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== Introduction ==
Check https://www.dropbox.com/s/nmkt6ktjcqa2ah2/RIS-bib.pdf?dl=0 for the last update (last planned update to Paul's website was the 1st October 2014).
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== Related Interaction Studies ==
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== Static Bibliography ==
The bibliography below collects studies which, while not belonging to the EM/CA tradition proper, are ‘related’ to it in one way or another to, or at least ‘interesting’ for conversation analysts. Included are Erving Goffman’s work, book and articles which provide commentaries on it, as well as selected studies in interactional sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, etc. The collection is far from ‘complete’, of course. I have now created a separate bibliography for Interactional Linguistics.
Aarsand, Pål André, Karin Aronsson (2009) ‘Response cries and other gaming moves - Building intersubjectivity in gaming’, Journal of Pragmatics 41/8: 1557-1575
Alvarez-Cáccamo, Celso, Hubert Knoblauch (1992) ‘“I was calling you”: Communicative patterns in leaving a message on an answering machine’,Text12: 473-505
Ashmore, M. K. MacMillan, S. Brown (2004) ‘It’s a Scream: Professional Hearing and Tape Fetishism’, Journal of Pragmatics 36: 349-74
Avital, Sharon; Jürgen Streeck (2011) ‘Terra incognita: social interaction among blind children’. In: Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds. Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Birdwhistell, Ray L. (1970) Kinesics and Context: Essays on Body Motion Communication. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
Blum, Alan, Peter McHugh (1971) ‘The social ascription of motives’,American Sociological Review 36
Brewer, J.D., G. McBride, S. Yearley (1991) ‘Orchestrating an Encounter: A note on the talk of mentally handicapped children’, Sociology of Health and Illness 13: 58-68
Brown, P., Stephen Levinson (1978) ‘Universals in language usage: politeness phenomena’. In: E.N. Goody, ed. Questions and politeness: strategies in social interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 56-289
Cavan, Sherri (1966) Liquor license: an ethnography of bar behavior. Chicago: Aldine
Coser, Rose Laub (1966) ‘Role distance, sociological ambivalence and traditional status systems’,
American Journal of Sociology 72: 173-87
Davis, Kathy (1988) Power under the microscope: toward a grounded theory of gender relations in medical encounters. Dordrecht/Providence, R.I.: Foris Publications
Davis, M.S, W.A. Gamson (1975) ‘Review symposium’, Contemporary Sociology4: 599-607
Dawe, A. (1973) ‘The underworld view of Erving Goffman’, British Journal of Sociology 24: 246-53
Denzin, Norman K., C.M. Keller (1981) ‘Frame Analysis reconsidered’,Contemporary Sociology
10: 52-60
Ditton, Jason, ed. (1980) The view from Goffman. London, Macmillan
Ditton, Jason, Wes W. Sharrock (1976) ‘Review symposium of Frame Analysis’,Sociology10: 329-34
Drew, Paul, Anthony Wootton, eds. (1988) Erving Goffman: exploring the interaction order. Cambridge: Polity Press
Duranti, Alessandro (1992) ‘Language and bodies in social space: Samoan ceremonial greetings’,
American Anthropologist 94/3: 657-691
Emerson, Joan (1970) ‘Behavior in private places: sustaining definitions of reality in gynecological examinations’. In: H.P. Dreitzel, ed. Recent sociology No. 2. New York: Macmillan: 73-97
Erickson, Frederick (1992) ‘Ethnographic microanalysis of interaction’. In Margaret D. LeCompte, Wendy L. Millroy, Judith Preissle, eds., The handbook of qualitative research in education. San Diego, CA: Academic Press: 201–26
Erickson, Frederick (2010) ‘The neglected listener: Issues of theory and practice in transcription from video in interaction analysis’. In: Jürgen Streeck, ed. New Adventures in Language and Interaction.Amsterdam: Benjamins: 243 – 256
Erickson, Frederick, Jeffrey Shultz (1982) The counselor as gatekeeper: social interaction in interviews. New York: Academic Press
Fine, Gary Alan, Daniel D. Martin (1995) ’Humor in ethnographic writing: sarcasm, satire, and irony as voices in Erving Goffman’s Asylums’. In J. Van Maanen, ed., Representation in ethnography. Thousand Oaks: Sage: 165-97
Fisher, Sue (1984) ‘Institutional authority and the structure of discourse’,Discourse Processes 7:
Fisher, Sue (1986) In the patient’s best interest: women and the politics of medical decisions. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press
Fisher, Sue (1991) ‘A discourse of the social: medical talk/power talk/oppositional talk?’.
