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* Antaki, Charles, Sue Widdicombe, ed. (1998) Identities in Talk. London: Sage
Check http://www.paultenhave.nl/MCA-bib.pdf for the last update (last planned update to Paul's website was the 1st October 2014).  
* Austin, Helena, Richard Fitzgerald (2007) ‘Resisting categorisation: An ordinary mother’. In Johanna Rendle-Short & Maurice Nevile, eds. Language as action: Australian studies in conversation analysis. Special thematic issue, Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 30(3): Available via http://publications.epress.monash.edu/loi/aral
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* Baker, Carolyn D. (2000) ‘Locating culture in action: membership categorisation in texts and talk’. In: A. Lee, C. Poynton, eds. Culture and text: discourse and methodology in social research and cultural studies. St. Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin: 99-113
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* Bovet, Alain (2009) ‘Configuring a television debate: categorisation, questions and answers’. In. Richard Fitzgerald,William Housley, eds. Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham, Surey, U.K.: Ashgate: 27-48
* Bridges, Susan, Brendan Bartlett (2009) ‘Moving teachers: public texts and institutional power’. In. Richard Fitzgerald,William Housley, eds.Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham, Surey, U.K.: Ashgate: 185-204
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* Carlin, Andrew (2003) ‘Observation and membership categorization: Recognizing “normal appearances” in public space’, Journal of Mundane Behavior4/1: http://mundanebehavior.org/
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* Cruz, Fernanda Miranda Da (2014) ‘Categorizations of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s: alternative membership categorization devices displayed by participants in talk-in-interaction’.  In: Luca Greco, Lorenza Mondada, Patrick Renaud, eds., Identités en interaction, Limoges: Lambert Lucas: 193-214
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* Day, Dennis (1994). ‘Tang’s dilemma and other problems: Ethnification processes at some multicultural workplaces’. Pragmatics, 4, 315-336.
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* Edwards, Derek (1991) ‘Categories are for Talking: On the Cognitive and Discursive Bases of Categorization’, Theory and Psychology1(4): 515–42.
* Edwards, Derek (1998) ‘The relevant thing about her: social identity categories in use’ In: Charles Antaki, Sue Widdicombe, eds. Identities in talk. London: Sage: 15-33
* Egbert, Maria (2004) ’Other-initiated Repair and Membership Categorization: Some conversational events that trigger linguistic and regional membership categorization’, Journal of Pragmatics 36: 1467-98.
* Eglin, Peter (2002) ‘Members’ gendering work: ‘women’, ‘feminists’ and membership categorization analysis’, Discourse & Society 13: 819-25
* Eglin, Peter, Stephen Hester (1992) ‘Category, Predicate and Task: The Pragmatics of Practical Action’, Semiotica 88: 243–68
* Eglin, Peter, Stephen Hester (1999) Moral order and the Montreal massacre: a story of membership categorization analysis.’ In: P.L. Jalbert, (Ed.)Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches. Lanham, New York, Oxford: University Press of America: 195-230
* Eglin, Peter, Stephen Hester (1999) “You’re all a bunch of feminists:” Categorization and the politics of terror in the Montreal Massacre’, Human Studies 22: 253-72
* Eglin, Peter, Stephen Hester (2003) The Montreal Massacre A Story of Membership Categorization Analysis. Waterloo, ONT, Ca: Wilfrid Laurier University Press
* Evaldsson, Ann-Carita (2007) ‘Accounting for friendship: moral ordering and category membership in preadolescent girls’ relational talk’ Research on Language & Social Interaction 40/ 4: 377-404
* Fitzgerald Richard (2012) ‘Membership categorization analysis: Wild and promiscuous or simply the joy of Sacks?’, Discourse Studies14: 305-311
* Fitzgerald, Richard, William Housley (2002) ‘Identity, categorisation and sequential organisation: the sequential and categorial flow of identity in a radio phone-in’, Discourse and Society 13: 579-602.
