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== Medical EMCA ==
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== Static Bibliography ==
Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis in the field of medicine, psychotherapy, and related topics like impaired communication
* Aaltonen, Tarja; Minna Laakso (2010) ‘Halting aphasic interaction, Creation of intersubjectivity and spousal relationship in situ’, Communication & Medicine, 7/2: 95-106
* Anderson, W. Timothy. (1989) ‘Dentistry as an activity system: sequential properties of the dentist-patient encounter’. In: David T. Helm, W. Timothy. Anderson, Albert.Jay Meehan, Anne Warfield Rawls, eds. The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order. New York: Irvington: 81-97
* Antaki, Charles (1999) ‘Assessing quality of life of persons with a learning disability: How setting lower standards may inflate well-being scores’, Qualitative Health Research 9: 437-54
* Antaki, Charles (2001) ‘“D’you like a drink?” Dissembling language and the construction of an impoverished life’, Journal of Language and Social Psychology 20, 196-213
* Antaki, Charles (2002) ‘Personalised revision of “failed” questions’.Discourse Studies 4: 411-28
* Antaki, Charles (2006) ‘Producing a “cognition”’, Discourse Studies8: 9-15
* Antaki, Charles (2007) ‘Mental-health practitioners’ use of idiomatic expressions in summarising clients’ accounts’, Journal of Pragmatics39/3: 527-541
* Antaki, Charles (2008) Formulations in psychotherapy. In Anssi Peräkylä, Charles, Antaki, Sanna Vehviläinen, Ivan Leudar, eds. Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 26-42
* Antaki, Charles (2012) ‘Applying Conversation Analysis to the multiple problems of hearing loss’. In Maria Egbert, Arnulf Deppermann, eds. Hearing aids communication: Integrating social interaction, audiology and user centered design to improve communication with hearing loss and hearing technologies. Mannheim: Verlag für Gesprächsforschung: 164-6
* Antaki, Charles, Rebecca Barnes, Ivan Leudar (2005) ‘Diagnostic formulations in psychotherapy’,Discourse Studies 7: 627-47
* Antaki, Charles; Rebecca Barnes, Ivan Leudar (2006) ‘When psychotherapists disclose personal information about themselves to clients’, Communication & Medicine, 3/1: 27-41
* Antaki, Charles, Rebecca Barnes, Ivan Leudar (2007) ‘Members’ and analysts’ interests: “formulations” in psychotherapy’. In: Alexa, Hepburn, Sally Wiggins, eds. Discursive Research in Practice: New Approaches to Psychology and Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 166-81
* Antaki, Charles; Hanneke Houtkoop-Steenstra, Mark Rapley (2000) ‘“Brilliant. Next question…”: High-grade assessment sequences in the completion of interactional units’,
* Research on Language and Social Interaction33: 235-62
* Antaki, Charles; Andrew Jahoda (2010) ‘Psychotherapists’ practices in keeping a session ‘on-track’ in the face of clients’ “off-track” talk’, Communication & Medicine, 7/1: 11-21
* Antaki, Charles; Ivan Leudar Rebecca Barnes (2004) ‘Trouble in agreeing on a client’s problem in a cognitive-behavioural therapy session’, Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata, 4, 127-138
* Antaki, Charles, Chris Walton, W.M.L. Finlay (2007) ‘How proposing an activity to a person with an intellectual disability can imply a limited identity’, Discourse & Society 18: 393-410
* Antaki, Charles; Ray Wilkinson (2012) ‘Conversation analysis and the study of atypical populations’. In: Jack Sidnell, Tanya Stivers, eds. The Handbook of Conversation Analysis. Wiley-Blackwell: 533-50
* Anward, Jan (2003) ‘Own Words: On Achieving Normality through Paraphasias.’ In: Charles Goodwin, ed. Conversation and Brain Damage. New York: Oxford University Press: 189-210
* Ariss, Steven (2009) Asymmetrical knowledge claims in general practice consultations with frequently attending patients: Limitations and opportunities for patient participation’, Social Science and Medicine, 69:908-919.
* Arminen, Ilkka (1996) ‘On the moral and interactional relevancy of self-repairs for life stories of members of Alcoholics Anonymous’, Text 16: 449-80
* Arminen, Ilkka (1998) Therapeutic interaction: a study of mutual help in the meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. Helsinki: The Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies
* Arminen, Ilkka (1998) ‘Sharing experiences: doing therapy with the help of mutual references in meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous’,The Sociological Quarterly, 39, 3, 491-515.
* Arminen, Ilkka (2000) ‘On the context sensitivity of institutional interaction’,Discourse & Society 11: 435-58
* Arminen, Ilkka (2001) ‘Closing of Turns in the Meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous: Members’ Methods for Closing “Sharing Experiences”’, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 34: 211-51
* Arminen, Ilkka (2004) ‘Second stories: the salience of interpersonal communication for mutual help in Alcoholics Anonymous’, Journal of Pragmatics36: 319 -47
* Arminen, Ilkka (2005) Institutional Interaction: Studies of Talk at Work. Aldershot: Ashgate
* [Series: Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Series editors D.Francis and S.Hester]
* Arminen, Ilkka, Perälä, Riikka. (2002) ‘Multiprofessional team work in 12-step treatment’.Nordiska Alkohol Tidskrift 19: [English supplement] pp.18-32
* Ashmore, Malcolm, Katie MacMillan, Steven D.Brown (2004) ‘It’s a scream: professional hearing and tape fetishism’ , Journal of Pragmatics36:349 -74
* Atkinson, J. Maxwell (1978) Discovering suicide: studies in the social organization of sudden death. London: Macmillan
* Atkinson, Paul, Christian Heath, eds. (1981) Medical work: realities and routines. Farnborough: Gower
* Auer, Peter; Barbara Rönfeldt (2004) ‘Prolixity as adaptation: Prosody and turn-taking in German conversation with a fluent aphasic’. In E. Couper-Kuhlen, C. E. Ford, eds., Sound patterns in interaction: Cross-linguistic studies from conversation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 171 – 200
* Backhaus, Peter (2010) ‘Time to get up: Compliance-gaining in a Japanese eldercare facility’,
* Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 20:1. 69-89.
* Barnard, Rachel. A.; Madeline Cruice, Elisabeth D. Playford (2010) ‘Strategies used in the pursuit of achievability during goal setting in rehabilitation’, Qualitative Health Research, 20/2: 239-250
* Barnes, Scott E.(2011) ‘Claiming mutual stance: on the use of that’s right by a person with aphasia’, Research on Language & Social Interaction 44: 359-384
* Barnes, Scott (2014) ‘Managing intersubjectivity in aphasia’, Research on Language & Social Interaction, 47/2: 130–150
* Beach, Wayne (1995) ‘Preserving and constraining options: “Okays” and “official” priorities in medical interviews’. In: G. Morris, R. Cheneil, eds. Talk of the clinic. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum: 259-89
* Beach, Wayne A. (1996) Conversations about illness: family preoccupations with bulimia. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum
* Beach, Wayne A. (2001) ‘Stability and ambiguity: managing uncertain moments when updating news about Mom’s cancer’ Text 21: 221-50
* Beach, Wayne A. (2001) ‘Introduction: Diagnosing ‘Lay Diagnosis’ Text21: 13-8
* Beach, Wayne A. ed. (2001) ‘Lay diagnosis’. Special Issue in honour of The late Robert Hopper.Text 21 (1/2)
* Beach, Wayne. A. (2003) ‘Managing Optimism’. In: Phillip Glenn, Curtis D. LeBaron, Jenny Mandelbaum, eds. Studies in Language and Social Interaction: In honor of Robert Hopper. Mahweh, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum: 175-94
* Beach, Wayne A. (2009). A natural history of family cancer: interactional resources for managing illness. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
* Beach, Wayne A. (2012). ‘Patients’ efforts to justify wellness in a comprehensive cancer clinic’, Health Communication 28: 1-15.
* Beach, Wayne A., ed. (2012) Handbook of Patient-Provider Interactions: Raising and Responding to Concerns About Life, Illness, & Disease. New York: Hampton Press
* Beach, Wayne A. (2012). ‘Introduction: Raising and responding to concerns about life, illness, and disease’. In W.A. Beach, ed., Handbook of patient-provider interactions: Raising and responding to concerns about life, illness, and disease. New York: Hampton Press:1-20
* Beach, Wayne A., J. K. Anderson, (2003). ‘Communication and Cancer? Part I: The noticeable absence of interactional research. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 21/3: 1-23.
* Beach, Wayne A., J. K. Anderson, (2003). ‘Communication and Cancer? Part II: Conversation Analysis’. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 21/4: 1-22.
* Beach, Wayne A., Christie N. Dixson (2001) ‘Revealing moments: Formulating understandings of adverse experiences in a health appraisal interview’,Social Science & Medicine 52: 25-44
* Beach, Wayne A., & Dunning, D. G. (1982) ‘Pre-indexing and conversational organization’,
* Quarterly Journal of Speech, 68/2: 170-185
* Beach, Wayne A.; D.W. Easter,, J.S. Good, E. Pigeron (2005) ‘Disclosing and responding to cancer fears during oncology interviews’, Social Science & Medicine, 60/4: 893-910
* Beach, Wayne A, Curtis D. LeBaron (2002) ‘Body disclosures: Attending to personal problems and reported sexual abuse during a medical encounter’,Journal of Communication
* 52: 617-39
* Beach, Wayne A., Alane S. Lockwood, (2003) ‘Making the Case for airline compassion fares: the serial organization of problem narratives during a family crisis’, Research on Language & Social Interaction36: 351-94
* Beach, Wayne A.; Jenny Mandelbaum, J. (2005). ‘“My mom had a stroke”: Understanding how patients raise and providers respond to psychosocial concerns’. In L.H. Harter, P.M. Japp, C.M. Beck, eds., Constructing our health: The implications of narrative for enacting illness and wellness.Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum: 343-364
* Beck Nielsen, Søren (2012) ‘Patient initiated presentations of additional concerns’, Discourse Studies 14: 549-565
* Beckman, H. B.; R. M. Frankel, (1984) ‘The effect of physician behavior on the collection of data’,. Annals of Internal Medicine, 101: 692-696
* Beeke, Suzanne (2003) ‘“I suppose” as a resource for the construction of turns at talk in agrammatic aphasia’, Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 17/4-5: 291–298
* Beeke, Suzanne, Jane Maxim, Ray Wilkinson (2005). ‘Temporal events and reference in aphasia: A comparison of talking and test performance’. Brain and Language 95, 113-114.
* Beeke, Suzanne. Jane Maxim, Ray Wilkinson (2008). ‘Rethinking agrammatism: factors affecting the form of language elicited via clinical test procedures’.Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 22(4&5), 317-323
* Beeke, Suzanne, Jane E. Maxim, Ray Wilkinson (2007). ‘Using conversation analysis to assess and treat people with aphasia’,. Seminars in Speech and Language 28(2), 136-147.
* Beeke, Suzanne , Ray Wilkinson, Jane Maxim. (2001). ‘A case study of a non-fluent aphasic speaker: grammatical aspects of conversation and language testing data’. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie 10(4), 215-232
* Beeke, Suzanne , Ray Wilkinson, Jane Maxim. (2001). ‘Context as a resource for the construction of turns at talk in aphasia’. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 15(1), 79-83.
