by Elizabeth Stokoe, Geoffrey Raymond, Kevin A. Whitehead
Elizabeth Stokoe, Geoffrey Raymond, Kevin A. Whitehead, (2025), "Categories in Social Interaction: Unlocking the Resources of Conversation Analysis and Membership Categorization for Psychological Science", Annual Review of Psychology, vol. 76, pp. 531-557.
Bibtex Entry:
author = "Elizabeth Stokoe, Geoffrey Raymond and Kevin A. Whitehead",
doi = "10.1146/annurev-psych-020124-023147",
keywords = "EMCA, Conversation analysis, Membership categorizaction, Research methods, Categories, Discursive psychology",
journal = "Annual Review of Psychology",
pages = "531-557",
title = "Categories in Social Interaction: Unlocking the Resources of Conversation Analysis and Membership Categorization for Psychological Science",
url = "",
volume = "76",
year = "2025",