Repeating a question near-identically may cast the answerer as intellectually impaired
by Charles Antaki
Charles Antaki, (2014), "Repeating a question near-identically may cast the answerer as intellectually impaired", In Identités en interaction (Luca Greco, Lorenza Mondada, Patrick Renaud, eds.), Limoges, Lambert Lucas, pp. 181–192.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Limoges", 
  author = "Charles Antaki", 
  booktitle = "Identités en interaction", 
  chapter = "8", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Membership Categorization", 
  editor = "Luca Greco, Lorenza Mondada and Patrick Renaud", 
  pages = "181–192", 
  publisher = "Lambert Lucas", 
  title = "Repeating a question near-identically may cast the answerer as intellectually impaired", 
  year = "2014", 