Discourse & Society 2: 157-82
Fisher, Sue, Alexandra. Dundas Todd, eds. (1983) The Social Organization of Doctor-Patient Communication. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics
Fisher, Sue, Alexandra. Dundas Todd, eds. (1986) Discourse and institutional authority: medicine, education, and law. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex
Fisher, Sue, Alexandra. Dundas Todd (1986) ‘Friendly persuasion: negotiating decisions to use oral contraceptives’. In: Fisher, S., A.D. Todd, eds.:3-25
Goffman, Erving (1951) ‘Symbols of Class status’, British Journal of Sociology2:294-304
Goffman, Erving (1952) ‘On cooling the mark out: some aspects of adaptation to failure’,
Psychiatry 15: 451-63 (reprinted in: A.M. Rose, ed.Human behavior and social processes: an interactional approach. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962: 482-505)
Goffman, Erving (1957) ‘On some convergences of sociology and psychiatry: a sociologist’s view’, Psychiatry 20: 201-3
Goffman, Erving (1959) The presentation of self in everyday life.Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday
Goffman, Erving (1961 a) Asylums: essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday
Goffman, Erving (1961 b) Encounters: two studies in the sociology of interactions.Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill
Goffman, Erving (1963 a) Behavior in public places: notes on the social organization of gatherings. New York: Free Press
Goffman, Erving (1963 b) Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall
Goffman, Erving (1964) ‘The neglected situation’, American Anthropologist66, no. 6, part II (special issue): 133-6 (reprinted in: P.P. Giglioli, ed. Language and social context: selected readings. Harmondworth: Penguin: 61-6)
Goffman, Erving (1967) Interaction ritual: essays in face-to-face behavior. Garden City:
Goffman, Erving (1970) Strategic interaction. Oxford: Basil Blackwell (1969)
Goffman, Erving (1972) Relations in public: microstudies of the public order. Harmondsworth: Penguin (1971)
Goffman, Erving (1974) Frame analysis: an essay on the organization of experience.New York: Harper & Row
Goffman, Erving (1977) ‘The arrangement between the sexes’, Theory and society 4: 301-31
Goffman, Erving. 1978. ’Response Cries, Language 54: 787-815
Goffman, Erving (1979) Gender advertisements. London: Macmillan (1976)
Goffman, Erving (1981) Forms of talk. Oxford: Basil Blackwell
Goffman, Erving (1981) ‘A reply to Denzin and Keller’, Contemporary Sociology 10: 60-8
Goffman, Erving (1983) ‘Felicity’s condition’, American Journal of Sociology 89: 1-53
Goffman, Erving (1983) ‘The interaction order’, American Sociological Review 48: 1-17
Goffman, Erving (1989) ‘On fieldwork’ (transcribed and edited by Lyn H. Lofland), Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 18: 123-32
Gonos, G. (1977) ‘“Situation” versus “Frame”: the “Interactionist” and the “Structuralist” analysis of everyday life’, American Sociological Review 42: 854-67
Hannerz, Ulf (1980) ‘The city as theater: tales of Goffman’. In his:Exploring the city: inquiries toward an urban anthropology. New York: Columbia University Press: 202-241
Haviland.John B. (2011) ‘Musical spaces’. In: Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds. Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hettlage, R., K. Lenz, hrsg. (1991) Erving Goffman - ein soziologischer Klassiker des zweiten Generation. Bern/Stuttgart: Haupt/UTB
Hutchins, Edwin; Saeko Nomura (2011) ‘Collaborative construction of multimodal utterances’. In: Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds. Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hymes, Dell (1984) ‘On Erving Goffman’, Theory and Society 13: 621-31
Jameson, F. (1976) ‘On Goffman’s Frame Analysis’, Theory and Society3: 119-33
Joseph, Isaac, et al (1989) Le parler frais d’Erving Goffman. Paris: Éditions de Minuit
Keating, Elizabeth; Chiho Sunakawa (2011) ‘“A full inspiration tray”: multimodality across real and virtual spaces’. In: Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds. Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Kendon, Adam (1977). Studies in the behavior of face-to-face interaction. Lisse: The Peter De Ridder Press
Kendon, Adam (1980). ‘Gesticulation and speech: Two aspects of the process of utterance’. In M. R. Key, ed., The relation between verbal and nonverbal communication, The Hague: Mouton: 207–27
Kendon, Adam (1990) Conducting interaction: patterns of behaviour in focussed interaction. Cambridge University Press
Kendon, Adam (2004). Gesture: Visible action as utterance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
LeBaron, Curtis (2005) ‘Considering the social and material surround: Toward microethnographic understandings of nonverbal behavior’. In V. Manusov, ed.,The sourcebook of nonverbal behavior. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum:.493-506
LeBaron, Curtis (2006). ‘Cultural identity among Mormons: A microethnographic study of Family Home Evening’. In W. Leeds-Hurwitz, ed., From generation togeneration: Maintaining cultural identity over time. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press: 49-74.
