Panels for The International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2023

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Type Conference
Categories (tags) Uncategorized
Dates 2023/06/26 - 2023/07/02
Address University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Geolocation -27° 29' 51", 153° 0' 49"
Abstract due 2022/03/04
Submission deadline 2022/03/04
Final version due
Notification date 2022/03/25
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Panels for The International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2023:


Call for Panels

The Scientific Program Committee invites prospective panel organisers to submit titles and proposals for panel sessions at ICCA 2023. Submissions can be made via the Panel Submission Portal below.

Click here to submit a Panel Proposal:

All panels must follow the instructions listed below and be submitted online before midnight AEST 4 March 2022 (Brisbane, Queensland) (2pm GMT 4th March). Please note that the closing date for panel submission will not be extended.

All enquiries regarding panels for ICCA 2023 should be emailed to

Panel Submission Details & Guidelines

Proposals should be submitted by the panel organiser.

  • Proposals should be submitted in English.

Notification will be emailed only to the organiser who submitted the proposal.

  • Panels must be submitted before midnight AEST, 4 March 2022 for consideration by the Committee.
  • Panel organisers will be notified of acceptance or otherwise on March 25th 2022.

Writing your panel proposal

  • Proposals should be no more than one page A4 paper in 12-point font.
  • Proposals should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document
  • Proposals should indicate how many papers they will accept (minimum 4 papers (= 1 session), maximum 12 papers (= 3 sessions).

Terms and Conditions

All abstracts for presentation within a panel will be submitted via the ICCA23 abstract submission portal, following the same timelines and formatting guidelines as abstracts for general sessions. Prospective presenters will be able to nominate panels for their presentation.

Following the closing of the general call for papers, panel organisers will receive all of the abstracts linked to their panel.

Panel organisers have the right to accept or reject abstract proposals. Papers which are not accepted for a nominated panel can be considered for a general session.

Contact Please direct all panel proposal enquiries to: ICCA 2023 Secretariat ICMS Australasia Email: