Harold Garfinkel 1917-2011

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In memory of

Harold Garfinkel (29 October 1917–21 April 2011)

UCLA Commemoration of the Life and Achievements of Harold Garfinkel

Friday October 14th and Saturday October 15th.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Garfinkel http://www.today.ucla.edu/portal/ut/fbb-post.aspx?id=4076





Garfinkel, Harold (1963) ‘A conception of, and experiments with, “trust” as a condition of stable concerted actions’. In: O.J. Harvey, ed. Motivation and social interaction: cognitive approaches. New York: Ronald Press: 187-238

Garfinkel, Harold (1964) ‘Studies in the routine grounds of everyday activities’, Social Problems 11: 22550 (reprinted in: In: David Sudnow, ed. Studies in social interaction. New York: Free Press: 1972)

Garfinkel, Harold (1967) Studies in ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall

Garfinkel, Harold (1967) ‘Practical sociological reasoning: some features in the work of the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center’. In: E.S. Shneidman, ed. Essays in selfdestruction. New York: Science House: 171-287 [reprinted in: Travers, M. & John F. Manzo, eds. (1997) Law in Action: Ethnomethodological & Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Aldershot, UK: Dartmouth Publishing Co.: 25-41]

Garfinkel, Harold, ed. (1986) Ethnomethodological studies of work. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Garfinkel, Harold (1988) ‘Evidence for locally produced, naturally accountable phenomena of order, logic, reason, meaning, method, etc. in and as of the essential quiddity of immortal ordinary society (I of IV): an announcement of studies’, Sociological Theory 6: 10-39

Garfinkel, Harold (1990) ‘The curious seriousness of professional sociology’. In: Bernard Conein, M. de Fornel, L. Quéré, Les formes de la conversation. Vol 1. CNET: 69-78

Garfinkel, Harold (1991) ‘Respecification: evidence for locally produced, naturally accountable phenomena of order*, logic, reason, meaning, method, etc. in and as of the essential haecceity of immortal ordinary society (I) an announcement of studies’. In: Button, ed. Ethnomethodology and the human sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 10-19

Garfinkel, Harold (1996) ‘An Overview of Ethnomethodology’s Program’, Social Psychology Quarterly 59: 5-21

Garfinkel, Harold (2001) ‘Le Programme de l ethnométhodologie’. In: Fornel, Michel de, Albert Ogien, Louis Quéré (dir.) L’ethnométhodologie: une sociologie radicale [Colloque de Cerisy]. Paris: Editions La Découverte [Collection “Recherches”]: 31-56 [A translation of Garfinkel, 1996]

Garfinkel, Harold (2001) ‘Postface: l’ethnométhodologie et les legs oublié de Durkheim’. In: Fornel, Michel de, Albert Ogien, Louis Quéré (dir.) L’ethnométhodologie: une sociologie radicale [Colloque de Cerisy]. Paris: Editions La Découverte [Collection “Recherches”]: 439-444

Garfinkel, Harold (2002) Ethnomethodology’s Program: Working Out Durkheim’s Aphorism. Edited and Introduced by Anne Rawls. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield

Garfinkel, Harold (2006) Seeing sociologically. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. [1948]

Garfinkel, Harold (2007) ‘Lebenswelt origins of the sciences: Working out Durkheim’s aphorism, Book Two: Workplace and documentary diversity of ethnomethodological studies of work and sciences by ethnomethodology’s authors: What did we do? What did we learn?’, Human Studies 30: 9-56

Garfinkel, Harold (2007) ‘Four relations between literatures of the social scientific movement and their specific ethnomethodological alternates’. In: Stephen Hester, David Francis, eds. Orders of ordinary action: respecifying sociological knowledge. Aldershot: Ashgate: 13-29

Garfinkel, Harold (2007) Recherches en ethnométhodologie, collection Quadrige, Paris: PUF [Translation of Garfinkel, 1967]

Garfinkel, Harold (2008) Toward a sociological theory of information. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.[1952]

Garfinkel, Harold, Kenneth Liberman (2007) ‘Introduction: The Lebenswelt origins of the sciences’, Human Studies 30: 3-7

Garfinkel, Harold, Eric Livingston (2003) ‘Phenomenal field properties of order in formatted queues and their neglected standing in the current situation of inquiry’. In: Mike Ball, ed. Image Work, a Special Issue of Visual Studies 18/1 ( April 2003): 21-28

Garfinkel, Harold, Michael Lynch, Eric Livingston, (1981) ‘The work of a discovering science construed with materials from the optically discovered pulsar’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences. 11: 131-58

Garfinkel, Harold Anne Rawls (ed.) (2005) Seeing Sociologically: The Routine Grounds of Social Action. Paradigm Publishers

Garfinkel, Harold, Harvey Sacks, (1970) ‘On formal structures of practical action’. In: John C. McKinney & E.A. Tiryakian, eds. Theoretical sociology: perspectives and developments. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts: 338-66 [German translation: ‘Über formale Strkturen praktischer Handlungen’. In: Elmar Weingarten, Fritz Sack, Jim Schenkein, hrsg. (1975) Ethnomethodologie: Beiträge zu einer Soziologie des Alltagslebens. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp: 130-76]

Garfinkel, Harold, D. Lawrence Wieder (1992) ‘Two incommensurable, asymmetrically alternate technologies of social analysis’. In: Graham Watson, R.M. Seiler, eds. Text in context: studies in ethnomethodology. Newbury Park, etc. Sage: 175-206

Lynch, Michael, Eric Livingston, Harold Garfinkel, (1983) ‘Temporal order in laboratory life’. In: K.D. KnorrCetina & M. Mulkay, eds. Science observed: perspectives on the social study of science. London: Sage: 205-38