copenhagen

Submission, abstracts and deadlines

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should include the title of the paper, research topic, method, empirical data, theoretical approach, findings and references.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 20 June, 2016.

Notification of acceptance by 20 August, 2016

Please ensure that your abstract is anonymized by removing all features from the text and the document properties that may help to identify you as the author of the text. Presentations should be 30 minutes long (20 min presentation + 10 min discussion). The research seminar language is English.

Abstracts should be emailed to Brian Due:

Travel and location maps

The seminar will take place at University of Copenhagen

Room 27.0.09

Njalsgade 120, 2300 Copenhagen S

For travel information see:

Organizing and scientific committee

The Centre for Interaction Research and Communication Design is organizing the research seminar and the scientific committee consists of Brian L. Due and a double-blind review process. Any comments or questions can be addressed to Brian Due at


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Goodwin, C. (2013). The co-operative, transformative organization of human action and knowledge. Journal of Pragmatics, 46(1), 8–23.

Haddington, P., Keisanen, T., Mondada, L., & Nevile, M. (2014). Multiactivity in Social Interaction: Beyond multitasking. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Hutchins, E. (2006). The distributed Cognition Perspective on Human Interaction. I N.J. Enfield, S.C.Levinson (eds.) Roots of human sociality: culture, cognition and interaction. Berg Press.

Ivarsson, J., & Greiffenhagen, C. (2015). The Organization of Turn-Taking in Pool Skate Sessions. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 48(4), 406–429.

Keevallik, L. (2014). Turn organization and bodily-vocal demonstrations. Journal of Pragmatics, 65, 103–120.

Kress, G. (2009). Multimodality: A Social Semiotic Approach to Contemporary Communication (1 edition). London ; New York: Routledge.

Laurier, E. (2014). The Graphic Transcript: Poaching Comic Book Grammar for Inscribing the Visual, Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Action: The Graphic Transcript. Geography Compass, 8(4), 235–248.

Luff, P., & Heath, C. (2012). Some «technical challenges» of video analysis: social actions, objects, material realities and the problems of perspective. Qualitative Research, 12(3), 255–279.

Mondada, L. (2007). Commentary: Transcript Variations and the Indexicality of Transcribing Practices. Discourse Studies, 9(6), 809–821.

Mondada, L. (2012a). Talking and driving: Multiactivity in the car. Semiotica, 2012(191).

Mondada, L. (2012b). The conversation analytic approach to data collection. I J. Sidnell & T. Stivers (Red.), The Handbook of Conversation Analysis (s. 304–333). Blackwell-Wiley.

Mondada, L. (2014). The local constitution of multimodal resources for social interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 65, 137–156.

Norris, S. (Red.). (2011). Multimodality in Practice: Investigating Theory-in-Practice-through-Methodology (1 edition). New York: Routledge.