Some conceptual issues in the social identification of victims and offenders
by D. Rodney Watson
D. Rodney Watson, (1976), "Some conceptual issues in the social identification of victims and offenders", In Victims and Society (Emilio C. Viano, ed.), Washington, D.C., Visage, pp. 60–71.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Washington, D.C.", 
  author = "D. Rodney Watson", 
  booktitle = "Victims and Society", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Victims", 
  editor = "Emilio C. Viano", 
  pages = "60–71", 
  publisher = "Visage", 
  title = "Some conceptual issues in the social identification of victims and offenders", 
  year = "1976", 