This is a property of type Text.
Pages using the property "BibPages"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
Alby2014 + | 239–256 + |
Alby2015 + | 4–22 + |
Albyetal2016 + | 858–864 + |
Alder2016 + | 19–26 + |
Alexander-Stokoe2019 + | 355-370 + |
Alexander-etal2019 + | 249–265 + |
Alexander2020 + | 413–429 + |
Alexander2024 + | 417-435 + |
Alfahad2015 + | 387–406 + |
Alfahad2016 + | 99–113 + |
Alieva2006 + | 367-398 + |
Alijani-Barjesteh2018 + | 606–612 + |
Alijevova1976 + | 336-350 + |
Alijevova1982 + | 418-438 + |
Alijevova1989 + | 155-175 + |
Allen-Collinson2006 + | 17–29 + |
Allen-Collinson2007 + | 3–24 + |
Allen-Collinson2009 + | 71–81 + |
Allen-Collinson2011 + | 330–345 + |
Allen-Collinson2021 + | 599–621 + |
Allen2004 + | 14–24 + |
AllistoneandWooffitt2007 + | 70–87 + |
Allwood-etal2017 + | 212-225 + |
Alvanoudi2019 + | 563–586 + |
Alvanoudi2020 + | 74–97 + |