CLDI 001

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CLDI 001
Corpus Corpus of Language Discrimination in Interaction (CLDI)
Corpus ID CLDI 001
Vernacular title Tutoring session at a California cafe
Date of incident 2017/12/12
Location of incident Walnut Creek, California, USA
Geographic location 37° 54' 36", -122° 3' 55"
Context Coffee shop
Linguistic medium English
Targeted languages Korean; Asian
Recording length 1 min, 12 sec
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Ethnographic note:

  • News stories about the incident report that the targets are a tutor and his tutee, the latter of which was a local community college student at the time. The tutor told reporters that after he said “We might need to brainstorm this way and write the essay that way,” in Korean while instructing the tutee, the CHA interceded. The tutee then began to record the incident from her cell phone. The CHA herself does not cite “Korean”, specifically, but rather “oriental” (line 1). In addition, EM2 asserts that this is not the first incident involving this CHA at this location (lines 20-21). After the conclusion of the video, EM1/EM2 contact police, who come to the scene (not recorded).

Transcript notes:

  • Video and transcript begin mid-altercation.

Selected sources:


01  CHA:    ...especially not oriental. I hate it.
02  EM1:    I’m sorry but they’re allowed to speak their language.   
03  CHA:    you kno:[w what (.) president Obama] sai:d that everyone=
04  EM1:            [if you don’t like it,-    ] 
05  CHA:    =in here in America and enjoying our America, 
06          should speak English.
07  EM1:    I’m sorry but (.) they are c(h)ompl(h)ete(h)ly allowed 
08          to use their own language. 
09          (0.5) / ((CHA gazes at camera & begins moving notebook))
10  EM1:    Feel free (.) to: please leave.
11          (1.0) / ((CHA covers face with notebook))
12  CHA:    I don’t wanna hear: the language.
13          (.)
14  EM1:    We do wanna hear it.
15          (0.5)  
16  TA2:    Then you(‘d) better go out from here. 
17          (0.5)
18  CHA:    .tch=.hhh (0.2) if you can sit and be quiet, 
19          fi::[ne,
20  EM2:        [This is not the first time=
21          =[that you’ve yelled at our other customer:s:]
22  CHA:    =[But (.) I don’t wanna hear: your la:nguage.]
23          (1.0)
24  CHA:    I don’t wanna hear it.
25  TA2:    We have a [freedom to use my own: language.  ]
26  CHA:              [and I:: don’t wanna ta:lk to you:.] ((points))
27          (1.0)
28  EM1:    I’m asking you to please lea:ve.
29          (0.5)
30  CHA:    If they wanna sit ‘n be quiet, 
31          that(’d) be gr[eat.
32  EM2:                  [If you don’t wanna hear it,=
33          =they’re welcome to be here,=they’re doing nothing wrong,=
34          =you’re the o[ne that’s causing an iss[ue [:.  
35  CHA:                 [Go: back t- (.)         [the[:r:e. ((points)) 
36  EM1:                                              [Don- Excuse me::, 
37  CHA:    [Go back there. ((grimace/wink?))
38  EM1:    [Excuse me::.=
39  EM2:    Excuse me::? 
40  ?:      hhh
41  CHA:    (hh)Y(h)ou’re gonna b(h)e in t(h)rouble,
42          (.)
43  CHA:    [when I: get] this letter out. ((typing on laptop))
44  EM1:    [Excuse me:,]
45          (1.0)
46  EM2:    You’re pressi::ng:, (0.2) n:umber:s,=over and over agai:n,
47          (1.5)
48  CHA:    <(E)xcuse me?> 
49          (.)
50  EM1:    Okay now I’m asking you to leave,=if you don’t wanna 
51          leave I’m <going> to call the police.
52          (0.5)
53  EM1:    That’s up to you.
54          (.)
55  CHA:    That’s fi:ne,
56          (3.0)
57          ((video ends))