EMCA general bibliography

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EMCA general bibliography

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Static Bibliography

Aaltonen, Tarja, & Laakso, Minna. (2010). 'Halting aphasic interaction, Creation of intersubjectivity and spousal relationship in situ', Communication & Medicine, 7(2), 95-106

Aaltonen, Tarja, & Raudaskoski, Sanna. (2011). 'Storyworld evoked by hand-drawn maps', Social Semiotics, 21(2), 317-336

Abdallah, Sebastian. (2008). 'Online chatting in Beirut: sites of occasioned identity- construction', Ethnographic Studies, 10, 3-22

Acklin Muji, Dunya, Bovet, Alain, Gonzalez, Philippe, & Terzi, Cédric. (2007). 'De la sociologie à l’analyse de discours, et retour en hommage à Jean Widmer', Réseaux, 144, 267-277

Adato, Albert. (1979). 'Unanticipated topic continuations', Human Studies, 2, 171-186

Adato, Albert. (1980). '"Occasionality" as a constituent feature of the known-in-common character of topics', Human Studies, 3, 47-64.

Adkins, Barbara, & Nasarczyk, Jason. (2009). ‘Asynchronicity and the ‘time envelope’ of online annotation: The case of the photosharing website, Flickr’, Australian Journal of Communication, 36(3), 115-140 [ http://aiemca.net/?page_id=229]

Akers-Porrini, Ruth. (2000). ‘Efficacité féminine, courtoisie masculine - la durée inégale des appels téléphoniques mixtes’. In Louis Quéré & Zbigniew Smoreda (Eds.) Le sexe du téléphone. Paris: Editions Hermes Science [numéro 103 de la revue “Réseaux”], 145-82

Alac, Morana. (2004). ‘Negotiating pictures of numbers', Journal of Social Epistemology, 18(2), 199-214

Alac, Morana. (2005). ‘From trash to treasure: learning about the brain images through multimodality’, Semiotica, 156, 177-202

Alac, Morana. (2008). ‘Working with brain scans: digital images and gestural interaction in fMRI Laboratory", Social Studies of Science, 38, 483-508

Alac, Morana. (2009). ‘Moving android: On social robots and body-in-interaction’, Social Studies of Science, 39(4), 491-528

Alac, Morana. (2011). Handling digital brains: A laboratory study of multimodal semiotic interaction in the age of computers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Alac, Morana, & Hutchins, Edwin. (2004). ‘I see what you are saying: action as cognition in fMRI brain mapping practice", Journal of Cognition and Culture, 4(3), 629-661

Alac, Morana, Movellan, Javier, & Tanaka, Fumihide. (2011). ‘When a robot is social: Spatial arrangements and multimodal semiotic engagement in the practice of social robotics’, Social Studies of Science, 41(6), 893-926

Alby, Francesca, & Zucchermaglio, Cristina. (2006). ‘“Afterwards we can understand what went wrong, but now let’s fix it”: How situated work practices shape group decision making’, Organization Studies, 27, 943-966

Alby, Francesca, & Zucchermaglio, Cristina. (2007). ‘Embodiment at the interface: materialization practices in web design’, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 40(2-3), 255-77

Alby, Francesca, & Zucchermaglio, Cristina. (2008). ‘Collaboration in web design: Sharing knowledge, pursuing usability’, Journal of Pragmatics, 40(3), 494-506

Alby, Francesca, & Zucchermaglio, Cristina. (2009). ‘Time, narratives and participation frameworks in software troubleshooting’, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 18(2-3), 129-146

Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn. (2006). ‘Running together: some ethnomethodological considerations’, Ethnographic Studies 8: 17-29

Allen-Collinson, Jacqui, & Hockey, John. (2009). ‘The essence of sporting embodiment: phenomenological analyses of the sporting body’. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 4/4: 71-81

Allen-Collinson, Jacqui, & Hockey, John. (2011). ‘Feeling the way: Notes toward a haptic phenomenology of distance running and scuba diving’, International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 46/3: 330-345

Amerine, Ronald, & Bilmes, Jack. (1988). ‘Following instructions’, Human Studies 11: 327-39

Amundrud, Thomas. (2011). ‘On observing student silence’, Qualitative Inquiry 17/4: 334-342

Anderson, Bob, & Sharrock, Wes. (2014). ‘The inescapability of trust: Complex interactive systems and normal appearances’. In: Richard H. R. Harper, ed. Trust, Computing, and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 144-171

Anderson, D.C. (1978). ‘Some organizational features in the local production of a plausible text’, Philosophy of the social sciences 8: 113-35

Anderson, D.C., & Sharrock, Wes W. (1979). ‘Biasing the news: Technical Issues in “Media Studies”’, Sociology 13(3): 367-85.

