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Welcome to the EM/CA wiki

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Check the EMCA News page for older news and the Conferences page for upcoming events

Recently added new publications

Latest five 2014/2015 additions to the EMCA bibliography database (auto-updated daily):

  • Calabria2024: Virginia Calabria, Kristina Savic (2024) Aspetti multimodali nella costruzione di Turni Collaborativi: pratiche e risorse per manifestare un posizionamento epistemico condiviso
  • Okada2023: Yusuke Okada, Aki Siegel (2023) “Awkward moments” during first-time informal online ELF interaction and its social relational consequence
  • Siegel2018: Aki Siegel (2018) Superficial intersubjectivity in ELF university dormitory interactions
  • Siegal2016: Aki Siegel (2016) Longitudinal Development of Word Search Sequences in English as a Lingua Franca Interaction
  • Siegel2021: Aki Siegel (2021) Development of shared multilingual resources in ELF dyadic interaction: A longitudinal case study
