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Recently added new publications

Latest five 2015/2016 additions to the EMCA bibliography database (auto-updated daily):

  • SzczepekReed2015c: Beatrice Szczepek Reed (2015) Phonetische und prosodische Praktiken zur sequenziellen Positionierung von Gesprächshandlungen: jaber als Marker für wiederholte Gegenrede
  • Szczepek-Reed2023: Beatrice Szczepek Reed (2023) Designing Talk for Humans and Horses: Prosody as a Resource for Parallel Recipient Design
  • SzczepekReed2015d: Beatrice Szczepek Reed (2015) Pronunciation and the analysis of discourse
  • SzczepekReed2024: Beatrice Szczepek Reed (2024) ‘You Don’t Need Me Shouting Here’: When Instructors Observe Learners in Silence
  • SzczepekReed2015b: Beatrice Szczepek Reed (2015) Managing educational interactions: a case study of bilingual supervision meetings