Anderson, D.C., & Sharrock, Wes W. (1981). ‘Irony as a methodological theory: a sketch of four sociological variations’, Poetics Today 4/4: 565-79.

Anderson, W. Timothy. (1989). ‘Dentistry as an activity system: sequential properties of the dentist-patient encounter’. In: David T. Helm, W. Timothy. Anderson, Albert.Jay Meehan, Anne Warfield Rawls, eds. The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order. New York: Irvington: 81-97

Anderson, R.J., Hughes, John A., & Sharrock, Wes W. (1987). ‘Executive problem finding: some material and initial observations’, Social Psychology Quarterly 50: 142-59

Anderson, R.J., Hughes, John A., & Sharrock, Wes W. (1989). Working for profit: the social organization of calculation in an entrepreneurial firm. Aldershot: Avebury

Anderson, R.J., & Sharrock, Wes W. (1982). ‘Sociological Work: Some Procedures Sociologists Use for Organising Phenomena’, Social Analysis 11: 79-93

Anderson, R.J., & Sharrock, Wes W. (1984). ‘Analytic work: aspects of the organization of conversational data’, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 14/1: 103-24

Anderson, R., Sharrock, Wes. (1993). ‘Can organization afford knowledge?’, Computer Supported Cooperative Work 1: 143-61

Anderson, R., Sharrock, Wes, & Watson, Rod. (1989). ‘Utterances and operations in air traffic control’. In: Langage et travail, 1989: 221-34

Antaki, Charles. (1998). ‘Identity ascriptions in their time and place: “Fagin” and “The Terminally Dim”’. In: Charles Antaki & Sue Widdicombe, eds. Identities in Talk. London, Sage: 71-86

Antaki, Charles. (1999). ‘Assessing quality of life of persons with a learning disability: How setting lower standards may inflate well-being scores’, Qualitative Health Research 9: 437-54

Antaki, Charles. (2000). ‘Two rhetorical uses of the description ’Chat”’, M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture, 3(4), 2000, Available from: http://journal.media-culture.org.au/0008/uses.php.

Antaki, Charles. (2001). ‘“D’you like a drink?” Dissembling language and the construction of an impoverished life’, Journal of Language and Social Psychology 20, 196-213

Antaki, Charles. (2002). ‘”Lovely”: Turn-initial high-grade assessments in telephone closings’, Discourse Studies 4: 5-23

Antaki, Charles. (2002). ‘Personalised revision of “failed” questions’. Discourse Studies 4: 411-28

Antaki, Charles. (2004). ‘Reading minds or dealing with interactional implications’, Theory & Psychology 14/5: 667-683

Antaki, Charles. (2004). ‘The uses of absurdity’. In H van de Berg, H., Houtkoop, M. Wetherell, eds, Analysing race talk: Multidisciplinary approaches to interview discourse, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 85-102

Antaki, Charles. (2004). ‘Conversation Analysis’, In S. Becker, A. Bryman, eds. Understanding Research Methods for Social Policy and Practice,, London: Policy Press: 313-317

Antaki, Charles. (2006). ‘Producing a “cognition”’, Discourse Studies 8: 9-15

Antaki, Charles. (2007). ‘Mental-health practitioners’ use of idiomatic expressions in summarising clients’ accounts’, Journal of Pragmatics 39/3: 527-541

Antaki, Charles. (2008). ‘Discourse analysis and conversation analysis’. In: Pertti Alasuutari, Leonard Bickman, Julia Brannen eds. The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods. London, etc.. Sage: 431-46

Antaki, Charles. (2008). ‘Formulations in psychotherapy’. In Anssi Peräkylä, Charles, Antaki, Sanna Vehviläinen, Ivan Leudar, eds. Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 26-42

