Some features of the elicitation of confessions in murder interrogations
by D.R. Watson
D.R. Watson, (1990), "Some features of the elicitation of confessions in murder interrogations", In Interaction Competence (George Psathas, ed.), Washington D.C., University Press of America, pp. 263-296.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Washington D.C.", 
  author = "D.R. Watson", 
  booktitle = "Interaction Competence", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Police-Suspect Interview, Confessions", 
  editor = "George Psathas", 
  pages = "263-296", 
  publisher = "University Press of America", 
  title = "Some features of the elicitation of confessions in murder interrogations", 
  year = "1990", 