* Fitzgerald, Richard, William Housley (2006) ’Categorisation, accounts and motives: “Letters-to-the-editor” and devolution in Wales’. In John Wilson & Karyn Stapleton, eds.  Devolution and Identity. Aldershot Ashgate: 111-26
* Fitzgerald, Richard, William Housley (2007) ‘Talkback, Community and the Public Sphere’, Media International Australia. No 122: 150-63
* Fitzgerald, Richard ,William Housley, eds. (2009) Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham, Surey, U.K.: Ashgate:
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* Fradin, Bernard, Louis Quéré, Jean Widmer, eds. (1994)L’enquête sur les categories. Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales [Raisons pratiques: Épistémologie, sociologie, théorie sociale/5]
* Francis, David, Christopher Hart (1997) ‘Narrative intelligibility and membership categorization in a television commercial’. In: Hester, S., P. Eglin, eds.,Culture in action: studies in membership categorization analysis. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America: 123-52
* Freebody, Peter, Carolyn D. Baker (1996) ’Categories and sense-making in the talk and texts of schooling’. In: G. Bull & M. Anstey (eds.)Lexicons of Literacy. Sydney: Prentice Hall: 145-59
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* Gafaranga, Joseph; Nicky Britten (2004) ‘Formulation in general practice consultations’, Text, 24/2: 147–170
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* Garot, Bob; Tim J. Berard (2010) ‘Ethnomethodology and Membership Categorization Analysis’. in:Ruth Wodak, Barbara Johnstone, Paul Kerswill, eds. Sage Handbook of Sociolinguistics, Los Angeles: Sage: 125-138
* Graumans, Ineke; Harry van den Berg (2008) ‘Memberschip Categorization Analysis: Een frame-analyse van open interviews met jonge kinderen op een etnisch gemengde school’, KWALON 13/3
* Grancea, Liana (2010) ‘Ethnic solidarity as interactional accomplishment: An analysis of interethnic complaints in Romanianand Hungarian focus groups’, Discourse & Society, 21/2: 161-188
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* Greco, Luca; Lorenza Mondada (2014) ‘Les identités-en-interaction : vers une approche multidimensionnelle’. In: Luca Greco, Lorenza Mondada, Patrick Renaud, eds., Identités en interaction, Limoges: Lambert Lucas: 7-28
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* Hansen, Alan D. (2005) ‘A practical task: ethnicity as a resource in social interaction’,Research on Language and Social Interaction,38(1), 63-104
* Hauser, Eric (2011) ‘Generalization: A practice of situated categorization in talk’, Human Studies, 34/2:183–198
* Hester, Sally; Stephen Hester (2012) ‘Categorial occasionality and transformation: analyzing culture in action’, Human Studies 35/4: 563-581
* Hester, Stephen (1992) ‘Recognizing references to deviance in referral talk’. In: G. Watson, R.M. Seiler, eds. Text in Context: Contributions to ethnomethodology. London: Sage: 156-74
* Hester, Stephen (1994) ‘Les catégories en contexte’. In: B. Fradin, L. Quéré, J. Widmer, eds. (1994)L’enquête sur les catégories. Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales [Raisons pratiques: Épistémologie, sociologie, théorie sociale/5]: 219-42
* Hester, Stephen, Peter Eglin, eds. (1997) Culture in action: studies in membership categorization analysis. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America
* Hester, Stephen, Peter Eglin (1997) ’Membership categorization analysis: an introduction. In: Hester, S., P. Eglin, eds., Culture in action: studies in membership categorization analysis. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America: 1-24
* Hester, Stephen, Peter Eglin (1997) ‘The reflexive constitution of category, predicate and context in two settings’. In: Hester, S., P. Eglin, eds.,Culture in action: studies in membership categorization analysis. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America: 25-48
* Hester, Stephen, Richard Fitzgerald (1999) ‘Category, predicate and contrast: some organizational features in a radio talk show’. In: P.L. Jalbert, (Ed.) Media Studies:
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* Hester, Stephen, David Francis (2000) ’Category play in a school staff-room’,Ethnographic Studies 5: 42-55
* Hester, Stephen, William Housley, eds. (2002) Language, Interaction and National Identity: Studies in the social organisation of national identity in talk-in-interaction. Aldershot: Ashgate
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* Housley, William, Richard Fitzgerald (2007) ‘Categorisation, Interaction, Policy and Debate’.