Antaki, Charles. (2008). ‘Identities and Discourse’. In W. Donsbach, ed. The International Encyclopaedia of Communication, ICA / Basil Blackwell: 2165-2169

Antaki, Charles. (2011) ‘Six kinds of Applied Conversation Analysis’. In: Charles Antaki, ed. Applied conversation analysis: Intervention and change in institutional talk. Palgrave Macmillan: 1-14

Antaki, Charles. (Ed.). (2011). Applied conversation analysis: Intervention and change in institutional talk. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Antaki, Charles. (2012). ‘Applying Conversation Analysis to the multiple problems of hearing loss’. In Maria Egbert, Arnulf Deppermann, eds. (2012) Hearing aids communication: Integrating social interaction, audiology and user centered design to improve communication with hearing loss and hearing technologies. Mannheim: Verlag für Gesprächsforschung: 164-6

Antaki, Charles. (2012). ‘What actions mean, to whom, and when’, Discourse Studies14: 493-498 [comment on Hansung et al, 2012]

Antaki, Charles. (2012). ‘Pragmatics, linguistic competence, and Conversation Analysis’. In: Meeuwis, Michael; Jan-Ola Östman, eds., Pragmaticizing Understanding: Studies for Jef Verschueren, Amsterdam: Benjamins: 101-112

Antaki, Charles. (2012). ‘Affiliative and disaffiliative candidate understandings’, Discourse Studies 14: 531-547

Antaki, Charles. (2012). ‘Seven interactional benefits of physical tasks for adults with intellectual disabilities’, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 50, 311-321

Antaki, Charles. (2013). ‘Conversation analysis and identity in interaction’. In Carol A. Chapelle, ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell: 1000- 1004

Antaki, Charles. (2013). ‘Recipient-side test questions’, Discourse Studies 15/1: 3-18

Antaki, Charles. (2013). ‘Two conversational practices for encouraging adults with intellectual disabilities to reflect on their activities’, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 57: 580-588

Antaki, Charles. (2014). ‘Repeating a question near-identically may cast the answerer as intellectually impaired’. In: Luca Greco, Lorenza Mondada, Patrick Renaud, eds., Identités en interaction, Limoges: Lambert Lucas: 181-192

Antaki, Charles, Ardévol, Elisenda, Núñez, Francesc, & Vayreda, Agnès. (2005). ‘”For she who knows who she is:” Managing accountability in online forum messages’, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11/1 http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol11/issue1/antaki.html

Antaki, Charles, Barnes, Rebecca, & Leudar, Ivan. (2005). ‘Diagnostic formulations in psycho- therapy’, Discourse Studies 7: 627-47

Antaki, Charles, Barnes, Rebecca, & Leudar, Ivan. (2005). ‘Self-disclosure as a situated interactional practice’, British Journal of Social Psychology, 44: 181-199

Antaki, Charles, Barnes, Rebecca, & Leudar, Ivan. (2006). ‘When psychotherapists disclose personal information about themselves to clients’, Communication & Medicine, 3/1: 27-41

Antaki, Charles, Barnes, Rebecca, & Leudar, Ivan. (2007). ‘Members’ and analysts’ interests: “formulations” and “interpretations” in psychotherapy’. In: Alexa, Hepburn, Sally Wiggins, eds. Discursive Research in Practice: New Approaches to Psychology and Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 166-81

Antaki, Charles, Biazzi, Michela, Nissen, Anatte, & Wagner, Johannes. (2008). ‘Managing moral accountability in scholarly talk: the case of a Conversation Analysis data session’, Text and Talk 28: 1-30

Antaki, Charles, & Finlay, W.M.L. (2013). ‘Trust in what others mean: breakdowns in interaction between adults with intellectual disabilities and support staff’. In Chris Candlin & Jonathan Crichton, eds. Discourses of Trust. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan: 21-35

Antaki, Charles, Finlay, W.M.L, Sheridan, E., Jingree, T., & Walton, Chris. (2006). ‘Producing decisions in a self-advocacy group for people with an intellectual disability: two contrasting facilitator styles’, Mental Retardation, 44: 322-343

Antaki, Charles, Finlay, W.M.L, & Walton, Chris C. (2007). ‘“The staff are your friends”: conflicts between institutional discourse and practice’, British Journal of Social Psychology, 46/1, 1-18.

