CASLC End of Academic Year Celebratory Talk given by Professor Jenny Mandelbaum

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CASLC End Year 22
Type Symposium
Categories (tags) Uncategorized
Dates 2022/06/30 - 2022/06/30
Geolocation 53° 56' 46", -1° 3' 6"
Abstract due
Submission deadline
Final version due
Notification date 2022/06/30
Tweet Join @CASLC_UoY as they celebrate end of academic year with a talk by Prof Mandelbaum of @RucalTeam 30 June 22 4pm-5:30pm UK Time. Join mailing list for Zoom invite Problems? Email #EMCA #LSI
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CASLC 2022 End of Academic Year Celebratory Talk given by Professor Jenny Mandelbaum:


The 3rd Annual CASLC End-of-Academic-Year Celebratory Talk

The Centre for Advanced Studies in Language & Communication (CASLC) at the University of York is delighted to present a talk by…

Professor Jenny Mandelbaum i

Co-authored with Professor Gene Lerner ii

On the Communicative Affordances of Instrumental Action: Offering Meal Service to Others, Whilst Serving Oneself

i Rutgers University, USA

ii University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Date: Thursday 30th June 2022 Time: 4.00pm-5.30pm (UK time)

'Place:' Zoom. If you’re on the CASLC or CASLC-guest mailing list, you will receive a zoom link via google calendar. If you’re not on our mailing list, you can register here:


We begin with this simple observation: Taking food can present an occasion for offering food. The sheer visibility of mealtime self-service to other diners (reflexively) furnishes both a context and an account for these offers of service. Not only does mealtime self-service furnish a public launching pad for offering service to others, but the placement of that offer – either on the way to serving oneself or just after having done so – can frame the offer, casting it as a ‘no bother, while I’m at it’ offer. Furthermore, an Offerer can modify the path of their self-service so as to overtly promote the offer: The self-service Manual Action Pathway can be fashioned so as to incorporate visible preparation to serve the Offeree, just before or just after their own self-service. The report then takes up those offers made just as the actual transfer of food or drink is carried out. These offers are recurrently coterminous with the transfer, and thereby become fulfilment-ready just as the transfer reaches its material completion. In sum, in this report, we are able to specify just how practical embodied conduct can contribute to the formation of communicative action – thus providing a way to ground the concept of social solidarity, when applied to offers and their acceptance/declination, in the visible practices of self-service organization.