LeBaron, Curtus, S. Jones (2002) ‘Closing up closings: Showing the relevance of the social and material surround to the completion of an interaction’.Journal of Communication, 53: 542-65
LeBaron, Curtis D., Timothy Koschmann (2002) ‘Gesture and the transparency of understanding’. In: Phillip Glenn, LeBaron, Jenny Mandelbaum, eds. Studies in Language and Social Interaction: In honor of Robert Hopper. Mahweh, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum: 119-32
LeBaron, Curtis, Jenny Mandelbaum, Phillip Glenn (2003). ‘An overview of language and social interaction research’. In Phillip Glenn, Curtis LeBaron, Jenny Mandelbaum, eds. Studies in language and social interaction. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum:1-39
LeBaron, Curtis D., Jürgen Streeck (1997) ‘Built space and the interactional framing of experience during a murder interrogation’, Human Studies 20: 1-25.
LeBaron, Curtis, Jürgen Streeck, (2000). Gesture, knowledge, and the world. In McNeill, D.
(Ed.), Language and gesture. Cambridge: University Press.
LeBaron, Curtis, Jürgen Streeck,(2002). Gesture and human understanding. In S. Kita & S. Hiro (Eds.), Action, Gesture, and Meaning (pp. 183-209). Japan: Kyoritu.
Lofland, John (1984) ‘Goffman’s sociological legacies’, Urban Life13: 7-34
Lofland, Lyn H. (1973) A world of strangers: order and action in urban public space. New York: Basic Books
Lofland, Lyn H. (1989) ‘Social life in the public domain: a review’,Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 17: 453-82
Luckmann, Th. (1985) ‘On Goffman’s last work’, Semiotica 53:175-8
Lyman, S.M, M.B. Scott (1970 A sociology of the absurd. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts
Manning, Philip (1992) Erving Goffman and modern sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press
Manning, PeterK. (1976) ‘The decline of civility: a comment on Erving Goffman’s sociology’,
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology13: 13-25
Messinger, S.E., H. Sampson, R.D. Towne (1962) ‘Life as theater: some notes on the dramaturgic approach to social reality’, Sociometry25:98-110
Mirivel, Julien C. (2011) ‘Embodied arguments: verbal claims and bodily evidence’. In: Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds.Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Mishler, E.G. (1984) The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Interviews.Norwood, N.J.: Ablex
Murphy, Keith M. (2011) ‘Building stories: the embodied narration of what might come to pass’. In: Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds. Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Oromaner, M. (1980) ‘Erving Goffman and the academic community’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 10: 287-91
O’Reilly, Michelle (2006) ‘Should children be seen and not heard? An examination of how children’s interruptions are treated in family therapy.’Discourse Studies 8: 549-66
Paget, M.A. (1983) ‘On the work of talk: studies in misunderstanding’. In: Sue Fisher, Alexandra. Dundas Todd, eds. The Social Organization of Doctor-Patient Communication. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics: 55-74
Phillabaum, Scott (2011) ‘Facilitating tool use in the photography studio through language, gesture, and the act of comparison’. In: Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds.
Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Psathas, G., F.C. Waksler (1973) ’Essential features of face-to-face interaction’. In: G. Psathas, ed. Phenomenological sociology: issues and applications. New York: Wiley: 159-86
Schmitt, Reinhold, ed. Koordination: Studien zur multimodalen Interaction. Tübingen: Gunther Narr Verlag
Schwartz, Howard, Jerry Jacobs (1979) Qualitative sociology: a method to the madness. New York: Free Press
Scheflen, Albert E. (1972) Body language and social order: Communications as behavioral control. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall
Schiffrin, Deborah (1977) ‘Opening encounters’, American Sociological Review 42/5: 679-691
Silverman, David (1987) Communication and medical practice: social relations in the clinic. London: Sage
Smith, G.W.H., ed., Goffman and Social Organization. London: Routledge
Strong, Philip (1983) ’The importance of being Erving: Erving Goffman 1922-1982’,Sociology of Health and Illness 5:345-55
Strong, Philip M. (1979) The ceremonial order of the clinic: parents, doctors and medical bureaucracies. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
Streeck, Jürgen (1983) Social order in child communication. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins
Streeck, Jürgen (1984) ‘Embodied contexts, transcontextuals and the timing of speech acts’,
Journal of Pragmatics 8:113–37
Streeck, Jürgen (1988) ‘The significance of gesture: How it is established’, Papers in Pragmatics
Streeck, Jürgen (1991) ’Sprachanalyse als empirische Geisteswissenschaft. Von der “philosophy of mind” zur “kognitiven Linguistik”. In: U.Flick, L.v.Rosenstiel, S.Wolff, hrsg. Handbuch Qualitative Sozialforschung. München: Psychologie Verlags
Streeck, Jürgen (1992) ‘The Dispreferred Other’. In: J.Nuyts, J.Verschueren, eds., (On) Searle on Conversation. Amsterdam: Benjamins: 129-36
Streeck, Jürgen (1993). ‘Gesture as communication I: Its coordination with gazes and speech. .’