* Beeke, Suzanne , Ray Wilkinson, Jane Maxim (2002). ‘Interaction and grammar in aphasia: a comparison of conversation and language testing in a non-fluent speaker’. Brain and Language 83(1), 190-192
* Beeke, Suzanne, Ray Wilkinson, Jane Maxim (2003) ‘Exploring aphasic grammar 1: a single case analysis of conversation’, Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 17: 81-107
* Beeke, Suzanne, Ray Wilkinson, Jane Maxim (2003) ‘Exploring aphasic grammar 2: do language testing and conversation tell a similar story?’,Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 17: 109-34
* Beeke, Suzanne, Ray Wilkinson, Jane Maxim (2007). ‘Grammar without sentence structure: A conversation analytic investigation of agrammatism’,. Aphasiology21(3/4), 256-282.
* Beeke, Suzanne, Ray Wilkinson, Jane Maxim (2007). ‘Individual variation in agrammatism: a single case study of the influence of interaction’.International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 42(6), 629-647
* Beeke, Suzanne, Ray Wilkinson, Jane Maxim (2009). ‘Prosody as a compensatory strategy in the conversations of people with agrammatism’, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 23(2), 133-155
* Bekaert, Stefan (1996) ‘Olifant-transformatie in Zaïre: Een Sakata genezingsritueel etnomethodologisch bekeken’ [Elephant-transformation in Zaire: A Sakata healing ritual, ethnomethodologically considered], Medische Antropologie 8: 278-305
* Bercelli, Fabrizio, Federico Rossano and Maurizio Viaro (2008) ‘Clients’ responses to therapists’ re-interpretations’. In Anssi Peräkylä, Charles, Antaki, Sanna Vehviläinen, Ivan Leudar, eds. Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 43-61
* Bercelli, Fabrizio, Federico Rossano, Maurizio Viaro (2008) ‘Different place, different action: Clients’ personal narratives in psychotherapy’,Text & Talk 28/ 3: 283–305
* Bercelli, Fabrizio; Federico Rossano, Maurizio Viaro (2013) ‘Supra-session courses of action in psychotherapy’, Journal of Pragmatics 57 118-137
* Bergen, Clara; Tanya Stivers (2013) ‘Patient disclosure of medical misdeeds’, Journal of Health and Social Behavior 54/2: 221-240
* Bergmann, Jörg R. (1992) ‘Veiled morality: notes on discretion in psychiatry’. In: Drew, Paul, John Heritage, eds. Talk at work: interaction in institutional settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 137-62
* Bergmann, Jörg (2005) ‘Beratung und Therapie per Internet und Handy’, in: Psychotherapie und Sozialwissenschaft: Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung. (Psychosozial-Verlag), 7. Jahrgang, Heft 2/20
* Bloch,S., Ray Wilkinson, (2004). ‘The understandability of AAC: A conversation analysis study of acquired dysarthria’, Augmentative and Alternative Communication 20(4), 272-282.
* Bloch, Steven; Ray Wilkinson (2013) ‘The accomplishment of nonserious talk in severe speech disability: An examination of recipient uptake and delayed other-initiated repair’,
* Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders 4/1: 45-70
* Blum, Alan F. (1970) ‘The sociology of mental illness’. In: Jack D. Douglas, ed. Deviance and respectability: the social construction of moral meanings. New York: Basic Books: 31-60
* Bolden, Galina B. (2000) ‘Towards understanding practices of medical interpreting: Interpreters’ involvement in history taking’, Discourse Studies 2: 387-419
* Booth, Susan, Lisa Perkins (1999) ‘The use of conversation analysis to guide individualized advice to carers and evaluate change in aphasia: a case study’, Aphasiology 13: 283-303
* Boyd, Elizabeth, John Heritage (2006) ‘Taking the history: questioning during comprehensive history taking’. In: John Heritage, Douglas W. Maynard, eds. Communication in Medical Care: Interaction Between Primary Care Physicians and Patients. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 151-84
* Brewer, J.D., G. McBride, S. Yearley, (1991) ‘Orchestrating an Encounter: A note on the talk of mentally handicapped children’, Sociology of Health and Illness 13: 58-68
* Brouwer Catherine E. (2012) ‘Talking “cognition” in the audiology clinic*’. In: Gitte, Rasmussen, C.E. Brouwer, Dennis Day, eds., Evaluating Cognitive Competences in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 189 – 210
