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New publications

The four newest additions to the EMCA bibliography database:

  • Nguyen2024: Ngoc Thi Bich Nguyen, Ilana Mushin (2025) Understanding equivocal feedback in PhD supervision meetings: a conversation analysis approach
  • Nguyễn&Malabarba2024: Hanh thi Nguyen, Taiane Malabarba (2025) Developing Interactional Competence at the Workplace: Learning English as a Foreign Language on the Shop Floor
  • BatlleRodriguez2024: Jaume Batlle Rodríguez, Natalia Evnitskaya (2024) Teachers’ multimodal resources for delegated peer repair: Maximizing interactional space in whole-class interaction in the foreign language classroom
  • Tadic & Waring 2024: Nadja Tadic, Hansun Zhang Waring (2024) Introduction