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* Paoletti, Isabella (2001) ‘Membership Categories and Time Appraisal in Interviews with Family Caregivers of Disabled Elderly’, Human Studies24: 293-325
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* Psathas, George (1999) ‘Studying the organization in action: Membership categorization and interaction’, Human Studies 22: 139-62 (Also published in Japanese in Culture and Society: International Journal of the Human Sciences, 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 37-73; and in W.W. Sharrock, M. Lynch, eds. Ethnomethodology, Sage Publications, 2010)
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* Rapley Tim (2012) ‘Order, order: A ‘modest’ response to Stokoe’, Discourse Studies 14:
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* Rautajoki, Hanna (2009) ‘Staging public discussion: mobilizing political community in closing discussion programmes’. In. Richard Fitzgerald,William Housley, eds. Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham, Surey, U.K.: Ashgate: 73-94
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* Sacks, Harvey (1979) ‘Hotrodder: a revolutionary category’. In: G. Psathas, ed., Everyday language: studies in ethnomethodology. New York: Irvington: 7-14
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* Schegloff, Emanuel A. (2007) ‘A tutorial on membership categorization’,Journal of Pragmatics 39: 462-82
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* Schubert, Sarah J.; Susan Hansen; Kyle R. Dyer; Mark Rapley )2009) ’“ADHD patient” or “illicit drug user”? Managing medico-moral membership categories in drug dependence services’, Discourse & Society 20: 499-516
* Silverman, David (1998) Harvey Sacks: Social Science and Conversation Analysis. Oxford: Policy Press [chapters 5 & 7]
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* Silverman David (2012) ‘Beyond armed camps: A response to Stokoe’, Discourse Studies 14/3: 329-336
* Smith, Dorothy.E. (1978) ‘“K is mentally ill”: the anatomy of a factual account’,Sociology 12: 23-53
* Sloboda, Marián (2009) ‘Styling for hegemony: the West as an enemy (and the ideal) in Belarusian television news’. In. Richard Fitzgerald,William Housley, eds. Media, Policy and Interaction. Farnham, Surey, U.K.: Ashgate: 137-60
* Stetson, Jeff (1999) ‘Victim, offender and witness in the emplotment of news stories’. In: P.L. Jalbert, (Ed.) Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches. Lanham, New York, Oxford: University Press of America: 77-110
* Stockill, Clare, Celia Kitzinger (2007) ’Gendered “People”: how linguistically non-gendered terms can have gendered interactional relevance’, Feminism & Psychology 17(2): 224-36.
* Stokoe, Elizabeth H. (1998) ‘Talking about gender: the conversational construction of gender categories in academic discourse’, Discourse & Society, 9 (2), 217-40 [also i In J. Potter, ed., (2007) Discourse and psychology. London: Sage]
* Stokoe, Elisabeth H. (2000) ‘Towards a conversation analytic approach to gender and discourse’,
* Feminism and Psychology 10: 552-63
* Stokoe, Elisabeth.H. (2003) ‘Mothers, single women and sluts: gender, morality and membership categorisation in neighbour disputes’, Feminism and Psychology 13: 317-44
* Stokoe, Elizabeth H. (2003) ’Doing gender, doing categorization: Recent developments in language and gender research. International Sociolinguistics, 2(1) Online at: http://www.crisaps.org/newsletter/backissue/stokoe_back.pdf
* Stokoe, Elizabeth H. (2004) ‘Gender and discourse, gender and categorization: Current developments in language and gender research’, Qualitative Research in Psychology 1 (2), 107-29
* Stokoe, Elisabeth (2006) On ethnomethodology, feminism, and the analysis of categorial reference to gender in talk-in-interaction’, Sociological Review 54: 467-94
* Stokoe, Elizabeth(2009) ‘Doing actions with identity categories: complaints and denials in neighbor disputes’, Text & Talk 29/1: 75-97
* Stokoe, Elizabeth; ed. (2012) Special issue on ‘Categories and Social Interaction: Current Issues in Membership Categorization’, Discourse Studies 14/3
* Stokoe, Elizabeth (2012) ‘Moving forward with membership categorization analysis: Methods for systematic analysis’, Discourse Studies 14/3: 277-303
* Stokoe Elizabeth (2012) ‘Categorial systematics’, Discourse Studies 14/3: 345-354,
* Stokoe, Elisabeth H., Janet Smithson (2001) ‘Making gender relevant: conversation analysis and gender categories in interaction’, Discourse & Society 12:243-69
* Stokoe, Elisabeth H., Janet Smithson (2002) ’Gender and sexuality in talk-in-interaction: Considering a conversation analytic perspective’. In P. McIlvenny (Ed.), Talking gender and sexuality: Conversation, performativity and discourse in interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 79-110
* Summerville, Jennifer, Barbara Adkins (2007) ‘Enrolling the citizen in sustainability: membership categorization, morality and civic participation’,Humand Studies 30/4: 429-446
* Vallis, Rhyll (2001) ’Applying membership categorization analysis to chat-room talk’. In: A. McHoul and M. Rapley (eds), How to Analyse Talk in Institutional Settings: A Casebook of Methods. London: Continuum, 86-99
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* Van De Mieroop, Dorien; Jonathan Clifton (2012) ‘The interactional negotiation of group membership and ethnicity: The case of an interview with a former slave’, Discourse & Society 23: 163-183
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* Zimmerman, Erica (2007) ‘Constructing Korean and Japanese interculturality in talk: ethnic membership categorization among users of Japanese’, Pragmatics17: 71-94

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