Search: Membership Categorization
[334]Luyao Xiao, Richard Fitzgerald, Todd Sandel, Younhee Kim, Raquel Abi-Sâmara, Ricardo Moutinho, (2024), "On Algorithmic Time and Daily Contingencies in the Lived Work of Food Delivery Service", Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[333]Nadja Tadic, (2024), "Preference organization and possible -isms in institutional interaction: The case of adult second language classrooms", Language in Society, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 211–237. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[332]Daniella Rafaely, (2024), "Self-categorization: a resource for the management of experiential entitlement in talk about child death", Text & Talk, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 249-269. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[331]Ryo Okazawa, (2024), "Fictional characterization through repair, membership categorization, and attribute ascription", Text & Talk. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[330]Florian Muhle, (2024), "Robots as addressable non-persons: an analysis of categorial work at the boundaries of the social world", Frontiers in Sociology, vol. 9, pp. 1260823. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[329]Younhee Kim, Richard Fitzgerald, (2024), "Occasioned Semantics and Membership Categorisation Analysis: Fields of meaning, categorial consistency and omni-relevance", Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 226, no. June 2024, pp. 17-30. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[328]Tianhao Zhang, Ryo Okazawa, (2023), "Managing neutrality, rapport, and antiracism in qualitative interviews", Qualitative Research, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 1689-1713. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[327]Kevin W. H. Tai, David Wei Dai, (2023), "Observing a teacher’s interactional competence in an ESOL classroom: a translanguaging perspective", Applied Linguistics Review. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[326]Tianhao Zhang, (2023), "Contesting Reports of Racism, Contesting the Rights to Assess", Social Psychology Quarterly. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[325]Natasha Shrikant, Rahul Sambaraju, (2023), "Membership categorization analysis, race, and racism", Qualitative Research in Psychology. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[324]Hanna Rautajoki, (2023), "Actualizing societal membership in imaginary interaction: The “real construction of society” in the opening of current affairs TV discussion", Frontiers in Sociology, vol. 8, pp. 1228498. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[323]Federica Previtali, Pirjo Nikander, Johanna Ruusuvuori, (2023), "Ageism in job interviews: Discreet ways of building co-membership through age categorisation", Discourse Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 25-50. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[322]Zhiyi Liu, (2023), "An adult daughter's identity construction: Membership categorization analysis of daily Chinese-Australian family talk", Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 207, no. April 2023, pp. 1-16. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[321]Ken Kawamura, Ryo Okazawa, (2023), "Reading What is Not There: Ethnomethodological Analysis of the Membership Category, Action, and Reason in Novels and Short Stories", Human Studies, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 117–135. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[320]Rachel Heinrichsmeier, (2023), "Enacted category claims and tacit orientations to older identities in the telling of a sexually-explicit anecdote", Text & Talk, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 137–157. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[319]Stephen Fox, Amie Ramanath, Elaine Swan, (2023), "You people: Membership categorization and situated interactional othering in BigBank", Gender, Work & Organization, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 574–595. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[318]Emily Foster, Laura Kilby, (2023), "“Speaking as a mother”: A membership categorisation analysis of child-centric talk in a UK daytime television talk show", Feminism & Psychology. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[317]David Wei Dai, Michael Davey, (2023), "On the Promise of Using Membership Categorization Analysis to Investigate Interactional Competence", Applied Linguistics. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[316]Krisda Chaemsaithong, (2023), "Membership categorization devices in courtroom opening and closing speeches", Social Semiotics. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[315]Tianhao Zhang, (2022), "Accounting for discrimination through categorization work: An examination of the target-of-discrimination group members' practices", Discourse & Society, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 264-286. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[314]Kevin A. Whitehead, Gene H. Lerner, (2022), "When simple self-reference is too simple: Managing the categorical relevance of speaker self-presentation", Language in Society, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 403–426. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[313]Wyke Stommel, Ilona Plug, Tim olde Hartman, Sandra van Dulmen, Enny Das, (2022), "Gender stereotyping in medical interaction: A Membership Categorization Analysis", Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 105, no. 11, pp. 3242-3248. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[312]Ryo Okazawa, Ken Kawamura, (2022), "The Visual and Conversational Order of Membership Categories in Fictional Films", Human Studies, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 551-576. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[311]Ryo Okazawa, (2022), "Membership categorization, humor, and moral order in sitcom interactions", Discourse, Context & Media, vol. 46, pp. eid: 100593. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[310]Ricardo Moutinho, Andrew P. Carlin, Joanna Marques, (2022), "Visually informed accounts: Instructed achievements during planetarium visits and sky observations", Visual Communication. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[309]Jari Martikainen, (2022), "Membership categorization analysis as means of studying person perception", Qualitative Research in Psychology, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 703–721. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[308]Satomi Kuroshima, Blagoja Dimoski, Tricia Okada, Yuri Jody Yujobo, Rasami Chaikul, (2022), "Navigating Boundaries through Knowledge: Intercultural Phenomena in ELF Interactions", Englishes in Practice, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 82-106. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[307]Maxi Kupetz, (2022), "Invoking Personal Experience and Membership Categories: Syrian Students’ Tellings in Focus Groups", In Storytelling Practices in Home and Educational Contexts: Perspectives from Conversation Analysis (Anna Filipi, Binh Thanh Ta, Maryanne Theobald, eds.), Singapore, Springer, pp. 225-252. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[306]Jack B. Joyce, (2022), "Resistance in public disputes: Third-turn blocking to suspend progressivity", Discourse Studies, SAGE Publications Inc., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 231-248. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[305]Elle Felicity Henderson, (2022), "‘So, it’s not necessarily about exclusion’: Category use in naturally occurring transphobic talk", Journal of Language and Discrimination, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 213–240. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[304]Linda Walz, (2021), "“It’s time to shift this blog a bit”: Categorial Negotiation as a Local and Cumulative Accomplishment", In Analysing Digital Interaction (Joanne Meredith, David Giles, Wyke Stommel, eds.), Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 65–86. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[303]Dorien Van De Mieroop, Melina De Dijn, (2021), "A multimodal analysis of foreign national origin membership categories in Belgian blue collar job interviews with first generation immigrants", Language and Intercultural Communication, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 237-259. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[302]Emma Tennent, (2021), "‘I’m calling in regard to my son’: Entitlement, obligation, and opportunity to seek help for others", British Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 870–887. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[301]Ryo Okazawa, (2021), "Resisting categorization in interaction: Membership categorization analysis of sitcom humor", Journal of Pragmatics, Elsevier Ltd, vol. 186, pp. 33–44. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[300]Aug Nishizaka, (2021), "Partitioning a population in agreement and disagreement", Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 172, pp. 225-238. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[299]Eric Laurier, Ria Ann Dunkley, Thomas Aneurin Smith, Stuart Reeves, (2021), "Crossing with care: Bogs, streams and assistive mobilities as family praxis in the countryside", Gesprächsforschung - Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion, vol. 2021, no. 22, pp. 544-568. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf]
[298]Rachel Heinrichsmeier, (2021), "‘I am put on quite a bit’: Recurrent complaining and the ambivalences of multigenerational near‐co‐residence", Journal of Sociolinguistics, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 557–577. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[297]Francesca Arielle Williamson, (2020), "Using Applied Conversation Analysis and Membership Categorization Analysis to Study STEM Graduate Student Teaching Development", PhD thesis, Purdue University. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf]
[296]Linda Walz, Richard Fitzgerald, (2020), "A stranger in a foreign land: Identity transition in blogs about transnational relocation", Discourse, Context & Media, vol. 36, pp. eid: 100413. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[295]František Tůma, Michaela Píšová, Monika Černá, (2020), "Eroding Trust in Teacher Professionalism: An Ethnomethodological Analysis of Radio Interviews with Czech Experts on Education", Studia paedagogica, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 47-69. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[294]Nataliya Thell, (2020), "Childhood‐Grounded Explanations for Personal Troubles: Social Problems Work in Radio Counseling", Symbolic Interaction, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 257–283. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[293]Katherine Frances McLay, Peter David Renshaw, (2020), "Making ‘us’ visible: Using membership categorisation analysis to explore young people's accomplishment of collective identity‐in‐interaction in relation to digital technology", British Educational Research Journal, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 44–57. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[292]Virpi Ylanne, Pirjo Nikander, (2019), "Being an ‘older parent’: Chrononormativity and practices of stage of life categorisation", Text & Talk, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 465–488. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[291]Pomme van de Weerd, (2019), "“Those foreigners ruin everything here”: Interactional functions of ethnic labelling among pupils in the Netherlands", Journal of Sociolinguistics, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 244-262. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[290]Denise Tanner, (2019), "Opening communicative space: what do co-researchers contribute?", Qualitative Research, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 292-310. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[289]Victoria Surtees, (2019), "“As a friend, that’s the one thing I always am very conscious not to do”: Categorization practices in interviews with peers in the host community", Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 45-69. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[288]Kathryn Roulston, ed., (2019), "Interactional Studies of Qualitative Research Interviews", Amsterdam / Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf]
[287]Kärkkäinen Riitta, Kinni Riitta-Liisa, Saaranen Terhi, Räsänen Kimmo, (2019), "Supervisors managing sickness absence and supporting return to work of employees with burnout: a membership categorization analysis", Cogent Psychology, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. Article 1551472. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[286]Chase Wesley Raymond, (2019), "Category accounts: Identity and normativity in sequences of action", Language in Society, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 585-606. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[285]Ricardo Moutinho, (2019), "The dynamic layering of relational pairs in L2 classrooms: The inextricable relationship between sequential and categorial analysis", Pragmatics, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 571–594. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[284]Josephine Lee, (2019), "Methodological applications of Membership Categorization Analysis for social class research", Applied Linguistics, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 532–554. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[283]Tom Karlsson, (2019), "Public administration in transition: Studying understandings and legitimations amongst middle managers within a government agency", Journal of Language and Politics, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 107–130. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[282]Mônica Chaves, Adriana Braga, (2019), "The agenda of disinformation: “fake news” and membership categorization analysis in the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections", Brazilian Journalism Research, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 474–495. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[281]Kevin A. Whitehead, Kim Baldry, (2018), "Omni-relevant and contingent membership categories in research interview and focus group openings", Qualitative Research, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 135-152. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[280]Marion West, (2018), "Script proposals in undergraduate supervision", Hacettepe University Journal of Education, no. 33, pp. 179–196. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[279]Linda Walz, (2018), "The Linguistic Construction of Identity in Transnational Relocation Narratives: Examining Discursive Practices in Expatriate Blogs", PhD thesis, University of Leeds. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf]
[278]Eunseok Ro, (2018), "Understanding reading motivation from EAP students’ categorical work in a focus group", TESOL Quarterly, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 772–797. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[277]Justin Paulsen, (2018), "Membership categorization analysis as an important qualitative method in evaluation", Evaluation and Program Planning, vol. 67, pp. 138-145. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[276]Sangki Kim, (2018), "Development of discursive practices for the intelligibility of Thai English in interaction: Sequence and categories as contextual resources", System, vol. 72, pp. 164-177. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[275]Jing Huang, (2018), "Second Generation Internal Immigrants' Bilingual Practices and Identity Construction in Guangzhou, China", PhD thesis, Lancaster University. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf]
[274]Rachel Heinrichsmeier, (2018), "Tired, but not (only) because of age: An interactional sociolinguistic study of participants' variable stances towards older-age categorial explanations in everyday hair-salon talk", Journal of Aging Studies, vol. 46, pp. 45–57. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[273]Jess Harris, (2018), "Speaking the culture: Understanding the micro-level production of school culture through leaders' talk", Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 323-334. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[272]Dennis Day, Elisabeth Dalby Kristiansen, (2018), "Demonstrating and claiming competence in language: Doing being better or worse than others", Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 126, pp. 90–105. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[271]Jakob Cromdal, Susan Danby, Michael Emmison, Karin Osvaldsson, Charlotte Cobb-Moore, (2018), "“Basically it's the usual whole teen girl thing”: stage-of-life categories on a children and young people's helpline", Symbolic Interaction, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 25-44. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[270]Louise Tranekjær, (2017), "Laughables as a resource for foregrounding shared knowledge and shared identities in intercultural interactions in Scandinavia", In Identity Struggles: Evidence from workplaces around the world (Dorien Van De Mieroop, Stephanie Schnurr, eds.), Amsterdam / Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing, pp. 185–206. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[269]Elizabeth Stokoe, Rein Ove Sikveland, Bogdana Huma, (2017), "Entering the customer's domestic domain: Categorial systematics and the identification of ‘parties to a sale’", Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 118, pp. 64–80. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
[268]Jessica S Robles, Anastacia Kurylo, (2017), "‘Let’s have the men clean up’: Interpersonally communicated stereotypes as a resource for resisting gender-role prescribed activities", Discourse Studies, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 673-693. [bibtex] [edit] [pdf] [doi]
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