Communication monographs 60: 275-299
Streeck, Jürgen (1994) ’Gesture as communication II: The audience as co-author’. Research on Language and Social Interaction 27 (3), (Special Issue: Is Gesture Communicative? Ed. by A.Kendon): 239-267.
Streeck, Jürgen (1995) ‘On Projection’. In: E. Goody, ed., Interaction and Social Intelligence
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995: 84-110
Streeck, Jürgen (1996a) ‘A little Ilokano grammar as it appears in interaction’.Journal of Pragmatics 26, 189-213
Streeck, Jürgen (1996b) ‘How to do things with things: Objects trouvés and symbolization’,Human Studies 19: 365-84
Streeck, Jürgen (1997) ‘Language on the move’. In A. Chu, A-M. P. Guerra, C. Tetreault, Eds.,
Salsa No.4. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium About Language and Society-Austin. Austin TX: Department of Linguistics, The University of Texas. (pp.123-131
Streeck, Jürgen (2002) ‘A body and its gestures’, Gesture2/1:19-44
Streeck, Jürgen.(2008) ‘Gesture in political communication: a case study of the democratic presidential candidates during the 2004 primary’,Research on Language & Social Interaction
41/2: 154-186
Streeck, Jürgen (2009) Gesturecraft: The manu-facture of meaning. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_bookview.cgi?bookid=GS%202 http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_bookview.cgi?bookid=GS%202]
Streeck, Jürgen (2009) ‘Forward-gesturing’, Discourse Processes 46, 161-179
Streeck, Jürgen (2011) ‘The changing meanings of things: found objects and inscriptions in social interaction’. In: Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds. Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Streeck, Jürgen (2011) ‘Interaction order and anxiety disorder: A “Batesonian” heuristic of speaking patterns during psychotherapy’,Communication & Medicine, 8/3: 261-272
Streeck, Jürgen; Charles Goodwin and Curtis LeBaron (2011) ‘Embodied interaction in the material world: an introduction’. In: Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds. Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Streeck, Jürgen; Charles Goodwin, Curtis LeBaron, eds. (2011) Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [Series: Learning in
Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives]
Streeck, Jürgen, U. Hartge (1992) ‘Previews: Gestures at the Transition Place’. In: P.Auer & A.di Luzio, eds., The Contextualization of Language. Amsterdam: Benjamins: 135-58
Streeck, Jürgen; Werner Kallmeyer (2001) ‘Interaction by inscription’, Journal of Pragmatics 33: 465-490
Streeck, Jürgen, M. L.Knapp (1992) ’The Relationship between Visual and Verbal Features in Human Communication. In: F. Poyatos ed., Advances in Nonverbal Communication. Amsterdam: Benjamins: 3-24
Streeck, Jürgen, S. Mehus (2005) ‘Microethnography: The study of practices’. In K. L. Fitch & R. E. Sanders (Eds.), Handbook of language and social interaction. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum: 381-404
Todd, Alexandra Dundas (1984) ‘The prescription of contraception: Negotiations between doctors and patients’, Discourse Processes 7: 171-200
Todd, A. Dundas (1989) Intimate adversaries: cultural conflict between doctors and women patients. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
Verhoeven, Jef (1985) ’Erving Goffman’s Frame Analysis in relation to modern micro-sociological paradigms’. In: S.N. Eisenstadt, H.J. Helle, eds. Microsociological Theory. London: Sage
Waxler, F.C. ed. (1989) ‘Erving Goffman’s sociology’ (Special Issue),Human Studies12: 1-181
Wedel, J.M. (1978) ‘Ladies, we’ve been framed! Observations on Erving Goffman’s “The arrangement between the sexes”’, Theory and Society5:113-25
Williams, R., R. Watson, Y. Winkin, P. Bourdieu, J. Phillips (1983) ‘Erving Goffman: an appreciation’ (and subtitles), Theory, Culture and Society 2:99-116
Wissicombe, Sue, Robin Wooffitt (1995) The language of youth subcultures: social identity in action. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf
Wooffitt, Robin (1993) ‘Analysing accounts’. In: Gilbert, N., ed. Researching social life. London: Sage: 287-305

Latest revision as of 12:06, 3 October 2014

Check https://www.dropbox.com/s/nmkt6ktjcqa2ah2/RIS-bib.pdf?dl=0 for the last update (last planned update to Paul's website was the 1st October 2014).

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