“Ask me no questions”: An analysis of queries and replies in physician-patient dialogues
by Candace West
Candace West, (1983), "“Ask me no questions”: An analysis of queries and replies in physician-patient dialogues", In The Social Organization of Doctor-Patient Communication (Alexandra Dundas Todd, Sue Fisher, eds.), Washington, D.C., Center for Applied Linguistics, pp. 75–106.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Washington, D.C.", 
  author = "Candace West", 
  booktitle = "The Social Organization of Doctor-Patient Communication", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Medical EMCA, Questions", 
  editor = "Alexandra Dundas Todd and Sue Fisher", 
  pages = "75–106", 
  publisher = "Center for Applied Linguistics", 
  title = "“Ask me no questions”: An analysis of queries and replies in physician-patient dialogues", 
  year = "1983", 