Antaki, Charles, Finlay, W.M.L., & Walton, Chris. (2007). ‘Conversational shaping: staff-members’ solicitation of talk from people with an intellectual impairment’, Qualitative Heath Research, 17: 1403-414

Antaki, Charles, Finlay, W.M.L., & Walton, Chris. (2009). ‘Choice for people with an intellectual impairment in official discourse and in practice’, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 6/4: 260-266

Antaki, Charles, Finlay, W.M.L., Walton, Chris, & Pate, L. (2008). ‘Offering choice to people with an intellectual impairment: an interactional study’, Journal of Intellectual Disability research, 52: 1165-1175.

Antaki, Charles, & Horowitz, Ava. (2000). ‘Using identity ascription to disqualify a rival version of events as “interested”’, Research on Language and Social Interaction 33: 155-77

Antaki, Charles, Houtkoop-Steenstra, Hanneke, & Rapley, Mark. (2000). ‘”Brilliant. next question…”: High-grade assessment sequences in the completion of interactional units’, Research on Language and Social Interaction 33: 235-62

Antaki, Charles, & Jahoda, Andrew. (2010). ‘Psychotherapists’ practices in keeping a session ‘on-track’ in the face of clients’ “off-track” talk’, Communication & Medicine, 7/1: 11-21

Antaki, Charles, & Kent, Alexandra. (2012). ‘Telling people what to do (and, sometimes, why): Contingency, entitlement and explanation in staff requests to adults with intellectual impairments’ Journal of Pragmatics 44/6-7:876-889

Antaki, Charles, & Leudar, Ivan. (2001). ‘Recruiting the record: using opponents’ exact words in Parliamentary argumentation’, Text 21, 467-88

Antaki, Charles, Leudar, Ivan, & Barnes, Rebecca. (2004). ‘Trouble in agreeing on a client’s problem in a cognitive-behavioural therapy session’, Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata, 4, 127-138

Antaki, Charles, & O'Reilly, Michelle. (2014). ‘Either/or questions in psychiatric assessments: The effect of the seriousness and order of alternatives’, Discourse Studies 16/3: 327-345.

Antaki, Charles, Walton, Chris, & Finlay, W.M.L. (2007). ‘How proposing an activity to a person with an intellectual disability can imply a limited identity’, Discourse & Society 18/4: 393-410

Antaki, Charles, & Wetherell, Margaret. (1999). ‘Show concessions’, Discourse Studies 1: 1-32

Antaki, Charles, & Widdicombe, Sue. (Eds.) (1998). Identities in talk. London: Sage

Antaki, Charles, & Widdicombe, Sue. (1998). ‘Identity as an achievement and as a tool’. In: Charles Antaki & Sue Widdicombe, eds. Identities in Talk. London, Sage: 1-14

Antaki, Charles, & Wilkinson, Ray. (2012). ‘Conversation analysis and the study of atypical populations’. In: Jack Sidnell, Tanya Stivers, eds. The Handbook of Conversation Analysis. Wiley-Blackwell: 533-50

Antaki, Charles, Young, N., & Finlay, M. (2002). ‘Shaping clients’ answers: departures from neutrality in care staff interviews with people with a learning disability’, Disability and Society, 17: 435-455.

Anward, Jan. (2003). ‘Own words: on achieving normality through paraphasias.’ In: Charles Goodwin, ed. Conversation and Brain Damage. New York: Oxford University Press: 189- 210

Aoki, Hiromi. (2011). ‘Some functions of speaker head nods’ . In J. Streeck, C. Goodwin, C. LeBaron, eds., Embodied interaction: Language and the body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 93-105

Archakis, Argiris, Giakoumelou, Maria, Papazachariou, Dimitris, & Tsakona, Villy. (2010). ‘The Prosodic Framing of Humour in Conversational Narratives: Evidence from Greek Data’, Journal of Greek Linguistics, 10/2: 187-212

Ariss, Steven. (2009). Asymmetrical knowledge claims in general practice consultations with frequently attending patients: Limitations and opportunities for patient participation’, Social Science and Medicine, 69: 908-919.

Arminen, Ilkka. (1996). ‘On the moral and interactional relevancy of self-repairs for life stories of members of Alcoholics Anonymous’, Text 16/4: 449-80

Arminen, Ilkka. (1996). ‘The construction of topic in the turns of talk at the meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous’. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 16: 5/6, 88-130.

Arminen, Ilkka. (1998). ‘Organization of participation in the meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous’, Issues in Applied Linguistics 9/2, 59-98.

Arminen, Ilkka. (1998). Therapeutic interaction: a study of mutual help in the meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. Helsinki: The Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies

Arminen, Ilkka. (1998). ‘Sharing experiences: Doing therapy with the help of mutual references in the meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous’, The Sociological Quarterly 39/3: 491- 515

Arminen, Ilkka. (1999). ‘Conversation analysis: a quest for order in social interaction and language use’. Acta Sociologica 42/3: 251-7

Arminen, Ilkka. (2000). ‘On the context sensitivity of institutional interaction’, Discourse & Society 11/4: 435-58

Arminen, Ilkka. (2001). ‘Workplace studies: the practical sociology of technology in action’, Acta Sociologica 44/2: 183-9

Arminen, Ilkka. (2001) ‘Closing of turns in the meetings of alcoholics anonymous: members’ methods for closing “sharing experiences”’, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 34/2: 211-51

Arminen, Ilkka. (2002). ‘Design-oriented sociology’. Acta Sociologica 45:4. 315-321.

Arminen, Ilkka (2002). ‘’Emergentes, divergentes? Les cultures mobiles’, Réseaux 20, 112-3: 79-106

Arminen, Ilkka (2004). ‘Second stories: the salience of interpersonal communication for mutual help in Alcoholics Anonymous’, Journal of Pragmatics 36: 319 -47

Arminen, Ilkka (2004). ’On the weakness of institutional rules: The case of addiction group therapy’, Discourse & Society 15 (6): 683-704.

Arminen, Ilkka (2005). Institutional interaction: studies of talk at work. Aldershot: Ashgate [Series: Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Series editors D.Francis and S.Hester]

Arminen, Ilkka (2005). ‘Sequential order and sequence structure: the case of incommensurable studies on mobile phone calls’, Discourse Studies 7/6: 649-62

Arminen, Ilkka (2006). ‘Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis’. In The handbook of the 21st century sociology, C. Bryant, D. Peck, eds. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage: 8-16, 437-438, 444-445

Arminen, Ilkka. (2006). ‘Social functions of location in mobile telephony’, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10: 5, 319-323.

Arminen, Ilkka. (2007). ‘Mobile communication society?’, Acta Sociologica 50:4. 431-437

Arminen Ilkka. (2008). ‘Mobile time-space: Arena for new kinds of social actions’, Mobile Communication Research Annual. 1: 89-108

Arminen, Ilkka. (2008). ‘Scientific and ‘radical’ ethnomethodology: From incompatible paradigms to ethnomethodological sociology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38/2: 167-191

Arminen, Ilkka. (2009). ‘On comparative methodology in studies of social interaction. In: Markku Haakana, Minna Laakso, Jan Lindström, eds. Talk in Interaction: Comparative Dimensions. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society (SKS): 48-69

Arminen, Ilkka. (2013). ‘Ethnomethodology in the analysis of discourse and interaction’. In Carol A. Chapelle, ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell: 2051-2056

Arminen, Ilkka; Petra Auvinen (2013.) ‘Environmentally coupled repairs and remedies in the airline cockpit: Repair practices of talk and action in interaction’, Discourse Studies 15/1: 19- 41

Arminen, Ilkka, Petra Auvinen, Hannele Palukka Koskela (2010). ‘Repairs as the last orderly provided defense of safety in aviation’, Journal of Pragmatics 42/2: 443-465

Arminen, Ilkka; Mia Halonen (2007). ‘Laughing with and at patients-the roles of laughter in confrontations in addiction therapy’, The Qualitative Report. 12: 3, 483-512

