Conversation Analysis and Conversational Technologies Special Issue Launch 2024

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Type Other
Categories (tags) Uncategorized
Dates 2024/11/29 - 2024/11/29
Link waSJCr5czY#/registration
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Abstract due
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Tweet A special issue on "Conversation analysis and conversational technologies: Finding the common ground between academia and industry" is online. Join authors and editors for an online launch, Friday 29th Nov 13:00-17:00 GMT
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Conversation Analysis and Conversational Technologies Special Issue Launch 2024:


A Special Issue of Discourse and Communication on "Conversation analysis and conversational technologies: Finding the common ground between academia and industry" is now online: ( You can hear all the authors talk about their research and responses, and ask questions, in an online SI launch webinar:

🗓️ Friday November 29th 2024, 13.00-17.00 (GMT)

🔗 Register free: