RUG Classroom Summer School 2025

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Type Workshop
Categories (tags) Uncategorized
Dates 2025/06/30 - 2025/07/04
Abstract due
Submission deadline 2025/04/01
Final version due
Notification date
Tweet CFP: Summer school Analyzing Classroom Interactions will place from June 30 -

July 4 in Groningen, The Netherlands. Deadline for applications April 1st

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RUG Classroom Summer School 2025:


The University of Groningen is a pioneer in its dedication to interactional research, including the departments of Developmental Psychology, Educational Sciences, Special Needs Education and Youth Care at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, and department of Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts. Long standing collaborations with focus on classroom interactions have been consolidated in the centre of expertise Interactions in Diverse Classrooms. In this summer school, we will bring together the methodological expertise from the University of Groningen, as well as national and international colleagues, providing you with the opportunity to learn about different approaches and methods to study educational interactions.

Building on a unique combination of different disciplinary perspectives, this summer school will appeal to students and early career researchers with an interest, and potentially data, in interaction and learning; it will also welcome applicants without any previous training in the subject, who are interested in exploring classroom interaction as a subject for the continuation of their academic career. Learning, inside and outside classrooms, happens in interaction between students and their teachers, parents, and peers. It takes human interaction to learn to talk, to do math, to collaborate and to learn autonomously. Research on educational interactions has grown tremendously in the past decade. It reveals important insights for educational improvement. This summer school will offer a broad range of methods to capture and analyze classroom interactions.

  • Dates & location: 30 June – 4 July 2025, Groningen, the Netherlands
  • Level: BSc/MSc/PhD/Postdoc/Early career researchers
  • Fee: Standard fee: € 555 (including lunches/coffee and one group dinner)

Reduced fee: € 355 We have 4 spots for a reduced-fee registration. If you would like to be considered for a reduced fee, please submit a short motivation in your application.
