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This is a holding page for a proposed workshop for CHI 2022 ( on the theme of explainability (X-AI) in relation to concepts and research on human social action.

The workshop organizers will use this page to collate submission information and other resources until the workshop website is set up in time for submissions.

Workshop overview

Explainability in AI is a crucial aspect of interaction with and through machines. It has also been a key concern in HCI from early usability heuristics onwards. This workshop focuses on three under-explored aspects of explainability that can enrich and expand upon existing HCI research in explainable AI (X-AI).

These include:

  1. explanation as a joint, co-constructed action,
  2. explanation as a pervasive norm underpinning all social interaction and
  3. the self-explanatory nature of human conduct in the social world.

This workshop invites X-AI oriented HCI researchers with ethnomethodologists, conversation analysts, discursive psychologists, and researchers from other fields that center on human social action to present papers that explore the pragmatics of X-AI and help to unpack the social foundations of explanation. Alongside giving presentations, participants will be invited to co-author a position paper and to contribute to a proposal for a special issue of Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) on the workshop theme.

Call for proposals

Explainability in AI is a crucial aspect of interaction with and through machines and a key concern in HCI. The goal of this workshop is to unpack the social foundations of explanation, both empirically and theoretically. We aim to bring together researchers focusing on human social interaction such as ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, discursive psychology and distributed cognition to explore explainability with a focus on intersubjectivity and situated action. The workshop will take place in a hybrid format.

Please see our workshop proposal paper for more information. Potential workshop participants are invited to submit a 4 to 8 page long position paper (including references) in the single column ACM Master Article Submission Templates format via the article submission portal linked from the workshop wiki (this page). The position paper should focus on explainability in relation to one or more of the three key themes:

  • Explanations as joint actions
  • The self-explanatory appearance of the social world
  • Miscommunication and repair as interactional explainability

Empirical contributions that are based on audiovisual data that can be analyzed at the workshop are especially encouraged. The intended workshop outcomes include a collaborative position paper exploring the theme of explainability in relation to human social action, and a proposed special issue of Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI).

Submissions will be reviewed by the workshop organizers and external reviewers and will be selected based on relevance, quality and on the diversity of disciplinary, theoretical and empirical approaches. Accepted papers will be made available on the workshop webpage. For accepted position papers, at least one author must attend the workshop and all participants must register for both the workshop and at least one day of the conference.

If you have any questions, please email