Example CA Study Protocols
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EMCA-based and EMCA-informed study protocols are necessary for recruitment, consent and data collection.
Here are a set of protocols that are available for researchers to model their own. NB: You might need to adapt these for your local/national context, but these example protocols should help with writing ethics/IRB and funding applications.
Call For Protocols We need your protocols and related materials to improve this page: http://emcawiki.net/Call_for_study_protocols_August_2020
[hide]Healthcare settings
- (UK) The development and testing of a communication skills training intervention for healthcare professionals caring for people with dementia in acute hospitals:
- Evaluating nuanced practices for initiating decision-making in neurology clinics: a mixed-methods study, Reuber, Chappell, Jackson and Toerien:
- https://njl-admin.nihr.ac.uk/document/download/2021309 2018
- This includes methods in Chapter 10, and analytic codebook in Appendix 5, questionnaires also in Appendices
- Delivering patient choice in clinical practice: a conversation analytic study of communication practices used in neurology clinics to involve patients in decision-making, Reuber, Toerien, Shaw, Duncan, 2015
- https://njl-admin.nihr.ac.uk/document/download/2021309
- Also includes methods, and analytic codebook, plus questionnaires used
- Shaw SE, Cameron D, Wherton J, Seuren LM, Vijayaraghavan S, Bhattacharya S, et al. Technology-enhanced consultations in diabetes, cancer, and heart failure: protocol for the qualitative analysis of remote consultations (QUARC) project. JMIR Res Protoc 2018 Jul 31;7(7):e10913
- Enhancing the patient complaints journey: harnessing the power of language to transform the experience of complaining, Rhys, Benwell, Simmons, Williams and Parry
- Jenkins, Laura (2009) A study of communication in paediatric settings. A protocol authorised by NHS ethics. - email L.Jenkins@lboro.ac.uk for a copy of the ethics/protocol forms.
- Summary: This study concerns an investigation into communicative practices in paediatric consultations – video-recording and analysing (using conversation analysis) 30 paediatric consultations in a U.K. outpatient clinic. The protocol includes objectives, justification for the research, recruitment and data collection, consent procedures and data storage. Published findings from the study including description of the data collection and consent process can be found here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953620305104
- Riou, M., Ball, S., Williams, T. A., Whiteside, A., O’Halloran, K. L., Bray, J., Perkins, G. D., Cameron, P., Fatovich, D. M., Inoue, M., Bailey, P., Brink, D., Smith, K., Della, P., & Finn, J. (2017). The linguistic and interactional factors impacting recognition and dispatch in emergency calls for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A mixed-method linguistic analysis study protocol. BMJ Open, 7(7). https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016510
Reports that include details of protocols for healthcare settings
- Barnes et al's protocol details for the 'One in a Million' corpus: https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/PB-PG-0613-31099
- Parry et al's VERDIS study protocol: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/ncare/documents/final-report-verdis.pdf
Related discussions and links for healthcare settings
- Lucas Seuren's (2020) ROLSI blog on ethical video consultations: https://rolsi.net/2020/07/17/studying-video-consultations-how-do-we-record-data-ethically-during-covid-19/
- There is a discussions on protocols and related procedures in this article by Parry, Pino et al.: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/298796872_Acceptability_and_design_of_video-based_research_on_healthcare_communication_Evidence_and_recommendations
Healthcare setting studies that document protocols that include CA
- Begh, R., Coleman, T., Yardley, L., Barnes, R., Naughton, F., Gilbert, H., Ferrey, A., Madigan, C., Williams, N., Hamilton, L., Warren, Y., Grabey, J., Clark, M., Dickinson, A., & Aveyard, P. (2019). Examining the effectiveness of general practitioner and nurse promotion of electronic cigarettes versus standard care for smoking reduction and abstinence in hardcore smokers with smoking-related chronic disease: protocol for a randomised controlled trial.: https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/218315299/s13063_019_3850_1.pdf
- Seguin, M., Hall, L., Atherton, H., Barnes, R., Leydon, G., Murray, E., Pope, C. J., Ziebland, S., & Stevenson, F. (2018). Protocol paper for the 'Harnessing resources from the internet to maximise outcomes from GP consultations (HaRI)' study: A mixed qualitative methods study. BMJ Open , 8 (8), [e024188]. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen2018-024188: https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/165191600/e024188.full.pdf
Healthcare Studies that don't necessarily use CA but are useful reference points
- Challenges in Collecting Big Data in A Clinical Environment with Vulnerable Population: Lessons Learned from A Study Using A Multi-modal Sensors Platform (2019) Bing Ye, et al. in Science and Engineering Ethics
Open Data Protocols
- Protocol from Berklee Studies of Social Interaction in the Arts (USA context) : A protocol designed to enable open data practices - i.e. the sharing of audiovisual data online: http://emcawiki.net/File:Berklee_studies_of_social_interaction_in_the_arts-combined-documents.pdf
- Protocol from Tufts 'In Conversation' Corpus (USA context) : A study protocol designed for open data-oriented laboratory-based EM/CA recordings, allowing data to be shared online: http://emcawiki.net/File:In_Conversation_Corpus_Lab_study_protocol.pdf
- Protocol from Tufts 'In The Wild' Corpus (USA context) : A study protocol designed for open data-oriented fieldwork EM/CA recordings, allowing data to be shared online: http://emcawiki.net/File:In_The_Wild_Corpus-Fieldwork-study_protocol.pdf
- Protocol from Loughborough's Open Repository of Conversation Analysis Corpus (UK context): A study protocol designed for open-data oriented fieldwork EM/CA recordings, allowing interactional data to be shared online: https://emcawiki.net/images/5/5a/ORCA-ethics-application.pdf