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5th EMCADN meet 2016
Type Training, Workshop, Data session
Categories (tags) PhD, Training, meeting
Dates 2016/05/15 - 2016/05/16
Link https://emcadoctoralnetwork.wordpress.com/about/meetings/
Geolocation 53° 22' 56", -1° 29' 2"
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Tweet 5th biannual meeting for doctoral students in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, Sheffield, 15-16 May 2016
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Fifth EMCA Doctoral Network Meeting in Sheffield 2016:


We are delighted to announce the fifth in a series of biannual meetings for doctoral students undertaking research in the allied fields of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. The meetings aim to establish, build and support a doctoral research community across the UK and Europe. Each meeting offers a mix of workshops, data sessions, reading groups, practical sessions and presentations. The idea is to provide an informal environment for students to come and share ideas, ask questions, showcase research, and so on. We want to encourage and facilitate opportunities to socialise and network with your EMCA peers.

The event is open to doctoral students only. Lunch and refreshments will be provided on both days, along with accommodation for Monday night and breakfast on Tuesday. As places are limited, prior registration is essential. To register, please describe your research and indicate how you want to contribute to the event (e.g., data session, presentation, reading group suggestion, etc.) using the accompanying form. Once we have this information we will distribute a full schedule.

Our keynote speakers will be focusing on fieldwork and organisational studies, so this event represents an excellent opportunity for participants to discuss ethnomethodology and conversation analysis in relation to these themes as well as, among other things, organisational talk, computer-supported co-operative work, human-computer interaction, rules and regulations, and so on. We welcome a diverse range of contributions, however, so do not feel limited to those topics.

Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis, and are strictly limited to ensure that accommodation costs can be met. To confirm attendance, please return this registration form as soon as possible to: Dr Alex Dennis.

The meeting call can be downloaded here: EMCA Sheffield Information

Once registration is confirmed, we will ask you to pay a fee of £20. We will send information about how to make this deposit when your place is confirmed.

For informal enquiries please email Alex Dennis.

Join the conversation at https://www.facebook.com/groups/emcadoctoralnetwork/.