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Recently added new publications

Latest five 2015/2016 additions to the EMCA bibliography database (auto-updated daily):

  • Mayer2020: Henning Mayer, Florian Muhle, Indra Bock (2020) Whiteboxing MAX: Zur äußeren und inneren Interaktionsarchitektur eines virtuellen Agenten
  • Muhle2019: Florian Muhle (2019) Humanoide Roboter als ‚technische Adressen‘: Zur Rekonstruktion einer Mensch-Roboter-Begegnung im Museum
  • Muhle2017: Florian Muhle (2017) Embodied Conversational Agents as Social Actors? Sociological Considerations on the Change of Human-Machine Relations in Online Environments
  • Vanttinen2024: Minttu Vänttinen, Leila Kääntä (2024) Multimodal blame attributions in technology-supported peer interaction
  • Leyland2024: Christopher Leyland, Spencer Hazel, Adam Brandt (2024) Enabling people living with dementia to make choices during creative workshops: a conversation analysis study of co-creativity, choice-sequences, and the supportive actions of carers
