International Meeting on Conversation Analysis & Clinical Encounters 2024

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Type Conference
Categories (tags) Uncategorized
Dates 2024/07/01 - 2024/07/03
Address University of Oxford
Geolocation 51° 46' 16", -1° 15' 20"
Abstract due 2024/01/19
Submission deadline
Final version due
Notification date 2024/02/09
Tweet CALL FOR PAPERS: 1-3 July 2024, 8th International Meeting on Conversation Analysis & Clinical Encounters (CA&CE), University of Oxford. Abstracts (300 words) due 19-JAN-2024.
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International Meeting on Conversation Analysis & Clinical Encounters 2024:


At the CA&CE meetings, attendees share current research findings and debate methodological issues in the application of conversation analytic methods to communication in health care settings. CA&CE is an inclusive event where active participation, sharing, collaborations and cross-disciplinary discussions are fostered and encouraged. 

Days one and two of the meeting feature plenary talks by research leaders in the field, and showcase different applied CA studies via individual or team presentations. Each oral presentation slot is either 15 mins – 10 mins for talk and 5 mins for questions/discussion, or 30 mins – 20 mins for talk and 10 mins for questions/discussion. There are also opportunities to participate in small group data sessions working with a wide variety of health communication data.

The programme for the final day focuses on how our research can best connect with the interests and experiences of clinicians, patients/companions and clinical educators, aiming to foster productive interaction and collaboration. Anyone with an interest in communication in health care is welcome to attend.

Abstract submission

Oral presentations: We welcome submissions for oral presentations of recently completed or current research applying CA methods to communication in health care settings. Each oral presentation slot is 30 mins – 20 mins for talk and 10 mins for questions/discussion. For your submission, please include a title and the name/s of the presenter/s, followed by a brief statement of the problem or issue, a description of your methods, the major findings, the conclusions reached, and three keywords (max. 300 words).

Data sessions: We also welcome submissions to host small group data sessions working with recordings and Jeffersonian transcripts of communication in health care settings. The data sessions are 90-minute slots. Data can include any language. For your submission, please include a title and the name/s of the presenter/s, followed by a brief description of the data you plan to share, whether it is video or audio data, and relevant ethical permissions (max. 250 words).

All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Please indicate in your submission if you are a Postgraduate student. You can submit your abstracts for oral presentations and data sessions here:

Deadline for submissions: Midday (GMT) 19th January 2024 with notifications by 9th February 2024.

We look forward to welcoming you to Oxford!

The CA&CE2024 Organizing Committee

Rebecca Barnes (Chair), Liliia Bespala, Virginia Calabria, Rachael Drewery, Yicen Guo, Jack Joyce, Chloe Phillips