Textuality and interaction: the collaborative production of news stories
by Christian Heath, Paul Luff, Gillian Nicholls, Dirk vom Lehn
Christian Heath, Paul Luff, Gillian Nicholls, Dirk vom Lehn, (2000), "Textuality and interaction: the collaborative production of news stories", Intellectica, no. 30, pp. 151–175.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Christian Heath, Paul Luff, Gillian Nicholls and Dirk vom Lehn", 
  doi = "10.3406/intel.2000.1596", 
  keywords = "EMCA, News, Textuality, Collaborative Production", 
  journal = "Intellectica", 
  number = "30", 
  pages = "151–175", 
  title = "Textuality and interaction: the collaborative production of news stories", 
  url = "http://intellectica.org/SiteArchives/archives/n30/30_05_Heath.pdf", 
  year = "2000", 