* Brouwer, Catherine; Dennis Day (2012) ‘WHO/ICF guidelines and compliance in a hearing aid consultation’. In Maria Egbert, Arnulf Deppermann, eds. Hearing aids communication: Integrating social interaction, audiology and user centered design to improve communication with hearing loss and hearing technologies. Mannheim: Verlag für Gesprächsforschung: 125-37
* Brouwer, Catherine; Day, Dennis; Ferm, Ulrika; Hougaard, Anders; Rasmussen, Gitte; Thunberg, Gunilla J. (2011) ‘Treating the actions of children as sensible: Investigating structures in interactions between children with disabilities and their parents’, Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders 2/2: 153-182
* Butler, Carly W., Susan Danby, Michael Emmison, Karen Thorpe (2009) ‘Managing medical advice seeking in calls to Child Health Line’, Sociology of Health & Illness, 31/6: 817-834 [reprinted in: Alison Pilnick, Jon Hindmarsh, Virginia Teas Gill, eds, (2010) Communication in healthcare settings: participation, policy and new technologies. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell: 31-47]
* Buttny, Richard (1993) Social accountability in communication. London: Sage
* Bysouth, Don (2013) ‘Conversation analysis and therapy’. In Carol A. Chapelle, ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell: 1111-1114
* Cahill, Patricia (2010) ‘Child Participation in their primary care consultations’.In: Hilary Gardner, Michael Forrester, eds. Analysing Interactions in Childhood: insights from conversation analysis. Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell 128-145
* Campion, Peter, M Langdon (2004) ‘Achieving multiple topic shifts in primary care medical consultations: A conversation analysis study in U.K. general practice’, Sociology of Health & Illness, 26: 81-101
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* Clark, Shannon J.; Pamela L. Hudak (2011) ‘When surgeons advise against surgery’, ,
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* Clarke, Michael T., Ray Wilkinson (2005). ‘The usability of AAC in conversation: A case study of interaction between a child using AAC and her classmate’. in: A. Pruski, H. Knops, ed.,Assistive Technology: From virtuality to reality. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 3-7.
* Clarke, Michael T., Ray Wilkinson (2007). ‘Interaction between Children with Cerebral Palsy and their Peers 1: Organising and Understanding VOCA use’.Augmentative and Alternative Communication 23(4), 336-348.
* Clarke, Michael T, Ray Wilkinson (2008). ‘Interaction between Children with Cerebral Palsy and their Peers 2: Understanding Initiated VOCA Mediated Turns’. Augmentative and Alternative Communication 24(1), 3-15
* Clarke, Michael; Ray Wilkinson (2009) ‘The collaborative construction of non-serious episodes of interaction by non-speaking children with cerebral palsy and their peers’, Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 23/8: 583-597
* Clarke, Michael, Ray Wilkinson (2010) ‘Speaker transfer in non-speaking children’s peer conversation: Time, timing and use of voice output communication aids’. In: Hilary Gardner, Michael Forrester, eds. Analysing Interactions in Childhood: insights from conversation analysis. Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell: 249-266
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* Collins, Sarah (2005) ‘Communicating for a clinical purpose: Strategy in interaction in healthcare consultations’, Communication & Medicine2; [Special issue ‘Professional theories and institutional interaction’]: 111-22
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* Davis, Kathy (1986) ‘The process of problem (re)formulation in psychotherapy’,Sociology of Health & Illness, 8/1: 44-74
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* Deppermann, Arnulf (2012) ‘Negotiating hearing problems in doctor-patient interaction: Practices and problems of accomplishing shared reality’. In Maria Egbert, Arnulf Deppermann, eds. Hearing aids communication: Integrating social interaction, audiology and user centered design to improve communication with hearing loss and hearing technologies.
* Mannheim: Verlag für Gesprächsforschung: 90-103
* Deppermann, Arnulf; Maria Egbert (2012) ‘Conclusions and future perspectives for application and innovation’. In Maria Egbert, Arnulf Deppermann, eds. Hearing aids communication: Integrating social interaction, audiology and user centered design to improve communication with hearing loss and hearing technologies. Mannheim: Verlag für Gesprächsforschung: 159-63
* Deppermann, Arnulf; Thomas Spranz-Fogasy (2011) ‘Doctors’ questions as displays of understanding’, Communication & Medicine, 8/2: 111-122
* Dickerson, Paul; Penny Stribling, John Rae (2007) ‘Tapping into interaction: How children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders design and place tapping in relation to activities in progress’, Gesture, 7, 271-303
* Dillon, Patrick J.(2011) ‘Moral accounts and membership categorization in primary care medical interviews’, Communication & Medicine, 8/3: 211-22
* DiMatteo, M.R., Jeffrey Robinson, John Heritage, M. Tabbarah, S. Fox (2003) ‘Correspondence among patients’ self-reports, chart records, and audio/videotapes of medical visits’. Health Communication, 15, 393-413
* Dobbinson , Sushie; Michael R. Perkins , Jill Boucher (1998) ‘Structural patterns in conversations with a woman who has autism: Studies in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis’, Journal of Communication Disorders , 31/ 2: 113 – 134
* Dobbinson , Sushie; Michael R. Perkins, Jill Boucher (2003) ‘The interactional significance of formulas in autistic language . Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics , 17/4-5: 299-307
* Drew, Paul (2001) ‘Spotlight on the patient’ Text 21: 261B268
* Drew, Paul (2003) ‘Comparative analysis of talk-in-interaction in different institutional settings: a sketch’. In: Phillip Glenn, Curtis D. LeBaron, Jenny Mandelbaum, eds. Studies in Language and Social Interaction: In honor of Robert Hopper. Mahweh, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum: 293-308
* Drew, Paul (2005) ‘Is confusion a state of mind?’. In: Hedwig te Molder, Jonathan Potter, eds.Conversation and Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 161-83
* Drew, Paul (2006) ‘Mis-alignments in ‘after-hours’ calls to a British GP’s practice: a study in telephone medicine’. In: John Heritage, Douglas W. Maynard, eds. Communication in Medical Care: Interaction Between Primary Care Physicians and Patients. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 416-44
* Drew, Paul, John Chatwin, Sarah Collins (2001) ‘Conversation analysis: a method for research into interactions between patients and health-care professionals’, Health Expectations 4:58-70
* Egbert, Maria; Arnulf Deppermann, eds. (2012) Hearing aids communication: Integrating social interaction, audiology and user centered design to improve communication with hearing loss and hearing technologies. Mannheim: Verlag für Gesprächsforschung. Free download: [http://www.verlag-gespraechsforschung.de/2012/egbert.html http://www.verlag-gespraechsforschung.de/2012/egbert.html]
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* Egbert, Maria; Ben Mathews (2012) ‘User Centered Design: From understanding hearing loss and hearing technologies towards understanding interaction’. In Maria Egbert, Arnulf Deppermann, eds. Hearing aids communication: Integrating social interaction, audiology and user centered design to improve communication with hearing loss and hearing technologies.
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* Ekberg, Katie; Amanda LeCouteur (2012) ‘Negotiating epistemics: Proposing behavioural change in an environment of epistemic asymmetry’, Communication & Medicine, 9/3: 229–239
* Engelke, Christopher R.; D. Jeffery Higginbotham (2013) ‘Looking to speak: On the temporality of misalignment in interaction involving an augmented communicator using eye-gaze technology’, Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders 4/1: 95-122
* Emmison, Michael; Alan Firth (2012) ‘Requesting and receiving advice on the telephone: A comparative analysis of some Australian-based helplines’. In: Limberg, Holger; Miriam A. Locher, eds., Advice in Discourse. Amsterdam: Benjamins: 213–232
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