Arminen, Ilkka; Inka Koskela, Hannele Palukka (2014). ‘Multimodal production of second pair parts in air traffic control training’ Journal of Pragmatics 65: 46-62

Arminen, Ilkka, Minna Leinonen (2006). ‘Mobile phone call openings: tailoring answers to personalized summonses’, Discourse Studies 8/3: 339-68

Arminen, Ilkka, Anna Leppo (2001). ’The dilemma of two cultures in the 12-step treatment: the professional responses for clients who act against their best interests’. In: C. Kullberg, I. Rostila, M. Seltzer, eds. Listening to the welfare state - Social work practices in Nordic countries. Aldershot: Ashgate. 183-212.

Arminen, Ilkka, Piia Poikus (2009). ‘Diagnostic Reasoning in the Use of Travel Management System’, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 18/2-3: 251-276

Arminen, Ilkka, Perälä, Riikka. (2002). ‘Multiprofessional team work in 12-step treatment’. Nordiska Alkohol Tidskrift 19: [English supplement] pp.18-32

Arminen, Ilkka, Alexandra Weilenmann. (2009). ’Mobile presence and intimacy—Reshaping social actions in mobile contextual configuration’, Journal of Pragmatics 41/10: 1905-1923

Armour, Lou (2000). ‘The socio-logic of colour’. In S. Hester, D. Francis, eds. Local Educational Order: Ethnomethodological Studies of Knowledge in Action. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins:163-95

Armstrong, Edward G. (1979). ‘Phenomenologophobia’, Human Studies 2/1: 63-75

Arnold, Lynnette (2012). ‘Dialogic embodied action: using gesture to organize sequence and participation in instructional interaction’, Research on Language & Social Interaction, 45/3: 269-296

Asmuß, Birte. (2007). ‘What do people expect from public services? Requests in public service encounters’, Journal of Language and Communication Studies 38: 65-83

Asmuß, Birte. (2011). ‘Proposing shared knowledge as a means of pursuing agreement’. In: Tanya Stivers, Lorenza Mondada, Jakob Steensig, eds. The Morality of Knowledge in Conversation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Asmuß, Birte. (2013). ‘Conversation analysis and meetings’. In Carol A. Chapelle, ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell: 1048-1050

Asmuß, Birte; Sae Oshima (2012). ‘Negotiation of entitlement in proposal sequences’, Discourse Studies 14/1: 67-86

Asmuß, Birte Jan Svennevig (2009). ‘Meeting talk: An introduction’, Journal of Business Communication 46/1: 3-22.

Ashmore, Malcom., Darren Reed (2000). ‘Innocence and nostalgia in conversation analysis: the dynamic relations of Tape and Transcript.’ Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1 (3). Available at: http://qualitative-research.net/fqs-texte/3-00/3-00ashmorereed-e.htm

Ashmore, Malcolm, Katie MacMillan, Steven D. Brown (2004). ‘It’s a scream: professional hearing and tape fetishism’, Journal of Pragmatics 36:349 -74

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1978). Discovering suicide: studies in the social organization of sudden death. London: Macmillan/Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1979). ‘Postscript: Notes on practical implications and possibilities’. In: J. Maxwell Atkinson & Paul Drew, Order in Court: The Organisation of Verbal Interaction in Judicial Settings. London: Macmillan: 217-32

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1979). ‘Sequencing and shared attentiveness to court proceedings’. In: George Psathas, ed., Everyday language: studies in ethnomethodology. New York: Irvington: 257-86

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1981). ‘Ethnomethodological approaches to socio-legal studies’ . In A. Podgorecki, W. C. J. Whelan, eds., Sociological approaches to law . London : Croom Helm: 201-223

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1982). ‘Understanding formality: The categorization and production of “formal” interaction’, British Journal of Sociology 33: 86-117

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1983). ‘Two devices for generating audience approval: a comparative study of public discourse and texts’. In: K. Ehlich & H. van Riemsdijk, eds. Connectedness in sentence, discourse and text. Tilburg: Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg: 199-236

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1984.) Our masters’ voices: the language and body language of politics. London: Methuen

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1984). ‘Public speaking and audience responses: some techniques for inviting audience applause’. In: J. Maxwell Atkinson, John Heritage, eds. Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 370-407

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1985). ‘Refusing invited applause: preliminary observations from a case study of charismatic oratory’. In: T.A. van Dijk, ed. Handbook of discourse analysis. London: Academic Press Vol. III: 161-81

Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1992). ‘Displaying neutrality: formal aspects of informal court proceedings’. In: Drew, Paul, John Heritage, eds. Talk at work: interaction in institutional settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 199-211

Atkinson, Mick A. (1980). ‘Some practical uses of “a natural lifetime”’, Human Studies 3/1: 33-46

Atkinson, M.A., E.C. Cuff, J.R.E. Lee (1978). ‘The recommencement of a meeting as a member’s accomplishment’. In: J.N. Schenkein, ed., Studies in the organization of conversational interaction. New York: Academic Press: 133-53

Atkinson, J. Maxwell, Paul Drew, (1979). Order in court: the organisation of verbal interaction in judicial settings. London: Macmillan

Atkinson, Paul, Christian Heath, eds. (1981). Medical work: realities and routines. Farnborough: Gower

Atkinson, J. Maxwell, John Heritage, eds. (1984). Structures of social action: studies in conversation analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Auburn, Tim; Christianne Pollock (2013). ‘Laughter and competence: Children with severe autism using laughter to joke and tease’. In: Phillip Glenn, Elizabeth Holt, eds. Studies of laughter in interaction. London: Bloomsbury Academic: 135-60

Auer, Peter (1990). ‘Rhythm in telephone closings’, Human Studies 13: 361-92

Auer, Peter. (1992). ‘A “clash of ideas” or an exercise in scholastic ‘misunderstanding’?: A response to Button’s response’, Human Studies 15: 291-7

Austin, Helena. (1996). ‘Reading positions and the student-of-literature in a year six classroom’, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy 19: 144-153

Austin, Helena. (1997). ‘Literature for school: theorising ‘the child’ in talk and text’, Language and Education 11: 77-95

Austin, Helena. (1997). ‘The “child” as enacted in a primary school literature classroom’. In T. Gale, A. Erben and P.A.Danaher, eds., Diversity, Difference and Discontinuity: (Re)mapping teacher education for the next decade. Refereed Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA), Yeppoon, Queensland Australia, 5-8 July, http://www.ed.cqu.edu.au/ATEA

Austin, Helena, Bronwyn Dwyer, Peter Freebody (2003). Schooling the child: the making of students in classrooms. London: Routledge Falmer

Austin, Helena, Richard Fitzgerald (2007). ‘Resisting categorisation: An ordinary mother’. In Johanna Rendle-Short & Maurice Nevile, eds. Language as action: Australian studies in conversation analysis. Special thematic issue, Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 30/3: Available via http://publications.epress.monash.edu/loi/aral

Austin, Helena; Peter Freebody, Bronwyn Dwyer (2001). ‘Methodological issues in analysing talk and text: the case of childhood in and for school’. In: A. McHoul and M. Rapley (eds), How to Analyse Talk in Institutional Settings: A Casebook of Methods. London: Continuum: 183-195

Ayaß, Ruth; Gerhardt, Cornelia (2012). The appropriation of media in everyday life. Amsterdam: Benjamins

Backhaus, Peter. (2010). ‘Time to get up: Compliance-gaining in a Japanese eldercare facility’, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 20:1. 69-89.

Baker, Carolyn D. (1984). ‘The “search for adultness”: Membership work in adolescent-adult talk’, Human Studies 7/3-4: 301-23

Baker, Carolyn B. (1989). ‘Knowing things and saying things: How a natural world is discoursively fabricated on a documentary film set’, Journal of Pragmatics 13: 381-93

Baker, Carolyn. (1991). ‘Literary practices and social relations in classroom reading events’. In: Carolyn D. Baker, A. Luke, eds. Towards a critical sociology of reading pedagogy. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins: 161-88

Baker, Carolyn D. (1992). ‘Description and analysis in classroom talk and interaction’, Journal of Classroom Interaction, 27 (2) 9-14.

Baker, Carolyn, (1997). ‘Membership categorization and interview accounts’. In: David Silverman, ed. Qualitative research: Theory, method and practice. London: Sage: 130-43

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