EMCA bibliography database

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The EMCA Bibliography database tracks publications relevant to Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis.

Browse the entire database

You can browse, search and filter the database by year, author, tag/keyword and publication type. If the window below is too small for your browser, try browsing the database in a new window.



Specialised EMCA bibliographies

There are a number of specialised tag/keyword lists maintained as part of the bibliography:

Background and status

The EMCA bibliography was initiated and has been maintained by Paul ten Have on the EMCA news website since the early 1990s. His bibliographies - as of July 2014 are available on this site.

This wiki was established to digitize that bibliography and make it available alongside an updatable wiki building on the wealth of EMCA resources Paul assembled on his site.


The bibliography lists academic work that is based mainly on EM/CA methods and approaches and/or positions its findings directly in relation to past or current work in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. If you are unsure whether an item fits this description and would like to discuss it, please contact The EMCA wiki Admins.

Adding to the bibliography

Adding bibliography entries is the best way to help build and maintain this resource. as well as keep the new ones up to date. You need a user account to do this, so please get in touch if you can help in this way and we will make you one.


  • You can import small BibTeX files into EMCA wiki by clicking the 'Add to the bibliography' link in the sidebar.
  • If you have a large amount of EMCA-related bibliographic data (preferably in BibTeX format) that you would like to contribute, please get in touch].

Where this wiki started

We started this wiki by digitizing the old bibliographies from Paul ten Have's site. If you click on the 'discussion' link on the top of each of the bibliography pages, it will provide you with a link to the old bibliography if you're interested in data archeology.