Transcription Resources

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Literature on Transcription

  • see also: Website: "Transcription in Action: Resources for the Representation of Linguistic Interaction", mainained by Mary Bucholtz
  • Ashmore, Malcom., Darren Reed (2000) ‘Innocence and nostalgia in conversation analysis: The dynamic relations of tape and transcript.’ Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1 (3). Available at:
  • Bonu, Bruno, coord. (2002) Transcrire l’interaction. cahiers de praxématique 39: 1-159
  • Bucholtz, Mary (2007) ‘Variation in transcription’, Discourse Studies 9: 784-808
  • Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth; Dagmar Barth-Weingarten (2011) ‘A system for transcribing talk-in-interaction: GAT 2’, Gesprächsforschung - Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 12: 1-51 [1]
  • Duranti, Alessandro (2007) ‘Transcripts, like shadows on a wall’, Mind, Culture, and Activity13(4): 301–10.
  • Goodwin, Charles (1994) ‘Recording human interaction in natural settings’, Pragmatics 3: 181-209
  • Duranti, Alessandro (1997) ‘Transcription: from writing to digitized images’. in his: Linguistic anthropology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 122-61
  • Edwards, J.A., & M.D. Lampert, eds (1993) Talking data: transcription and coding in discourse research. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
  • Have, Paul ten (2002) ‘Reflections on transcription’ cahiers de praxématique 39: 21-43 [text in PDF]
  • Hepburn, Alexa (2004) ‘Crying: Notes on Description, Transcription, and Interaction’, Research on Language & Social Interaction 37:251-91
  • Hepburn, Alexa; Galina B. Bolden (2012) ‘The conversation analytic approach to transcription’. In: Jack Sidnell, Tanya Stivers, eds. The Handbook of Conversation Analysis. Wiley-Blackwell: 57-76
  • Jefferson, Gail (1985) ‘An exercise in the transcription and analysis of laughter’. In: Dijk, T.A. van, Handbook of discourse analysis. London: Academic Press, Vol. 3: 25-34
  • Jefferson, Gail (1989) ‘Preliminary notes on a possible metric which provides for a ’standard maximum’ silence of approximately one second in conversation’. In: Roger, D., P. Bull, eds., Conversation: an interdisciplinary perspective. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters: 166-96
  • Jefferson, Gail (1996) ‘A case of transcriptional stereotyping’, Journal of Pragmatics 26: 159-70
  • Jefferson, Gail (2004) ‘Glossary of transcript symbols with an introduction’. In: Gene H. Lerner, ed. Conversation Analysis: Studies from the first generation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 13-31
  • Laurier, Eric. (2014)  The Graphic Transcript: Poaching comic book grammar for inscribing the visual, spatial and temporal aspects of action. Geography Compass, 8/4: 235-248
  • MacWhinney, Brian; Johannes Wagner (2010) ‘Transcribing, searching and data sharing: The CLAN software and the TalkBank data repository’, Gesprächsforschung - Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 11: 154-173 (
  • Mondada, Lorenza (2007) ‘Commentary: transcript variations and the indexicality of transcribing practices’, Discourse Studies 9: 809-821
  • Ochs, Elinor (1979) ‘Transcription as theory’. In: E. Ochs and B.B. Schiefelin, eds. Developmental Pragmatics. New York: Academic Press: 43-72
  • O’Connell, D.C., & S. Kowal (1994) ‘Some current transcription systems for spoken discourse: a critical analysis’, Pragmatics 4: 81–107
  • Psathas, George, Tim Anderson (1990) ‘The “practices” of transcription in conversation analysis’, Semiotica 78 (1990): 75-99
  • Traverso, Véronique (2002) ‘Transcription et traduction des interactions en langue étrangère’  cahiers de praxématique 39: 77-99